Well-Known Member
Aren't they keeping doctors for Corona separate? Like, a person who is treating cancer patients would be unlikely to also be caring for Corona patients, I would think. My understanding, at least here, is that they are making teams for different medical issues and there's a specific team for Corona cases and it's more isolated from the rest of the hospital. I have to go in for bloodtesting next week for diabetis. I HOPE they aren't using the same doctors/ facilities for suspected corona virus and other more routine issues. If they aren't keeping them separate, then I think we know why the cases are skyrocketing in places!The chemo itself doesn't worry me. Been there, done that, know what to expect. It's this virus thing that's really frightening for me. I have to have bloodwrk from one person, an exam from another, then my infusion by another. I know how careful they are there, but it still worries me.