Where in the World Isn't Bob Saget?


Well-Known Member
I am wearing a 20-year old, tatty XL sweatshirt right now, because it’s the warmest thing in my closet!
And socks! :eek:

It ain’t pretty, but it’ll do. We’re headed out to my BIL’s place in the country, where you can always see your breath in January, irrespective of this record breaking cold snap. Brrrr.
Stay warm!! As far as your feet, my trick is blowdrying my feet when I get home...warms them faster. If my feet are cold, I feel colder, so the blow dryer is my best friend in the winter. How long will you be at the BIL's?


Well-Known Member
Our spring break is the last week in March. Not sure what that is for day, but it's too long.
You get a whole week? When I was in school, we got Good Friday and the Monday after Easter and that's what they called our "spring break". My kids get a week in Feb. and 2 weeks in April/May.


Well-Known Member
As I posted in the Chit Chat thread:

Southern Winter.. The temperature is expected to get down to 19 degrees tonight with clear skies and no forecast of rain or snow. So... they have already called for a two hour delay in starting school tomorrow anticipating that they will have problems starting the buses. There is no end to the humor available to us yankees down here.

Something is not adding up here or I was lied too about that as well. But, my recollections with my wife's education was that the there were only 11 years of formal education previous to college. I never count anything before 1st grade in any of this from either side... Grade 1 through 12 in the states and 1 through 11 in Canada. Now if there was a Junior College previous to University that might add on, but, if I recall anything after grade 11 was totally selective. (if that is what JK is. It's not ringing a bell with me.) This is not an argument, just a explaination of what I was led to believe was the system.
Well, technically, in the Netherlands, kids are only really required to do 11 years of education, and yet they rank way above the US internationally. (I know, you were just joking...I'm just explaining the system. I don't know where Canada ranks) We start kindergarten at 4 (year 1), but it's not required by law until 5(year 2 of kindergarten). Then we go through to grade 6(year 8) and then have between 4 and 6 years, depending on your cognitive level. MOST kids end up doing MAVO, which is 4 years and then they are done. HAVO is a bit higher level and is 5 years. VWO is advanced and is 6 years. But, for example, my son's birthday is in December, so he barely made the cut off...he started at 4, but didn't have to 2 full kindergarten years. So he was in 1st grade at 5. If he were to do MAVO, he would start when he's 11 and be a senior at 15. He won't be a MAVO kid, but if he WERE, he'd only have done 11 years of school. MAVO is about the equivalent of a standard high school in the US. VWO is like...AP classes. It's for kids who want to go on to University, which is only for high level jobs like Doctor, Lawyer, Engineer. So only the advanced kids end up doing 13 years of school before University, and College is not on the same level as University.


Well-Known Member
When I went to school, it was K - 13, which equals 14 years. Now, it’s JK - 12, with many students taking a “Victory Lap” to either continue with sports, improve grades and/or mature another year before moving away, so that now equals 14 or 15 years of full time education.

JK - is full time Kindergarten starting at age 4. Kids come out of JK/K at reading levels previously achieved by grades 1 or 2.

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I'm no fool, I know better then to argue with a native cananadian especiually suince youu audd suo muany unnecessaury letteurs tuo wourds. My guess is that it takes an extra year just to write them all in. You have no idea how long it took me to type in that first sentence.

My wife also went to school in Quebec, so maybe it was different. They seem to be in everything else. I know I went to her 50th High School reunion and I'm sure they were talking 11 years. Who counts 2 years of organized play (AKA, play time for Mums). But, I will bow to your up close and personal experience and stand corrected.
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Well-Known Member
It dropped down to 6 last night in my town if you need a break from the double-digit heat.
For Th-Sat nights here they're forecasting lows of 7, 4 and 6. :(

I was in Knoxville when it set a record of -24 in January 1985. There was a lot of snow on the ground, but it wasn't windy, so didn't really feel particularly cold.

Tick Tock

Well-Known Member
For Th-Sat nights here they're forecasting lows of 7, 4 and 6. :(

I was in Knoxville when it set a record of -24 in January 1985. There was a lot of snow on the ground, but it wasn't windy, so didn't really feel particularly cold.
The coldest I can ever remember was -13 several years ago in middle of February. No thank you.


Well-Known Member
The day my daughter was born on January 16, 1974, the overnight temperature was -36 degrees below - F. It was the first and only time that my dependable old 1970 Buick Skylark wouldn't start. That is also the coldest day that I remember. There might have been other days, but, the fact that my baby girl was born that day is probably why I remember it so clearly. Fortunately she was born at 1am that day, so we were already at the hospital before it got that cold.
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Tick Tock

Well-Known Member
Oh, sure. Snow conveniently shows up just after it's warmed up enough so that any chance of nice accumulation is minimal.
Winter, you've been drinking again. :rolleyes:
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To think we could've been enjoying Narnia this week, but instead we get grass that sounds like nachos when you step on it.

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