Where in the World is Bob Saget?

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Well-Known Member
Clown Facts 1: The Phobia
The purpose of clown is to make people fun or smiled. Yet, there are people who are afraid to the clown. It is called Coulrophobia. It is the irrational fear against cloud actually. The reason remains unknown of the fear.

Clown Facts 2: adult’s Coulrophobia
Usually, the phobia occurs in children. Yet, you will find out that adults also suffer the same problem. There is estimation about adults suffering from such phobia. It is about 2% of all adults.

bad Clown

Clown Facts 3: Earliest Clown
In finding out facts about clown, you need first to notice about the history. It was around 2400 BC the first clowns occurred. Clowns also have found as the painter of Great Wall of China in the era of Qin Shih Huang emperor.

Clown Facts 4: source of fear
Any kids who fear of clowns have their reason. It is because clowns have abnormal size of human parts including big nose, feet, and others. Perhaps it may disturb in how children learning about human body. Therefore, clowns are rarely seen nowadays.

Clown Cute

Clown Facts 5: Clownish Figures
There are some popular American cinemas having clownish figures. The most famous ones are Buster Keaton and also Charlie Chaplin. You can review about their contribution from any different source actually.

Clown Facts 6: Ronald Mcdonald
Mcdonald has a famous figure such as Ronald. This clown has occurred since the year 1963. Recently, he is the most popular clown in the world. Perhaps he is the only clown which is not scary.

Clown facts

Clown Facts 7: Joseph Grimaldi
There is Joseph Grimaldi who becomes the inspiration of modern clown. Who is he? He is a player of pantomime in stage of Regency London. Dickens even has taken him to be part of his work in 1834. It is The Pickwick Papers.

Clown Facts 8: modern clown institution
If you are interested about becoming a clown, you can join Clown College. The name of the college is Ringling Bros. The institution is managed by Bailey Circus and also Barnum. People call it as clowning school as well. Even today you can get internet clown instruction.

Clown for kids

Clown Facts 9: Potential Career
People often underestimate clown career. In fact, it may earn a year about $38,000. If it is the Rodeo clowns, you can earn at least $50,000 a year.

Clown Facts 10: Johnny Depp
There is a famous person who is afraid of clown. It is Jognny Depp. He considers clown as real evil potential.

Clown Ugly

After reading facts about Clown, you have understood about how clown can become both funny and terrifying for some people right?


Follower of "Saget"The Cult
Clown Facts 1: The Phobia
The purpose of clown is to make people fun or smiled. Yet, there are people who are afraid to the clown. It is called Coulrophobia. It is the irrational fear against cloud actually. The reason remains unknown of the fear.

Clown Facts 2: adult’s Coulrophobia
Usually, the phobia occurs in children. Yet, you will find out that adults also suffer the same problem. There is estimation about adults suffering from such phobia. It is about 2% of all adults.

bad Clown

Clown Facts 3: Earliest Clown
In finding out facts about clown, you need first to notice about the history. It was around 2400 BC the first clowns occurred. Clowns also have found as the painter of Great Wall of China in the era of Qin Shih Huang emperor.

Clown Facts 4: source of fear
Any kids who fear of clowns have their reason. It is because clowns have abnormal size of human parts including big nose, feet, and others. Perhaps it may disturb in how children learning about human body. Therefore, clowns are rarely seen nowadays.

Clown Cute

Clown Facts 5: Clownish Figures
There are some popular American cinemas having clownish figures. The most famous ones are Buster Keaton and also Charlie Chaplin. You can review about their contribution from any different source actually.

Clown Facts 6: Ronald Mcdonald
Mcdonald has a famous figure such as Ronald. This clown has occurred since the year 1963. Recently, he is the most popular clown in the world. Perhaps he is the only clown which is not scary.

Clown facts

Clown Facts 7: Joseph Grimaldi
There is Joseph Grimaldi who becomes the inspiration of modern clown. Who is he? He is a player of pantomime in stage of Regency London. Dickens even has taken him to be part of his work in 1834. It is The Pickwick Papers.

Clown Facts 8: modern clown institution
If you are interested about becoming a clown, you can join Clown College. The name of the college is Ringling Bros. The institution is managed by Bailey Circus and also Barnum. People call it as clowning school as well. Even today you can get internet clown instruction.

Clown for kids

Clown Facts 9: Potential Career
People often underestimate clown career. In fact, it may earn a year about $38,000. If it is the Rodeo clowns, you can earn at least $50,000 a year.

Clown Facts 10: Johnny Depp
There is a famous person who is afraid of clown. It is Jognny Depp. He considers clown as real evil potential.

Clown Ugly

After reading facts about Clown, you have understood about how clown can become both funny and terrifying for some people right?
I seem to get that this was written by someone who had a clown in the room with them.

Fear of clouds?


Well-Known Member
On a totally different note, I bought a "smart" TV today.
Just not sure, I'm smart enough to figure it out.

I got it all set up, and am watching regular programming.
When Hubby gets home, he can help me figure out the many additional features.
I'm posting right now from my smart TV. I really like it but have to say I know how to use about 10% of the features.


When you're the leader, you don't have to follow.
Good, I hate seeing you go through all this turmoil.

We all only want the best for you.
It's a good thing I have a strong spiritual base, 'cause some days I just want to pack a bag and run away.
I know things will get better.

On the plus side:
- Son #1 (who has been in a deep funk since my mom died) is going back to school. He realizes he's blown the last two years, and is now trying to fix it. He got his final credit and diploma this summer. He moved home from the flophouse.
- Son #2 is working full time.
- We have finally crawled out of a deep financial hole, and are now in the black. So much so, that we are planning on buying a condo in Florida next fall.
- We are all healthy, relatively happy, and are blessed to live in one of the safest, most prosperous nations in the world.

Some nights when my kids were little and we were too late to say prayers properly, we would simply say:
Thank you Lord for my bed
For a roof over my head
For food in my belly
And for friends and family who love me.

Add in a little peace and harmony, and there's not much else that you really need.


Well-Known Member
Clown Facts 1: The Phobia
The purpose of clown is to make people fun or smiled. Yet, there are people who are afraid to the clown. It is called Coulrophobia. It is the irrational fear against cloud actually. The reason remains unknown of the fear.

Clown Facts 2: adult’s Coulrophobia
Usually, the phobia occurs in children. Yet, you will find out that adults also suffer the same problem. There is estimation about adults suffering from such phobia. It is about 2% of all adults.

bad Clown

Clown Facts 3: Earliest Clown
In finding out facts about clown, you need first to notice about the history. It was around 2400 BC the first clowns occurred. Clowns also have found as the painter of Great Wall of China in the era of Qin Shih Huang emperor.

Clown Facts 4: source of fear
Any kids who fear of clowns have their reason. It is because clowns have abnormal size of human parts including big nose, feet, and others. Perhaps it may disturb in how children learning about human body. Therefore, clowns are rarely seen nowadays.

Clown Cute

Clown Facts 5: Clownish Figures
There are some popular American cinemas having clownish figures. The most famous ones are Buster Keaton and also Charlie Chaplin. You can review about their contribution from any different source actually.

Clown Facts 6: Ronald Mcdonald
Mcdonald has a famous figure such as Ronald. This clown has occurred since the year 1963. Recently, he is the most popular clown in the world. Perhaps he is the only clown which is not scary.

Clown facts

Clown Facts 7: Joseph Grimaldi
There is Joseph Grimaldi who becomes the inspiration of modern clown. Who is he? He is a player of pantomime in stage of Regency London. Dickens even has taken him to be part of his work in 1834. It is The Pickwick Papers.

Clown Facts 8: modern clown institution
If you are interested about becoming a clown, you can join Clown College. The name of the college is Ringling Bros. The institution is managed by Bailey Circus and also Barnum. People call it as clowning school as well. Even today you can get internet clown instruction.

Clown for kids

Clown Facts 9: Potential Career
People often underestimate clown career. In fact, it may earn a year about $38,000. If it is the Rodeo clowns, you can earn at least $50,000 a year.

Clown Facts 10: Johnny Depp
There is a famous person who is afraid of clown. It is Jognny Depp. He considers clown as real evil potential.

Clown Ugly

After reading facts about Clown, you have understood about how clown can become both funny and terrifying for some people right?
I remember reading that in all cultures people look at the facial features of the person standing in front of them to tell if they are threatening or nonthreatening. Because clowns disguise their facial features, people cannot tell what their intentions are, hence error on the safe side and stay away.


Well-Known Member
It's a good thing I have a strong spiritual base, 'cause some days I just want to pack a bag and run away.
I know things will get better.

On the plus side:
- Son #1 (who has been in a deep funk since my mom died) is going back to school. He realizes he's blown the last two years, and is now trying to fix it. He got his final credit and diploma this summer. He moved home from the flophouse.
- Son #2 is working full time.
- We have finally crawled out of a deep financial hole, and are now in the black. So much so, that we are planning on buying a condo in Florida next fall.
- We are all healthy, relatively happy, and are blessed to live in one of the safest, most prosperous nations in the world.

Some nights when my kids were little and we were too late to say prayers properly, we would simply say:
Thank you Lord for my bed
For a roof over my head
For food in my belly
And for friends and family who love me.

Add in a little peace and harmony, and there's not much else that you really need.
I have always prayed to the right thing in raising my kids. I bring that up since you mentioned that you pray. Leave them in God's hands and pray for knowledge on boundaries. No insinuations meant. It just helps me to know where I need to Let Go and Let God.


When you're the leader, you don't have to follow.
I have always prayed to the right thing in raising my kids. I bring that up since you mentioned that you pray. Leave them in God's hands and pray for knowledge on boundaries. No insinuations meant. It just helps me to know where I need to Let Go and Let God.
I have been Pentecostal my whole life. My kids were raised in the church. They attended Catholic school, which is a separate fully funded system, here in Ontario.
They were raised properly. They have a strong foundation. I just have to trust Proverbs 22:6 -
Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it.

Soarin' Over Pgh

Well-Known Member
edit: Maybe I'm misreading the times but...

First of all... someone that hasn't even graduated from high school should not be at a flop house...much less until 1:00 am and if somebody calls me at 3:00 am they had better be in the hospital or they soon will be.

I agree with the sentiments of booting 'em both out. They are walking all over you and showing you no respect whatsoever.

This, and

Oy. Again. I'm so sorry you are dealing with this and nothing is changing.

I tip toe here. You keep putting it out there for us...so here I gingerly go against my better judgement. I am a Mom too and love my children dearly also. But there are boundaries they know they cannot cross, ever let alone daily. You apologized why? Because your response to being harassed and verbally abused was not handled well?

I worry for what you are teaching them. It is OK to be abusive to women and people. We all say things we wish we could take back, we have regrets but if we are not abusive in our souls we do not continue this behavior.
What are you teaching these young men about how women in their life's should be treated in the future? What if someone actually marries them and they spawn. What type of life will grandkids have let alone daughter in laws. What if they have daughters? So far it seems there are not consequences for abuse and and they seem to believe women should just take it and Mom should apologize to them for daring to attempt to stand up against abuse.

They know they can treat you like this and it has set the pattern of abuse now and likely will not change in the future as long as you are willing to keep taking it and even apologize. My suggestion is to get yourself into therapy and deal with why you are willing to continue to be victimized and why you continue to let the two of them throw your household up for grabs before one day your husband has enough and decks one of them and the boys has husband hauled away by the police.

and there ya go, my take on it and again, I am so sorry you have to deal with this

All of this.

I'm sorry you have to deal with this and I hope things get easier for you soon.

And I agree wholeheartedly with the hubby, but it know that's a very hard decision. Then again, so is letting them walk all over you.


Well-Known Member
@donaldtoo and @MinnieM123 Have fun on your journeys today. :)

It was indeed a fun trip! Just got back about 30 mins. ago! :)
Hope it's OK to post a few pics...? :oops:
I'd start a TR, but, it was only a day trip...! ;)


Robert Campbell is a distant relative on DWifey's fathers side of the family that died fighting at the Alamo.


image.jpg image.jpg

No pictures are allowed inside the Alamo sanctuary. It is a shrine.
Also, all buildings in downtown SA are designed so that they never cast a shadow on the sanctuary.


When you're the leader, you don't have to follow.
This is now the second family function on Hubby's side that I have weaseled out of this summer.
Pretty soon they'll be talking about me.

Oh wait ... they already do.

Here's my take on that - as long as they're talking about me, they're not talking about someone who might actually give a carp.
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