Where in the World is Bob Saget?

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Premium Member
Did you take the Pup with ya?

He's o.k. on a flat nature trail, but he's not good to take up this rocky side of the mountain, that has lots of loose rocks and high grasses. The reason is that I have to really watch my footing and sometimes grab ahold of a boulder, or a tree limb, in a few dicey spots. If I took him, he'd yank on the leash and I could fall in certain areas.

And I always try to steer him away from high grasses as he acts like a dog possessed if he wanders into those. He jumps up and down, and pulls on the leash, and makes a spectacle of himself. :rolleyes: I don't know what it is about the tall grasses that sends him into this freestyle, euphoric frenzy. But, he is 56 pounds of solid muscle (that's the Chow part of his mixed-breed DNA) and he's as strong as a bull. So, the best way for me to keep him under control is to let him walk with me, only when I walk the wider, dirt pathways. He seems to behave there! :joyfull:


Ivory Tower Squabble EST 2011. WINDMILL SURVIVOR
Some of your critters out there are different than out here. I think snakes are more of an issue in your part of the country. But coyotes are everywhere. Most animals are afraid and hide when they hear people. Now, when I've hiked in the mountains of NH, VT or Maine, I've tied small jingle bells on to my hiking boots to scare off any larger animals (an Army guy, who taught survival skills, told me to do that, as he knew I didn't carry a weapon, or even know how to use one to begin with. Then again, I have a lousey singing voice, and if I sang a song to an approaching bear or a crazed moose during rutting season, they'd head for the hills! :D :eek: :hilarious: ).

My favorite movie ever is The Parent Trap (original). Dad brings twins & takes his fiance out camping in the woods.
The girls tell Meredith clapping two sticks together will keep the bears, lions away. The look on the Dad's face, priceless.



Premium Member
There were 2 courses I absolutely loved and made straight A's in during my very short community college stint...psych, and business law. :)

Doesn't surprise me that you did well in psych. I've noticed your ability to figure out people's behaviors. You have a way of deciphering "code", in relation to how to get to the heart of a problem, that someone else may be experiencing. Some people are good at that; you seem to have the gift.


Ivory Tower Squabble EST 2011. WINDMILL SURVIVOR
He's o.k. on a flat nature trail, but he's not good to take up this rocky side of the mountain, that has lots of loose rocks and high grasses. The reason is that I have to really watch my footing and sometimes grab ahold of a boulder, or a tree limb, in a few dicey spots. If I took him, he'd yank on the leash and I could fall in certain areas.

And I always try to steer him away from high grasses as he acts like a dog possessed if he wanders into those. He jumps up and down, and pulls on the leash, and makes a spectacle of himself. :rolleyes: I don't know what it is about the tall grasses that sends him into this freestyle, euphoric frenzy. But, he is 56 pounds of solid muscle (that's the Chow part of his mixed-breed DNA) and he's as strong as a bull. So, the best way for me to keep him under control is to let him walk with me, only when I walk the wider, dirt pathways. He seems to behave there! :joyfull:

My Pup pulls me off the trail to walk through the tall grass even if he can only get in a few feet. I don't get it but he loves it too.


Ivory Tower Squabble EST 2011. WINDMILL SURVIVOR
That is smart. One time we were in Northern California and my brother and I were walking bark from an outhouse. It was dark and I had the flashlight pointed on the trail so we could see. I briefly shown the flashlight to the side of us and illuminated the biggest buck I had ever seen. That was so scary. We just pointed the flashlight down and kept walking. My parents shared with me a similar story when they were driving back from Alaska but instead of deer they were moose.
Anyhoo, jingle bells--good idea.

My DH and I were walking Walt through on the Riverwalk and turned on a bend and behind the tall grass was a Buck standing on the path and a babe and a doe. We were like 5 feet from him and Walt being the playful,I know what to do now, rears up on his hind legs challenging this big buck with a massive rack. :eek: We retreated fast.


Well-Known Member
I was working at home, fielding calls and emails from the schools and our school board. My board left the ultimate decisions to our administrators but we were all pitching in. All our schools stayed in session. Nobody left the buildings until the planes were all grounded.

Back then, I used to go into the office pretty early. There was only one other guy that used to get there earlier than myself. Also, the radio in my car was not working, at the time. When I got to the office, he told me a small plane had crashed into one of the Trade Center towers. I remember saying "Really?!" The first thought I had was that back in 1945, a B-25 bomber had crashed into the Empire State Building in a heavy fog. Next, I asked him "What's the weather like out there?" A red flag in my head had already gone up based on my, although not extensive, knowledge of modern avionics. Then when he told me it was a crystal clear day, I already knew what was happening before the second plane hit. They had tried to take them down from the ground once, now they were trying from the sky.

Our oldest had turned 10 the previous July, our middle child (1 lb. 4 oz. miracle) turned 9 in Oct., and our youngest turned 7, 5 days later. The 2 younger ones really didn't know what was going on, the oldest wanted answers. We talked, and provided answers as we saw fit. Over the last years, as they have aged into adulthood, we have discussed many times.


Ivory Tower Squabble EST 2011. WINDMILL SURVIVOR
I had to wait until after long after college to join Facebook! That's because it wasn't invented yet!!

I am still a wait'n on a FB account....not likely to ever happen.


Premium Member
My DH and I were walking Walt through on the Riverwalk and turned on a bend and behind the tall grass was a Buck standing on the path and a babe and a doe. We were like 5 feet from him and Walt being the playful,I know what to do now, rears up on his hind legs challenging this big buck with a massive rack. :eek: We retreated fast.

Oddly enough, sometimes dogs are perceived as a challenge to some wildlife. My sister has mentioned to me that I'd be safest in the woods if I took my dog, but I think I'm safer from other wildlife without him.


Well-Known Member
Doesn't surprise me that you did well in psych. I've noticed your ability to figure out people's behaviors. You have a way of deciphering "code", in relation to how to get to the heart of a problem, that someone else may be experiencing. Some people are good at that; you seem to have the gift.

*Dang. I've been found out...!*

Seriously, thanks.
Again, very sweet of you. :)
I just, usually, try to take some time and calmly look at things before reacting. I have slipped at that a few times over the years, but, it is definitely my usual way. :)


Well-Known Member
I was working in a city skyscraper back then. Once everyone heard about what happened in N.Y., everyone bolted out of the building. One month later, the company I worked for (hotel industry, that took a financial hit at that time) had layoffs. Two months later, they had another round of layoffs; I lost my job at that point. Was out of work for 9 months back then, before I could get another job elsewhere. Happier days were ahead after that.

The firm actually weathered 9/11 pretty well and then we thrived again, until several years later...

Soarin' Over Pgh

Well-Known Member
I need to gripe.

I was really excited to see pics of the new Pineapple Lanai on the main page...until i actually saw the pics of the PL on the main page.

Thats it?

No flowers, not even a fake palm tree? No artificial rug design on the concrete? ....not even a faux wood stained deck? I mean... Nothing?

Ok, so its a walk up window with a sign saying pineapple lanai and a bunch of white, unthemed, terrible looking chairs and tables.

Color me very disappointed. What a waste...this could have been done SO much better.

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