Where in the World is Bob Saget?

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Well-Known Member
Must be all the blue meth they have out there...


Well-Known Member
Oh, I take my phone and also a LOUD whistle (actually one that is used by the Navy Seals). I never take a walking stick; I'd trip over the darn thing! I'm not exactly the most graceful creature in the forest! :hilarious:
When I walk in the foothills, I was told to shuffle my feet so snakes would here me so I wouldn't startle them. One time my daughter and I saw a coyote he was tiny but he still scared me.
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Well-Known Member
So I met with my friend. I called her my former best friend because she hasn't really treated me the same since she took the supervisor job. Our meeting had a good outcome. She isn't my direct supervisor so it hasn't been uncomfortable for us plus she is a fair supervisor and I do my job.
I told her how her not keeping in touch with me and me not feeling like I could talk with her about what is going on in my life had made me very sad and angry towards her. Basically that I couldn't believe she would discard an eight year friendship where I know her family and she knows mine.
She explained that she has been really busy and never considered us to have stopped our friendship. I told her that I'm okay with us having different interests, I just need the emotional connection. She understood and said that she wants that too. I 'm glad because I hope our friendship lasts.


Premium Member
So I met with my friend. I called her my former best friend because she hasn't really treated me the same since she took the supervisor job. Our meeting had a good outcome. She isn't my direct supervisor so it hasn't been uncomfortable for us plus she is a fair supervisor and I do my job.
I told her how her not keeping in touch with me and me not feeling like I could talk with her about what is going on in my life had made me very sad and angry towards her. Basically that I couldn't believe she would discard an eight year friendship where I know her family and she knows mine.
She explained that she has been really busy and never considered us to have stopped our friendship. I told her that I'm okay with us having different interests, I just need the emotional connection. She understood and said that she wants that too. I 'm glad because I hope our friendship lasts.

See! That was easy! Just a nice conversation between two people can make a world of difference. I'm glad it worked out and you are happy. :)


Premium Member
When I walk in the foothills, I was told to shuffle my feet so snakes would here me so I wouldn't stable them. One time my daughter and I saw a coyote he was tiny but he still scared me.

Some of your critters out there are different than out here. I think snakes are more of an issue in your part of the country. But coyotes are everywhere. Most animals are afraid and hide when they hear people. Now, when I've hiked in the mountains of NH, VT or Maine, I've tied small jingle bells on to my hiking boots to scare off any larger animals (an Army guy, who taught survival skills, told me to do that, as he knew I didn't carry a weapon, or even know how to use one to begin with. Then again, I have a lousey singing voice, and if I sang a song to an approaching bear or a crazed moose during rutting season, they'd head for the hills! :D :eek: :hilarious: ).


Well-Known Member
In the Parks
Wow! Strict parents. I think my DD was in middle school. She has good judgement so I didn't care.

DS was in the era that you needed a college email to join, the tail end of that his Freshman year.
We didn't have good internet when I was in middle school. I did have email and was allowed to get on other social media sites, such as this one, but I was usually anonymous. I was on this one before Facebook. I was 17 when I joined. At that point, they didn't care, but made me wait until I was out of high school for Facebook. I joined shortly before I finished. My dad told me he didn't want me having Facebook, but I told him that I was 18 and that was my choice to make at that point.


Ivory Tower Squabble EST 2011. WINDMILL SURVIVOR
I hope your sister can eventually move out of that area; it doesn't sound safe.

It is not a safe area. She can move if she wishes, she chooses not to as it is close to her work, her DH work and very very far (45 minutes) to my nieces school. My Sis is a partner of a large law firm, by BIL is a senior VP of a big name brokerage firm. They could live in an amazing neighborhood if they chose to. We've all slammed our head into the wall over their decision to view a home as just a place to lay your head at night, nothing more.


Ivory Tower Squabble EST 2011. WINDMILL SURVIVOR
One thing I love about having a vacation day off during the week, is getting out and exercising in the morning. We have a local nature area about 10 minutes away. I like climbing the (small) mountain, and I pick the rugged, rear mountain route, instead of the family-friendly paved road with switchbacks. It's more fun to be out there on the side of the mountain where practically no one goes; but it's also more interesting, because you get to scramble over rocks, and clomp through high grasses, etc. while going up to the top. Although, I think I might startle the animals a bit, as they're not used to humans in that more remote area. (Yet, sometimes, I feel more like a critter, myself, as opposed to a human! :p)

Did you take the Pup with ya?


Well-Known Member
Some of your critters out there are different than out here. I think snakes are more of an issue in your part of the country. But coyotes are everywhere. Most animals are afraid and hide when they hear people. Now, when I've hiked in the mountains of NH, VT or Maine, I've tied small jingle bells on to my hiking boots to scare off any larger animals (an Army guy, who taught survival skills, told me to do that, as he knew I didn't carry a weapon, or even know how to use one to begin with. Then again, I have a lousey singing voice, and if I sang a song to an approaching bear or a crazed moose during rutting season, they'd head for the hills! :D :eek: :hilarious: ).
That is smart. One time we were in Northern California and my brother and I were walking bark from an outhouse. It was dark and I had the flashlight pointed on the trail so we could see. I briefly shown the flashlight to the side of us and illuminated the biggest buck I had ever seen. That was so scary. We just pointed the flashlight down and kept walking. My parents shared with me a similar story when they were driving back from Alaska but instead of deer they were moose.
Anyhoo, jingle bells--good idea.


Well-Known Member
I had two day care kids. I was sick the first two years until I learned to be as cautious with a sick kid as I was with sick co-workers. I got better about duck'n from sneezes and coughs, I became a constant hand washer and I learned that gargling with mouth wash (or maybe wine at night) killed off some germs. When they were sick I disinfected the touchables, door knobs, bathroom touchables, refrigerator door handles etc. From that moment forward I caught much less. Then I turned into a certifiable germaphobic.

The upside about daycare kids is they build up so much immunity by the time school starts that on a whole they miss far less school than non daycare kids, so it usually brings healthier times ahead.

Yep, all 3 of ours were, too. They started out at a place that was owned by a friend from church. Great people, great day care. When I started earning enough for DWifey to finally quit the insurance co., she was at home for about a month when she went on a field trip, and another parent told her how good she would be as a day care worker. She just CANNOT stay away from work. When she was hired, the kiddos were then in the same place as she, with a substantial discount. It was all good.
And yes, being exposed to that much germ-o-rama, I also think has actually helped them. Also, although our home was never a pig sty, it was never the cleanest place, either. They are all extremely healthy, thank God. :)
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