Where in the World is Bob Saget?

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When you're the leader, you don't have to follow.
Yesterday, the actions of a few here, hurt the feelings of many.

Well, that's not how I play. Or who I play with.

I'll be taking a day or two vacation from here.
Nothing permanent, just a day or two to clear my plate, and figure out what went wrong.
(Actually, I know exactly what went wrong, I just have to decide if I want to continue to be a part of it.)

If you leave before I come back @Cesar R M, I hope you have a wonderful trip. Safe journeys and God Bless.

Cesar R M

Well-Known Member
Yesterday, the actions of a few here, hurt the feelings of many.

Well, that's not how I play. Or who I play with.

I'll be taking a day or two vacation from here.
Nothing permanent, just a day or two to clear my plate, and figure out what went wrong.
(Actually, I know exactly what went wrong, I just have to decide if I want to continue to be a part of it.)

If you leave before I come back @Cesar R M, I hope you have a wonderful trip. Safe journeys and God Bless.
Thank you!, and I hope you recover from that downspot too.

Not fun to get hammered from all sides (in life and internet). I have felt similar a few times.

and I really hope I was not the cause (or related) to that part of the hurt feelings.. never was my intention.


Just Horsing Around…
Premium Member
I'm a city gal. Can you please tell me what EPM is? Is it some sort of virus that afflicts horses and/or other animals, too?
EPM is short for Equine protozoal myeloencephalitis, which has big words that I cannot pronounce, except for equine. From what I know, there is a parasite carried by possums and is found in their poop and transmitted through it to horses grazing or drinking water in the area. It attacks the horse's nervous system and supposedly can be treated if diagnosed early enough. I hear the drugs will minimize the infection, but will not kill the parasite and any damage done is not reversible. Overall chances for a full recovery are not good, even if caught early on, and will most likely result in one less horse in the pasture. It sounds like it is only transferred to horses and does not transfer from horse to horse. I'm by no means an authority on the subject. I've only had one possum on the property in the past seven years. She unfortunately died of lead posioning....


Well-Known Member
Yesterday, the actions of a few here, hurt the feelings of many.

Well, that's not how I play. Or who I play with.

I'll be taking a day or two vacation from here.
Nothing permanent, just a day or two to clear my plate, and figure out what went wrong.
(Actually, I know exactly what went wrong, I just have to decide if I want to continue to be a part of it.)

If you leave before I come back @Cesar R M, I hope you have a wonderful trip. Safe journeys and God Bless.


Well-Known Member
EPM is short for Equine protozoal myeloencephalitis, which has big words that I cannot pronounce, except for equine. From what I know, there is a parasite carried by possums and is found in their poop and transmitted through it to horses grazing or drinking water in the area. It attacks the horse's nervous system and supposedly can be treated if diagnosed early enough. I hear the drugs will minimize the infection, but will not kill the parasite and any damage done is not reversible. Overall chances for a full recovery are not good, even if caught early on, and will most likely result in one less horse in the pasture. It sounds like it is only transferred to horses and does not transfer from horse to horse. I'm by no means an authority on the subject. I've only had one possum on the property in the past seven years. She unfortunately died of lead posioning....
Learn something new every day. :)


Well-Known Member
I was like that when I had my wisdom teeth removed. I was 30 and had to send my DS to live with my Mom for a week.
They had a devil of a time getting them out and my face and neck turned pretty colors of the rainbow and the 'ole face was as big as a bowling ball. Meds didn't help. It took over 2 weeks before my face didn't look like someone beat the pulp out of me.

I must be one of the few that has never had their wisdom teeth removed. I just kept puttin' it off.
I would get flair ups occasionally, and the dentist would tell me... "One morning your gonna' wake up and it's gonna' feel like someone smashed you in the jaw with a baseball bat. Then, you're gonna' be beggin' to have them takin' out."
Has yet too happen... :cautious:


Well-Known Member
I must be one of the few that has never had their wisdom teeth removed. I just kept puttin' it off.
I would get flair ups occasionally, and the dentist would tell me... "One morning your gonna' wake up and it's gonna' feel like someone smashed you in the jaw with a baseball bat. Then, you're gonna' be beggin' to have them takin' out."
Has yet too happen... :cautious:
Lucky you! Two of mine broke so they decided to do them all in one go.


Well-Known Member
Yesterday, the actions of a few here, hurt the feelings of many.

Well, that's not how I play. Or who I play with.

I'll be taking a day or two vacation from here.
Nothing permanent, just a day or two to clear my plate, and figure out what went wrong.
(Actually, I know exactly what went wrong, I just have to decide if I want to continue to be a part of it.)

If you leave before I come back @Cesar R M, I hope you have a wonderful trip. Safe journeys and God Bless.

Hope to see you back very soon.
You will be missed very much, even for only a day or two.
Peace to you, and God bless you, as well.


Well-Known Member
Oooohhh, boy howdy, this just looks sooo smokin' good, right about now...! :hungry: :)


Cesar R M

Well-Known Member
I must be one of the few that has never had their wisdom teeth removed. I just kept puttin' it off.
I would get flair ups occasionally, and the dentist would tell me... "One morning your gonna' wake up and it's gonna' feel like someone smashed you in the jaw with a baseball bat. Then, you're gonna' be beggin' to have them takin' out."
Has yet too happen... :cautious:
it depends on the person, for some.. the pain is unbearable. For me it wasn't yet but was making difficult to chew (food kept getting stuck behind these.. thus potential for infection)
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