Thank you!!! I'm super excited but trying to contain until everything is in, signed, peed on, tested, cleared, and I'm on my way to headquarters for orientation. THEN I'll allow myself to get fully be excited.
In the meantime, I'm trying to keep mum. I was offered a different position a few years ago but ended up having to turn it down due to, of all things, my credit score. Yep, the company checks credit scores. When I asked the person who was hiring me about it she said (and I quote!) "if your score is low, don't bother and don't waste my time" via EMAIL. had to turn down job. Since then, credit score has improved, my (student) credit cards are completely paid off, the only debt I now have is my student loans and a $75 Kohls balance. But I was so excited to get this job, that, before learning of the credit thing, I told everyone...then had to tuck my tail in and say I didn't take it. It was not a pleasant experience. I still am ed about was a really good paying job.
I have no reason to believe that I wouldn't pass any clearances, background check, FBI profiling, or drug tests, just a bad paranoia from being burned in the past. Don't want to flaunt then have karma show up and kick me in the .
And that's also the only reason I am giving my boss notice...karma. That's it.