I've been there a lot lately, but, I can assure you that it wasn't because I am anxiously awaiting Mr. Spirits bomb dropping. Chances are it won't be much more then a firecracker anyway. His sources are staying pretty tight lipped as of late. And if Disney is following his every word, as he says they are, then someone that he is friends with will be in deep doo-doo. So, not expecting much.
Never ate much cereal other then for an evening snack, but, I also have never understood the soggy vs. non-soggy concern. If you don't want them soggy, don't put milk on them. Seems like a simple solution. Personally, I always waited until they were totally soggy. That's how I liked them. If I wanted to chew something crunchy all the time, I'd grab a handful of pebbles. My favorite breakfast sandwich from outside was always the Egg McMuffin until recently, now I am addicted to McD's Sausage Burrito and they are only $1.00 on the value menu.
Lenders are OK, but just OK. They are small and dry out very quickly. I found that a 15 second trip in the microwave fix them up just fine. Thomas Bagels are the best non-bakery bagels that I have ever found. When I lived up north I used to buy Thomas Onion Bagels all the time. They were wonderful. They were always moist and non-jaw breaking. They were great with creme cheese or peanut butter, but they also made great hamburg buns. They also worked well with Egg McMuffin ingredients. Can't find them here in NC, but, I occasionally have some shipped down to me. I'm headed for Vermont at the end of the week and I hope to stock up on a few. They are very freezer friendly.