I'm quite curious what the prices will be there. As a regular browser (but rarely purchaser) at World Soccer Shop both online and in catalogs (yes, I'm old, I still get and read catalogs), I'm pretty knowledgable about jersey/equipment/shoe prices. If the store is even remotely in line with those prices, I will be very tempted to swipe my credit card. Quite a few times,most likely. DD and DW both would like some good soccer swag. DW wears her Euro 2012 shirt and DD wears her replica Spain jersey regularly. Since my Newcastle strip is way out of date (Northern Rock sponsor) and my Scotland and Aberdeen ones are from 1982 (and don't even fit DD any more), a decent price on something I can put my hands on would be welcome.
End comments of a crazed soccer player/fan now. BTW, this summer's trip to the World nicely coincides with the last week of the
Disney Soccer Academy, which DD is quite excited to be taking part in.