YAY you're back! I'm waiting as patiently as I can for more details.
Just for you: my observations about the Polynesian. As of Sunday, the original lobby on the ground floor (resplendent with tropical plants and waterfall effects) was still there. Whew. Got to see it one last time!!
Backtracking a little: to get the full effect of what was going on in the GCH, I took the monorail from MK. Hence, I entered the GCH on the 2nd level. Automatic hotel doors open:
All you see are WALLS with beige scrim (no clear signage either) all around the center of the floor. To the left you can see the coffee bar, and around the corner, Kona Cafe. Then, in the backside, to the right of the "Brady Bunch stairwell" (I actually really like that open stairwell), is a shop I think? (although I didn't actually look--I only glanced). What is lost: the beautiful open view from the 2nd level--again, just 4 walls in a square, with beige scrim. Sorry, Disney, this looks really bad. Took stairs down to level 1 and enjoyed the lobby for one last look.
Went outside. Families seemed to be enjoying the volcano pool, and the atmosphere there seemed festive. I wandered behind Hawaii (the one time I stayed at the Poly I was upgraded to Hawaii--it had a gorgeous view). Well, with the construction of the bungalows, the view is shot. Viewing the unfinished construction of all these bungalows out on the lagoon was unpleasant. They looked like a bunch of wooden buildings that just had a hurricane pass through them. There were no windows, some of the roofs were missing, there was a fence blocking part of that back beach area, etc. I felt bad for a couple out there on beach chairs with this "view" in front of them.
Once everything is finished, it will look better. Still, for the prices they charge, and for the changes and additions they are making, I am no longer a fan.