Good morning, Sagateers! It's taken me over 1 1/2 hours to catch up from last Friday on this thread; there were many interesting discussions. (Congrats to
@donaldtoo on the new puppy! And,
@Nemo14 my heart goes out to you regarding your mother. I went through something similar with both of my parents.)
Returned from Disney last night, and I am e x h a u s t e d. Had a great time, and the parks looked very good—and cleaner and better maintained than last year's visit. This is positive.
Epcot, in particular, looked gorgeous during the Flower & Garden Festival. (Side note: Can't tell you what a wonderful
distraction it was to see tall, flower topiaries amongst the "tombstones" in front of Spaceship Earth. Yup, the "graveyard" is one of my pet peeves in Epcot . . .)
Weather only got hot during the afternoon; there was no humidity! I managed to luck out on this small window of gorgeous, sunny, dry weather.
Have a number of impressions to share from the past 5 days. I'll limit them to short snippets as I don't like to bore people with long trip threads. More later.