No, it's not a major issue. I'm sorry you were bullied, so was I, and I bet so were a lot of other kids throughout history. It's a fact of life.
It's not some new phenomenon, and in the long run, it really doesn't matter.
And, while I can't speak to the teenage girl experience, if acceptance is that big a deal to you, that makes you a weaker person, regardless of sex.
I do understand your pain...try being the "new kid" every few years (I went to 16 schools in 12 years of education thanks to the military)...I do understand. I I learned because of bullying, don't care.
And that, in my lifetime so far, the ability to not care about what others think of me, but rather to do what is right for me, has actually proved to be an asset, not a liability.
So, I don't buy all this "anti-bully" laws, no school regulations, no amount of "telling to the teacher" will ever stop it...
And, when you step back, and actually consider the larger picture...the bully has chosen you because they are innately jealous of you for whatever reason. It is their own shortcomings that they wish to project upon someone else, to distract themselves and the general crowd from their own lacking nature.
My point's not that big a deal...wait until you are 10 years older, you'll see it as well (I know you probably hate to hear that trope, but it is apt). I do understand your point, I just don't agree...