You bring up cleanliness....would you be willing to do it on a park bench that may or may not have just been the subject of a regurgitated turkey leg? Or pigeon crap?
To be perfectly honest, there are probably more germs on the average Disney park bench or picnic table than in the restrooms, given the inherent redeeming factors of hands-free plumbing, antibacterial hand soaps, and a routine cleaning staff.
I also can't help but wonder...WHY would you take a child that young to Disney in the first place?
I tell you, if I had a dollar for every parent dragging him or herself through 101* of humid Central Florida Hell getting all crankey and gripey and irritable when the baby just won't shut-the-hell-up-and-enjoy-the--trip-that-I-spent-all-this-money-on.....yeah I'd be wallowing in Scrooge's money bin right about now.
Fact is...your kids don't need Disney that badly, and it's just going to put more grey hairs on your head. Wait til they are older, at least six or seven.
That's the reason my father didn't actually enjoy the World til my sister and I were teenagers....dragging inconsolable children through blistering sun and asphalt was no way to spend time off of work.
On the first night of our honeymoon,we were taking the ferry back from the MK to WL.My wife and I were sitting towards the back when all of a sudden we here this woman start screaming.We both look up and theres two women up towards the front swinging at each other and pulling each others hair. Both swearing and yelling at each other. This was all in front of their young kids,not to mention everyone else too. Two guys finally pulled them off each other,and I remember seeing the poor CM just standing there in shock not really knowing what to do and thankful it was over.
Seeing my husband driving down Main Street on a scooter with Mickey ears on! My husband is the stern type and only goes to Disney to please me. It was so out of character for him. Without a picture no one would have believed me!
Last trip in December I was watching Philharmagic when all of a sudden I heard a loud BANG, and a split second later the theater looked like this. I took this picture.
Seconds later, a CM came on the mic (I don't think he knew he was broadcasting to the theater) and he said "There is an intrusion, I need an engineer up here. Man, it's so dark that I can't even see my watch up here." The whole theater burst out laughing.
Going an entire day without seeing a large group with matching tshirts...
Saw someone trying to projectile vomit sideways into a side push lid trashcan at ToT. Poor guy gave it the old college try....but failed....sloppily.It could be something good that surprised you, or it could be something that shocked you because it was bad. But it must be something that before you headed into the park you had no idea it was going to happen that day.
For me apart from seeing a dwarf being led on a leash by a woman in high heels and fishnets one night at Downtown Disney, I would have to say it was probably a fight nearly breaking out at Splash Mountain many years ago between a visitor and a fireman. Somebody had fallen and become trapped between the side of one of the vehicles and the track. It was a really bad situation and the guy trapped was in a lot of pain and I believe the cast members were worried that moving the vehicle could injure him more and were waiting for the firemen to arrive with special equipment. I was right near the front and a guy near me had videotaped the incident as it happened. When the firemen arrived and the cast members were still trying to clear the public away the guy who'd taped the incident shouted over that he had what had happened recorded. Anyhow when the fireman came over the guy actually demanded money in exchange for the footage! At this stage it got really heated and I was moved away so never saw how it was actually resolved.
I'm hoping the guy received no money and instead 'accidentally' fell over several times but it just goes to show there's terrible people everywhere, even in Disney.
How dare u have an opinion that strays from the pack! I mean really. The kids would starve. If someone would invent something to hold the milk so that we could feed the poor things. We could call it a bottle. Then these ladies can be unshackled from nursing their kids nonstop. Dagum sexist bodies.
If only wdw provided place to nurse
Oh, gross
Never seen anyone vomiting at Disney before.
It's that Tibetan Everest Strain of weed nothing gets you higher....
In Florida, It is perfectly legal for a mother to Nurse her child in Public. Hence why nobody says anything. I just recommend the mother be in a quiet area of have some sort of "cloaking device"
That surprises me - somehow, I'm expecting to see it at least once later this month. It must be the Biergarten 1-liter mugs of beer I've seen photos of that have me thinking that.
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