Whoooooo cares, i dont understand why people make such a big deal about certain things that has nothing to do with them.Dont get me wrong i dont condone stealing, but if someone wants to bring an old mug to disney,so what, thats there business, if they get caught , thats on them, im pretty sure they know the consequences of there act.If it was such a big problem im pretty sure disney would have cracked down on it already.I think some people are just mad because there not gutsy enough to do it, thats the only reason why i can think that someone would have a problem with someone else bringing back an old mug,when it clearly has nothing to do with them.Who cares if a parent wants to take there kids out of school for a disney trip,thats there prerogative. If everybody minded there own business,and worried about there own families the world would be a better place.