What's so great about refillable mugs anyway?


Premium Member

It just seems like they'd be the biggest pain in the neck, and really drag down your vacation. Every time you want a drink you have to get the mug, walk it allllll the way to the food court (which at many resorts is quite a hike), then walk it allllll the way back to your room and wash it out.

Anytime I've travelled with someone who bought a refillable mug it made things so difficult. We'd be all ready to hit the parks, but then have to stand around waiting for 15 minutes for the person to bring their mug back to the room.

At the end of a long day in the parks you want to get a drink at the food court, but before you can - another hike to the room to grab the mug is in order. :hammer:

Even if you pay for 2 drinks a day out of pocket for 8 days (around $30), the mug only saves you $17. It doesn't seem worth the hassle at all for such little savings. What's $17 compared to the $2,000+ you're spending? :shrug:


New Member
I'm only ever at the resort first thing in the morning and last thing at night. Not really time to get more than 2 drinks. :shrug: (And of course I drink while I'm at the parks, but I was only talking about the resorts, since that's where you use the mugs ;))

I bought the mugs after hearing what a great idea it was... and I found it to be a pretty big waste...

I literally had to force myself to use it... I drink a lot of water... but like you just said... In the mornings I usually just wakeup, get ready, and go... I didn't like getting up, going all the way to the food court to get somethign to drink, drinking it, and going back to drop it off... waste of 15 mintues when I could just buy a bottle of water and bring it with me...

then... I'd get back, wanna go right to the food court for lunch; but I'd have to go to the room first... and then get the cup, and go back...

i found it just to be more of an aggravation than anything...

certainly it can save you money; but i don't think its really convenient... plus I do 95% of my drinking in the parks... so... :shrug:
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New Member
just me?

I love my mug! :sohappy: I just carry it around with a carabeaner and then I always have it! My husband and I share one mug and it is well worth it for us...
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Well-Known Member
We normally just get one mug, and it's for my DH to be able to get his morning fix of coffee. Believe me, it has been worth it for us if nothing more than to make him happy before we get to the parks. There is nothing worse than wanting to head to your favorite ride... but wait, where's the coffee? Daddy's gotta have it. Plus, he loves to use it at work so we get him a new one every time we go.

As for the rest of us, I bring drinks from home or we buy them in Orlando. We keep them in a cooler in the room, which is much easier than running back and forth from the food court. :)

I am already looking forward to our next trip. First I'll check in and then rush over to get a mug filled with coffee. :p Gotta keep him happy!
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I guess we're in the minority here, but we love the mugs. We only get to go to WDW every few years and having the mugs brings a little bit of the magic back home. Plus, they're durable, diswasher safe, and plastic...which works out for me because I'm a clutz and tend to drop breakable things.

It's true though that we only used them about 2-3 times per day, but it was nice at the end of a long day at the parks to make a cup of tea or cocoa in them to bring back to the a/c room. If you see em and you feel like you have to have one...buy it!
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New Member
I 'm not one who can just wake up and "go." I need an hour or so to wake myself up and get ready for the day. So, once we wake up, I hop in the shower and hope DH or someone makes a drink run, That way I can sip on my coffee while I'm getting ready.

Plus, any time we're eating in the food courts, it's a great way to save money as well as anytime we're just hanging out by the pool or whatnot. I probably don't use it TOO often, but it still serves as a great souvenir that helps me relive the magic while I'm at work or wherever I take it.

I'm a fan of the mugs. :eek:
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Well-Known Member
We always request a room nearest the food courts. The mugs are great then, but once, when we had an 8th floor room at Disney's Contemporary Resort, the mugs were just a pain. So we decide whether to buy or not buy a mug depending on our room location after check in.
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Well-Known Member
Well..we save money by bringing our mugs from the previous visit with us.....


Just kidding!..:)

All I drink is water so I do not get one..I have a few that I have bought as a keepsake but that is all..:)
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Well-Known Member
I like the mugs for when I stay at Pop Century...the resort is laid out so that it's easy to just grab a drink on my way out to the busses, and grab another on my way back to my room. I usually carry around a water bottle on a caribeaner during my normal day, so to clip it on after I've rinsed it out isn't a big deal. When we're in the parks, it just goes in my drawstring bag, ready for a frozen coke when I get back to the resort. Gotta love the unlimited frozen coke after a day in the FL sun!

Plus as k.hunet30 mentioned, it is nice to be able to wake up a bit...when I'm at home, I don't get the luxury of nursing a cup of coffee before I have to head out the door, so when on vacation it's nice to be able to walk to the food court, grab a drink and walk around a bit...there's something really cool about walking around a Disney resort early-ish in the morning when everyone else is starting to wake up.
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New Member
We don't buy the mugs anymore either.
Calculating the break-even analysis on the cost of the mug shows that you have to drink many times just to get your money back.
The price for the mugs seems high.

Also, as many have said, it's a pain to have to go back to the room after breakfast in the food court just to put the mug up.
It's much better to just eat and then go to the bus stop.

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New Member
Well..we save money by bringing our mugs from the previous visit with us.....


Just kidding!..:)

All I drink is water so I do not get one..I have a few that I have bought as a keepsake but that is all..:)


don't you DARE open that can of worms...

nothing to see here... everyone just keep moving along...

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For us, it's a huge savings! There are usually 5 of us traveling - staying for 14 days. At 3 drinks a day per person, that amounts to a savings of over $400. Plus, we carry our mugs to the parks using a carabeaner and fill up at the water fountains! We might be the minority but for us it's well worth it! 9 days & counting! :sohappy:
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For some people, they are a hassle. I wouldn't want to carry four mugs around all day in my backpack. But, I'm the only one who wants one in m family, so for me it's GREAT. I get my drink first thing in the morning with breakfast, another on the way to the bus. I keep the mug in my backpack. When I get back I get another drink to take back to the room. I might go back for one more before I go to sleep, but rarely. Mostly, I buy it as a souvenir. I use the all the time at home.

But with most advice here, it's best to really consider how you and your family operate. For me, the mug is great. My wife, hates the way they look, and will not carry one in her backpack.
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Well-Known Member
I didn't mind them when we used them on our past two trips. I know my husband liked being able to get a mug of coffee first thing and he actually made it last through the bus ride to the park. And being a soda drinker, I liked coming back to the resort and filling up. We would keep them with us in our backpack (rinse them out at a water fountain on bathroom sink). I'm still debating whether or not to get them again this year, mainly because we were just there in Dec. and I don't think they're going back to having the resort logos on them. I mainly got them as a souvenir.

Funny enough, the mugs were the first thing we bought when we arrived at the WL. I got my soda, hubby got his tea, and we were off! :lol:
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Well-Known Member
We have them from several past visits. I agree I liked it when they were resort specific. I am the early riser in my family. I am always the first one up, showered, dressed, lay out the kids clothes and run to the food court to get drinks and light breakfast for everyone. While I am on the food/drink run others start getting ready. We usually go for 10-14 days at a time. With 4 people it adds up. Because we stay so long, we generally log in pool time, which equals drinks. So we can easily get 3 drinks+ a day off of ours. The only down side is by the time we return to the resorts at night the foodcourts are closed down! I hate that!
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New Member
When they still had the resort specific mugs I bought them more for a souveneir item. I'd bring them home and drink my ice water out of them. I use at least one of them every single day. It brings a little disney magic my way every day.

My hubby gets up and showers earlier than me, so he would run out while I was getting ready and get himself a coffee and me a coke to wake me up. Then, usually when we got back at night, he would make a run to get another drink. So they weren't saving us that much money, but I do use them until the sides wear off at home. :lol:

Now, if they don't go back to resort specific after year of a millions dreams, I'm not sure I'll continue to buy them, but I'll be sad then. :cry:

Yeah, I liked them when they were resort specific - we still use the WL ones we purchased 4 years ago. We considered them a souveniur. I'm not sure if we will be purchasing them this year or not. We generally eat breakfast at the resort and use them during our meal and then return to our room to collect our park needs and head out and then again we pick them up in the evening for a drink. We didn't mind the walk - WL is a beautiful place to walk around in! :)
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ummmm.....:lookaroun....no one really talked about this but I like the mugs because I'll have a bottle of vodka in the room and I can fill the mug half up with Sprite and top it off with some ice and mix a little drinky-winky for the evening after the parks. :slurp: :p


Is this not cool?
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New Member
ummmm.....:lookaroun....no one really talked about this but I like the mugs because I'll have a bottle of vodka in the room and I can fill the mug half up with Sprite and top it off with some ice and mix a little drinky-winky for the evening after the parks. :slurp: :p


Is this not cool?

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