What's in your cooler?

Did Knee

Active Member
MY DW and I drive down from Atlanta every year for our week at WDW. We dont believe in wasting time stopping anywhere and instead try to put together a cooler with a variety of tasty treats so that food will not be a reason for stopping. Also, we always bring enought so that we have extra munchies for in the room. Does any one else do this? And what do you pack in your cooler? This year we are traveling with my mother and my 10 year old neice and 12 year old nephew. We want them to have lots of choices for munching but no sugar (dont need hyper kids on an 8 hour drive). Here is our tentative cooler list, read it and reply with your suggestions for changes and/or additions:

Cheese Chunks – Cheddar and Pepper jack
Baby Bel Cheese
Ham and swiss Mini Croissants (2 dozen?)
Tuna Wraps (Tuna, mayo, chopped onions and shredded cheddar wrapped in a flour tortilla)
Wheat Thins (dip undecided Kaukauna port wine cheese perhaps or onion or both)
Assorted small bags of chips
V-8, Water, Diet Coke
Small individual Orange juice boxes
Apples, Grapes

Thanks to all for your suggestions in advance!


Well-Known Member
Hi Did Knee -- we're driving down from ATL for a Sept trip as well. Maybe we'll see you on the highway!

All of that food looks pretty good. We try to pack in a couple of treats for ourselves as well since we don't ever buy candy or anything like that other than on road trips. My fav treat -- sour gummi worms! haha

You might throw in some non-perishables that you can use in the Parks as well, such as granola bars, goldfish and some raisins or trail mix for energy.
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New Member
A giant sack of Krystal hamburgers and a box of Krispy Kreme doughnuts and some Varsity hot dogs and chili steaks.

An Edward's lemon ice box pie.

And bottled water.

Stop in Macon for some Nu-Way weiners and some Fincher's BBQ.

That's what I would do if driving from Atlanta.

:slurp: :slurp:
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Craig & Lisa

Active Member
POP TARTS, then go down to the food court and get some small milks and have breakfast. Then have them for a snack when we return for the daily nap to re-energize for the rest of the day.
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New Member
We boiled a dozen eggs before we left home. There were 3 of us. They kept very well in our cooler with all the bottles of water that we froze ahead of time. Just a small note here, pour out a little water from each bottle you freeze so they don't burst. You don't have to waste the water from the bottles...just drink it the night before you go.

We added ice to our cooler for the 2 days we were at Disney. We stayed at All Star Sports and didn't want to pay extra for a fridge for that short of time.

Anyway, those eggs were pure protein and kept us going thru the morning along with a granola bar. Oh, and be sure to bring along your own salt and pepper shaker or whatever you like on hard boiled eggs. My DH was on a diet and didn't eat the egg yolks, but only ate the egg whites. :ROFLOL:

It's just a suggestion.
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New Member
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Well-Known Member
I fly to WDW, so this does not apply when going there.

However, I also spend a lot of time (2 - 3 trips a year) in Vermont/NH which where I go is about 6 and a half hours.

I leave at 5 or maybe 4:30 AM - This gets me past NYC, Hartford CT & Springfield Mass before rush hour build. So a thermos of coffee comes with me. I will take a sandwitch (whatever I have around) and some fruit (2-3 peices) and two or 3 bottles of water.

If my kids are with me, more sandwitches, more water, more fruit, and some sort of snacky thing. chips, cheetos, crackers, something like that.

We may stop to eat what we bring at a rest stop. Just 20 minutes or so to break up the monotony of the drive.

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Well-Known Member
My typical trip (not too far from atlanta) includes no cooler food...

6AM-ish, hit McD's drivethrough for a couple of southbound I-185 McGriddles and a coke.

Gasoline and snackfood (plus bathroom break) from a convenience store in Sylvester GA

Brief leg stretch and bathroom break at the FL welcome center

Gasoline at an I-75 exit in the upper 300s

Food on arrival at the hotel, followed by a gingerbread mickeyman from the main street bakery.
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santa's surpriz

New Member
This sounds gross, but I never leave for a road trip with beef jerky and slim jims.

Your cooler packin's sound great. Certainly gave me some ideas. If you like wraps try mixing imitation crab meat, scallions, cream cheese, and Buddigs corned beef. Chop, mix, spread, and roll. My favorite pig out food. Also for the adults, spread softened cream cheese on the Buddig's corned beef and wrap around scallions. As u can tell I love cream cheese!

Try to mix up the juice boxes, apple is also good option. The Target house brands are the worst! I can never get the straw in! I pack the halfsies of sprite. My daughter never finishes an entire can and it usually makes a sticky mess!
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Well-Known Member
We fly to WDW, so don't have to pack food. However, we have taken several driving trips out West (5,000 miles in 10 days) and here is what we take: a cooler with water, juice, bottles of pop (we try to just bring drinks with lids makes for less spillage) and some Ziploc bags of grapes. I also pack a cardboard box (the kind copy paper comes in - they're pretty sturdy and have a lid) with our favorite snacks - I try to stick to stuff that comes in crushproof containers. like boxes of crackers, Pringles, raisins, cans of nuts, etc. I would also take a jar of peanut butter and jelly, along with a loaf of bread (Rubbermaid makes a bread-shaped container just for that.) All I can thinkg of - hope this helps. Oh, don't forget to throw in a couple plastic bags for trash.....
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Well-Known Member
I don't know why but I am still laughing about the boiled eggs.:ROFLOL: Would that not stink up a car quick? Maybe not:shrug:

Well, we like several different things. I pack goldfish, laffy taffy, peanut butter crackers, bubble gum, chex mix, peanuts, goldfish pretzels, Mountain Dew & Dr Pepper and water for me. For breakfast in the room we have breakfast bars & poptarts or what ever the kids want. :)
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Well-Known Member
We make six or 8 roast beef sandwhiches w/mayo and horseradish.
Cut in half diagonally of course.
One can lite regular Pringles
One can Fully Loaded Pringles
3 cans Diet Pepsi
3 cans Mountain Dew
4 bottles of Ice Mountain Water
1 Giant bag of Strawberry Twizzlers
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Active Member
Just a word of advice, Do Not put loose ice in your cooler, instead use large ziploc bags to hold the ice. Your items will still stay cold but, nothing will get wet and mushy. I learned this the hard way on our drive down from New Jersey in April. When ice is loose in the cooler it starts to melt and eventually turns juice boxes to a soggy, mushy mess!
The food items we packed in a seperate grocery bag were:
Wheat thins
Cheeze -its
Rice Krispy treats
Granola Bars
Fruit snacks
mini boxes of cereal
Sm. water bottles
juice boxes
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