What Would You Ban?


Follower of "Saget"The Cult
No I go along with tall people. Especially the ones that insist on standing in front so ne else can see. AND it seems o happen a lot. For example, we were watching the fireworks at EPCOT. There was a large group of young children sitting in front of the rail near Norway. There were a few adults mixed in . When the show started one doofus guy stands front and center in front of everyone and records the entire show. I wished I had a way of recording it so I could have put it on youtube and made a fool of the guy.

The rest of your comment well that's just silly.
So you would have all tall people at the very back so they could not see at all? Why are you punishing tall people for being tall?

I am tall and always allow people in front of me... to a point. I will not be banished to the back of the room however simply because I am tall.


The Epcot Manifesto
I've had a few run ins with you myself.
That's odd. I didn't see you on my enemies list! Must have been an oversight.

In all seriousness, if a post offends, we all have the responsibility to report it so the mods can see it. I let them know myself that I likely racked up a few warning points, but in most cases the mods can't police every thread.
If I offend with posts and am reported, I will get my automated time-out from the forums and learn my lesson.
Fastpass plus.

I second that motion, fast passes in general make the lines so much longer than they should be. And the new fast pass lines are insanely long. Our last trip the fast pass line was out the door of space mountain, all the way back to the electric palm tree things. Of course this is the extreme but still imo they give too many out at a time.


Well-Known Member
1) Strollers...
2) Personal scooters...
3) Babies and any kids under the age of 3 (including the parents that think an amusement park is a great place to bring an infant in the middle of July)...
4) Adults that do meet and greets and the proceed to carry on a conversation with the person in the pooh suit or princess dress, not because they are trying to create a moment for their kids as they have no kids with them - but simply because they apparently are a few bricks short of a load...
5) anyone that thinks a tablet or phone is a video camera (hint, I don't go to see a show so I can look at your tablet or phone being held up in front of me so you can get bad video that you'll probably never even watch)...
6) clueless dolts using a handicapped person to avoid lines...
7) all handicap parking (sorry but in my park you have no scooter so that means you're going to be walking and if you can't walk from your car to the transport tram why in the world are here in the first place.... Oh that's right because in most cases the handicapped person isn't even there its just their hang tag that someone decided to borrow so they could park closer).
8) anyone that photobombs
9) anyone that even thinks about jumping a line, holding a spot in the line for someone else (including parents that seem to be trying to give the Duggars a run for their money by having one parent stand in line before a dozen supposed offspring show up right as they approach the end of the line... Not to those people, some of us look at the length of the line to determine the approximate wait time and don't need someone bringing a platoon at the last minute.)
10) anyone that uses a flash or camera with a light up rear display that could pass as a lighthouse, Call me crazy but I'd like to see Peter Pan the way it was intended and those super bright displays showing me the wires and machines behind the magic... well they just spoil it.

Hmm... Now if I get rid of those people I think the park would be pretty much fine... but then I'm not sure there would be enough visitors to keep Disney going.
This is a joke right? Very funny! LOL


Well-Known Member
So...this happened:

And then in response, this happened:

I've been around long enough to know a response of this type isn't worth my time, and in actuality I've found a fun spot in this community by just sitting back, reading the forums, and occasionally popping in with an attempt at humor - an attempt to give somebody else a laugh. But every great once in awhile, something jerks my chain distractingly enough that I can't help but respond. Since @thomas998 decided to share, and with @jloucks having some confusion apparently, I felt maybe I could add to the discussion, and perhaps clarify things.

So without further delay, I'd like you to meet my Mom...Rosalie:

She's the one in yellow, in the wheelchair, along with my Aunt, both of them lovely people.

I have my Mother and Father to thank for my interest and love of Disney World in the first place. I cherish the collection of memories from when I was a child and they would take me to the parks. Great times, the kind of memories that you just can't put a price on. My Mom spent her life taking care of people - family, friends, if she saw a need she would jump in hoping to fill it. And in some part, that led to her being in the chair. After a particularly grueling sequence of events one year that involved the passing of my grandmother on my dad's side, followed by the passing of my grandfather on my mom's side (In both cases my mom was a caregiver right to the end), and my grandmother on my mom's side being diagnosed with Alzheimer's...my Mom had a massive stroke. Her left side never did come back. 1997 was a brutal year.

Amongst the many things that changed for her was her own view of self image. Perhaps it's a generational thing, perhaps not, but while certainly still comfortable in the company of friends and family, being in public became a burden for her. She can't use an ECV, and frankly I think even if she could she wouldn't want to - doesn't want anybody to have to make a fuss just for her. That extends even to not wanting to have to have someone be burdened with pushing the chair. It's no surprise then that since 97 my mom had been to disney exactly once. You might imagine my happiness when for this year's F&G Epcot festival she said she'd be willing and interested in going.

I had the honor, and yes that's exactly the correct word, of taking care of transportation as well as pushing the chair for the day. And I'll tell you something - for the smiles, and the laughs, and the good memories that happened on that trip, I'd push that damned chair up a mountain and I would smile all the way. I'll admit that at the end of the day though, it was nice to have parking that made the walk to the car just a bit shorter and enough room between vehicles to be able to have space for someone on either side of the chair during transfer.

To the point at hand...I hope you're both just trolls, because then you see, I'd get that. I'd understand that that's a thing. And it would be whatever - especially in a thread that is more garbage than anything of value. But to the possibility that you really do think there's no need for people who "cant walk from the car to a tram" to be at WDW, or that you can't understand handicap parking at a "walking destination" well, if that's not an act, maybe now you do get it. Perhaps not. Either way, I hope you or someone you love is never touched by something that turns your world upside down.

I'm not looking for a fight, and I'll happily slink back into the digital woodwork, appearing next time with an attempt at a joke, or funny picture...my usual routine.

But for this single post...in a thread that's run its course...I thought someone should provide a voice of dissent.

If you read my little cluster of posts on the topic, you should focus on what I said about wheelchair bound persons. Basically I have minimal/no problem sacrificing my valuable time for them. ...even tho it is the most valuable thing in the world.

My trail-head comment that you quoted was supposed to be humorous. I get it, you don't find humor in it.

Entitlement where it directly affects me, is my pet peeve. Yours seems to be my focusing on scooter person entitlement. Sorry, it was never meant as a personal attack on your mother. It was a personal defense of me and my time and the forced distribution of it.


Active Member
With WDW now banning selfie-sticks from their parks.........what ONE thing would you want to ban if you could?

I'd start with a ban on smoking altogether on-property. Having "designated" places simply doesn't work as people will light up where-ever they feel like anyway, and then track around that foul smell all over the place.
I think complete opposite. The smoking areas work great, but there used to be more of them. Over the years, the more that are taken away the more I see them lighting up in the middle of the crowd. A few years back they would all smoke in the proper areas and now a days more and more I hear them complain that it's too far to get to one as there is not enough, especially in AK. We talk to a lot of people everytime we go and get opinions about all sorts of stuff from people that only visit once in a lifetime.


Well-Known Member
So you would have all tall people at the very back so they could not see at all? Why are you punishing tall people for being tall?

I am tall and always allow people in front of me... to a point. I will not be banished to the back of the room however simply because I am tall.
I'm average height and it happens every time, some tall (fill in blank) stands in front so no one behind them can see. I might as well be banished to the back of the room, which is usually where I go to leave. Apparently you are considerate.


Well-Known Member
You missed my point entirely... My point is that fastpass or no fastpass the number of people that can do any given ride is the same. Even if you had put the fastpass in long ago when it didn't exist it wouldn't have magically created more spots for people to ride anything it just pushed the people out of the queues and into the rest of the park. The reality of that act is that the park seems more crowded now than it did before even if it isn't any more or less crowded.

I can remember doing DL before fastpass at Christmas when it was so crowded that they stopped letting people in... I can also remember the recall numerous times I've been at DL when it wasn't closed down because of the number of people when it felt just as crowded if not more crowded than it did at Christmas. DL hasn't grown, but the fastpass system has pushed more people out of the confines of the queues and into the park which makes it seem more crowded.

I don't think we'll ever have light crowds on any day... but it would be nice if they stopped the fastpass so the people were in lines out of the way instead of having everyone running around trying to get from ride A to ride B.

People can't buy things if they are stuck in lines, maybe they want them wandering the parks? Spend More Money


Well-Known Member
People can't buy things if they are stuck in lines, maybe they want them wandering the parks? Spend More Money
Oh I agree... I think that is the real reason for the Fastpass.. It really doesn't increase the number of rides that happen in a day, but it does get some of the people out of the lines and moving where they are more likely to get sidetracked and buy more mouse ears.


People can't buy things if they are stuck in lines, maybe they want them wandering the parks? Spend More Money

Oh I agree... I think that is the real reason for the Fastpass.. It really doesn't increase the number of rides that happen in a day, but it does get some of the people out of the lines and moving where they are more likely to get sidetracked and buy more mouse ears.

I'm in complete agreement. It's smart. I'm sure that, like a movie theater, WDW makes about 90% of its in-park profits from food and merchandise sales, and only a small percentage from the gate.

I really don't have a problem with that. I have (just) enough self-control not to spend myself bankrupt in between attractions.


Well-Known Member
Fast Pass AND the Disney Dining Plan. They have eliminated the ability to go with the flow of the moment. (And I AM a planner, I just hate to have to build all my plans around when we were able to reserve fast passes and get dinner reservatioins. I realize this still could be a problem for dinner, but once, a very long time ago, you could reservations for dinner at pretty muc anywhere except Cinderella's THE NEXT DAY.


Well-Known Member
That's odd. I didn't see you on my enemies list! Must have been an oversight.

In all seriousness, if a post offends, we all have the responsibility to report it so the mods can see it. I let them know myself that I likely racked up a few warning points, but in most cases the mods can't police every thread.
If I offend with posts and am reported, I will get my automated time-out from the forums and learn my lesson.
I'd ban overly sensitive tattle tales.


New Member
Fast Pass AND the Disney Dining Plan. They have eliminated the ability to go with the flow of the moment. (And I AM a planner, I just hate to have to build all my plans around when we were able to reserve fast passes and get dinner reservatioins. I realize this still could be a problem for dinner, but once, a very long time ago, you could reservations for dinner at pretty muc anywhere except Cinderella's THE NEXT DAY.
I totally agree with this logic. I'm stressing out trying to plan my trip to grab fawtpasses and reservations.
I've got the 2 reservations I want (minus BOG for dessert one day/night) up next is fp+ but that's a whole different beast.

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