bristol's mom
$1000 in three days at Disney for meals and shopping?? LOL Done.
You beat me to it but $1,000 for 3 days is nothing at Disney.
$1000 in three days at Disney for meals and shopping?? LOL Done.
$1000 in three days at Disney for meals and shopping?? LOL Done.
These represent three of our actual days we have spent at WDW during one of our trips...
Day one
Breakfast at Chef Mickey's x3 people = $111
Lunch at Casey's Corner x3 people = $38
Dinner at LTT x3 people = $114
Shopping ($ per person) = $120
Day two
Breakfast at Donald's Safari (AK) x3 people = $100
Lunch at Flame Tree BBQ x3 people = $51
Dinner at Rainforest Cafe x3 people = $113
Shopping ($ per person) = $120
Day three
Breakfast at Cinderella's Royal Table x3 people = $180
Lunch at SciFi Dine In x3 people = $108
Dinner at 50's Prime Time x3 people = $69
Shopping ($ per person) = $120
Total: $1,724
while having lunch in tomorrow land (where sunny eclipse is. forgot the name of the place), we sat on the balcony & witnessed a family totally melt down.
the daughter in the group (mid 30's) actually went off on her parents about how they do everything they want to do, & not what she wants to do.
it went back & forth for about what seemed a long 2-3 minutes before they all got up & left. a meal & a show.
While not all that epic, it was a scene my family references all the time.
Let me set the scene....We are near the E:E fast pass machines, sitting down and partaking in some of the local cuisine. We see a typical family. Mom, dad and 2 kids under 10. The thing that catches our attention is mom has a clipboard full of papers. It is quite obvious that mom is the general in this army of 4.
One of the little soldiers, lets call him Private Billy, asks to go to the bathroom.
General mom replies quite sternly "It is not in the schedule."
Private dad points out that there is a bathroom right over over here that Private Billy can use.
General mom again repeats the order in a much sterner tone "I said it is not in the schedule!!"
Private dad points out that this is their vacation as well and Private Billy should be allowed an unscheduled bathroom stop.
General mom looses it. She throws the clipboard in the air screams something to the effect of 'I quit!!!!" and storms off.
Newly promoted General dad directs Private Billy to the nearby bathroom. When Private Billy emerges from the bathroom, General dad, absolutely sick with his new found power, looks at his 2 remaining soldiers and asks "You guys want ice cream?"
I thought of another one. I was enjoying a nice dinner in the Brown Derby when I saw a disturbance at a nearby table. Seems teenage daughter was upset about something, stood up and slugged her mother really hard in the arm, and started to exit. Dad tried to intervene, and he was punched in the arm too. He then just stood aside and let her flounce out. A few minutes later Dad went outside to find her. She had apparently calmed down, and came back in, sat down, and finished the meal. Dad and Mom were so casual about all of this that I could only surmise that teenage daughter did this a lot. What a fun family. . .
Ok, this one is kinda scary. It started raining heavily at one of the parks... I forgot which one. My friend and I went inside a restroom, and as we were washing our hands, we saw a dad and his son, age 6 or 7, come in. The dad had a very thick New York accent and was angry because the kid splashed his leg with water from a puddle or something. At first we just thought, "Oh whatever, parents get mad about stupid crap all the time," but then we saw the dad lunge at the boy with a raised fist. My heart sank as I saw the boy jump back into the corner in fear. My friend and I immediately started to run toward the boy to try and protect him as I was thinking to myself, "Oh my god, I'm going to get into a fight at Disney World," but then the dad just stopped mid punch and stormed out of the restroom with the boy quietly following 20 feet behind. I turned to my friend and we were just in complete shock.
Has anyone ever seen a guest throwing a meltdown over character meet and greets? I could imagine the Hatter and Alice's reactions to a random guests having a fit over something.
Honestly, and not being judgmental, but, staying offsite, I spend about the following. I'll break it down to 3 people.$1000 in three days at Disney for meals and shopping?? LOL Done.
These represent three of our actual days we have spent at WDW during one of our trips...
Day one
Breakfast at Chef Mickey's x3 people = $111
Lunch at Casey's Corner x3 people = $38
Dinner at LTT x3 people = $114
Shopping ($ per person) = $120
Day two
Breakfast at Donald's Safari (AK) x3 people = $100
Lunch at Flame Tree BBQ x3 people = $51
Dinner at Rainforest Cafe x3 people = $113
Shopping ($ per person) = $120
Day three
Breakfast at Cinderella's Royal Table x3 people = $180
Lunch at SciFi Dine In x3 people = $108
Dinner at 50's Prime Time x3 people = $69
Shopping ($ per person) = $120
Total: $1,724
I'm with you. I was thinking if we only spent 1K in 3 days I would be a happy man. Some of those meals at the restaurants we eat at can run $300 per sit down twice daily.
This may sound naive, but when at WDW how does someone handle obvious abuse? I honestly have yet to see any, but a few of the PP have written about some true abusive situations. So do you.let a CM know, or do you call 9-1-1 and glue yourself to that family until help arrives?That's when I would have called 911 and stuck to that dad like glue until the cops showed up. Because that's probably not the first time he threatened/hit his son.
This may sound naive, but when at WDW how does someone handle obvious abuse? I honestly have yet to see any, but a few of the PP have written about some true abusive situations. So do you.let a CM know, or do you call 9-1-1 and glue yourself to that family until help arrives?
I spent nearly $1000 just shopping in one day during our most recent trip. But those two Michael Kors watches I bought my daughter and me are sure pretty.
So, you never spanked your kids or used a "do we need to have a trip to the restroom" threatening tone when they were younger?For me, if I see ANYONE threatening to hit or hitting a child, it's a call to 911 and I will hang around or follow that individual until law enforcement shows up in order to provide a statement and ensure they arrest the individual. If I think the child is going to be seriously injured, I would step in, while screaming for the cops. I may be a 60s something woman, but hit a child in my presence and that mother bear instinct will rear its head. At my age, I can still bite, scratch, slap and pull hair. Warning to guys, we girls fight dirty....
I've been following this thread since page 1 and somehow this incident didn't come to mind until now...
In 2009, DH and I were on our very first trip together when we were dating. We stayed at the Poly with a 30% off deal for 9 nights, loving every second of uninterrupted time together. Everything went swimmingly-until one fateful day at DHS.
We were walking up to Tower of Terror, one of our faves, and we notice a family near us where their maybe 12 year old son feels very concerned about going on the ride. "Does it REALLY drop, or does Disney just make you feel like you're dropping?" he says. Mom responds "Hon. I've been on this before. Disney uses their technology magic to make you feel like you're falling but you're not". She turns and chuckles to who I assume was husband/dad and they share a laugh, knowing it drops for real.
Fast forward to us in the library and the they are with us. Kid still afraid and family still stringing him along. They stay close in the boiler room, kid continuing to question what he knows cannot be true. Then we board the ride and what do you know, our friends are behind us! I turn to DH and we just had to laugh in fear of him soon finding out the truth. The ride begins and he moans in fear, parents laughing. It's dark and he starts freaking more. And then we dropped! For the rest of the entire ride, he obviously finds out IT IS CERTAINLY REAL and he is literally screaming and crying at the top of his lungs "WERE ALL GONNA DIIIIIIIIIE!" over and over.
As we disembark, his parents are laughing hysterically and he is half laughing too and half crying at this point, slapping them playfully saying he hates them.
.So, you never spanked your kids or used a "do we need to have a trip to the restroom" threatening tone when they were younger?
Frankly, there is a very firm line between abuse and discipline. And, it is not your job to police the world.
I wasn't asking about discipline choices. I was actually asking about true abusive situations. ie: if the guy in the restrooms fist (not hand) had actually connected... Obvious stuff. I've never been a witness to it at WDW, just asking...So, you never spanked your kids or used a "do we need to have a trip to the restroom" threatening tone when they were younger?
Frankly, there is a very firm line between abuse and discipline. And, it is not your job to police the world.
Would you like to adopt an almost 28 year old?![]()
My misunderstanding then..
I'm sorry, but I must disagree with you. The incident the poster witnessed was clearly child abuse and needed to be stopped/reported. THAT is the behavior I'm referring to, not a parent swatting a disobedient child once on the behind.
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