What to do?...


Well-Known Member
After all of that there is no way I would go back with her. If you have to, I would not spend any time together except for a meal or two. She would have drove me nuts and stressed me out.


New Member
ThinkTink, I am so sorry about your experience!!!! I guess I'm lucky - I get along great with my mother in law (better than my own, in fact). I actually can see these comments coming from my own mom.....which is exactly why I would leave her at home! :D However, if I had to take her with me, I would probably do what others suggested and tell her that here is our itinerary and that we'll meet up somewhere for dinner or lunch (and then move quickly on to the next thing I want to do).

Best of luck next year!!


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
ThinkTink, I am so sorry about your experience!!!! I guess I'm lucky - I get along great with my mother in law (better than my own, in fact). I actually can see these comments coming from my own mom.....which is exactly why I would leave her at home! :D However, if I had to take her with me, I would probably do what others suggested and tell her that here is our itinerary and that we'll meet up somewhere for dinner or lunch (and then move quickly on to the next thing I want to do).

Best of luck next year!!
I have already told my DH that we will make our schedule for next year, let them know where were going & they can make theirs accordingly.
The funny thing is, my mother-in-law & I usually get along fine.
This was the 1st time I have seen her complain like that (and at WDW of all places).
She said that she had a good time & she is booked to return next year.
She did buy me a Mickey bracelet on the trip - maybe she was trying to say she was sorry. :veryconfu

Her name isn't Debbie is it?

We are traveling to the world next week with DH entire immediate family. However, we have done this one other time before, and have learned from the mistake that we cannot all be together all the time. There will be 8 adults, 4 kids, and 2 infants. If we didn't already decide to spend time apart, we would probably already be fighting.

We just collectively decided that while we will probably all attend the same parks on the same days, we will probably just set up meeting points throughout the day just to keep track of everyone.

Ah, the drama of traveling with extended family.:lookaroun


Active Member
Man, can I relate to this! My wife thought it would be great to invite her sister and her family to WDW with us this past summer. We get along with them pretty well and their kids are close enough in age to ours, that they get along great. I am one of those compulsive planners with spread sheets, ADR's for everything, daily park plans, etc. I explained that carefully before any arrangements were made so that it was understood that if they wanted to to something different than what we were doing, that would not offend us and we knew not everyone wanted to keep a schedule on vacation and so on. I also discussed every restaurant and sent them an e-mail of the menus. Sister-in-law and kids are not adventurous eaters, bro-in-law is. I even went as far as giving them guide books and asking them to look through them and give me an idea of their attractions they would be disappointed if they missed since it was their first trip. I tried to be proactive and anticipate problems that might arise. All throughout the planning, the answer I got was "we'll do whatever you guys do, we'll try anything, we're flexible.....".

Well, once at the World, all that changed. I don't think my sister-in-law said ONE thing positive. Issue 1: the food. NO rest. had food she liked, her kids weren't used to eating like that (kids menu items-meanwhile at home, they eat pizza, nuggets, fries, and mac and cheese constantly) She was even taking issue with the service at Yachtsman! Of course then the outstanding wait staff noticed her daughter was tired and made her a "bed" out of chairs complete with "blankets" and she slept through most of dinner. Issue 2: transportation. If we had to wait more than 3 minutes, it was too long and a personal insult to her. In addition, it didn't please her when she tried to enter the back door of the bus (against posted warnings) and the driver closed it on her. Issue 3: everything else. Too much walking, too hot, too expensive, seats were bad at shows, blah, blah, blah.......Not a single thank you to me for any of the planning I had done or the fact that I was the one that walked about 15 EXTRA miles to get FP's for everyone so that no wait was longer than 15 minutes for any attraction, not one.

I know the complaints weren't directed at me, but it sure felt that way. However, it did give me a tiny bit of satisfaction a few weeks later as SHE had planned a trip to New York for ten or so ladies in my wife's family and my wife told me that EVERYONE gave her what she had given me and then some in complaints on that trip! She even said something to my wife about it and my wife said that was how I felt at WDW......her response was to brush it off and basically ignore what my wife said. I guess it's tough to look in the mirror sometimes.

Anyway, I've learned my lesson. WDW will be where my wife, my kids, and I go and have fun by ourselves.


New Member
DH and I went to WDW with my parents when we were engaged. The NEA Convention was there the year we went so my Dad had to do the convention stuff during the day. We had a ball with my mom. We are taking my brother-in-law with us in May and don't anticipate any problems as he is very easy-going, has never been to WDW and my DS4 absolutely adores him. That said my DH and I know that we could never go with my Mother-in-law. We would kill her.:brick: We couldn't handle a one night trip to a family wedding with her. I suggest a short overnight trip with anyone you are considering going to WDW with before asking them. Some people just aren't good at group vacations.:(


New Member
I have already told my DH that we will make our schedule for next year, let them know where were going & they can make theirs accordingly.
The funny thing is, my mother-in-law & I usually get along fine.
This was the 1st time I have seen her complain like that (and at WDW of all places).
She said that she had a good time & she is booked to return next year.
She did buy me a Mickey bracelet on the trip - maybe she was trying to say she was sorry. :veryconfu

Hey - now I'll have to look for a Mickey bracelet when I'm down there. Last April, I did regret not getting a pair of Mickey earrings I saw. I wear studs in all but my first earring hole, so maybe I can find a nice pair or two of studs....

And I will bet she felt a little guilty....or at least, I hope she did.


Well-Known Member
We went last time with my mother in law. She is like that and her husband is not much better. He complained about all the food and how we had to eat at early times to accomodate our large party. Then, he complained that we ate TOO much food. Ugh. We kept encouraging them to do their own thing so they wouldn't have to wait in line for characters etc.

When we got back they complained about how fast we were and how they couldn't keep up. We are taking her ex husband on our next trip in December. She told me that we would have to slow down for him since it is just him and last year the two of them couldn't keep up but at least they had each other. I just had to smile, I didn't tell her that we were so fast because we were trying to get rid of their complaining butts. :lol:


New Member
"Anyway, I've learned my lesson. WDW will be where my wife, my kids, and I go and have fun by ourselves."
amen to that,only way to go.went in 2000,with my family,my mom and my sister,what a disaster


My husband and I treated two friends of ours to a trip to WDW last year. My now ex-friend complained the whole time and randomly said very strange things to strangers, often embarrassing us. Whining and complaining for the first five days we were there.

We watched the MVMCP parade, which we never do as this is a perfect time to ride the rides, we chose to watch as this ex-friend had never seen it and the other three of us felt it was RUDE to not stay there with her. My ex-friend then says she wants to return to the room. She could have spoke up and mentioned that after the parade she was going back to the room, she knows how to get there. I finally spoke up to her and let her know that all she could have done was let us know. So with us trying not to be rude, she in turn felt it was okay.

She packed up her things and left the next day without even telling us she was leaving. We still had three days on the trip. No note, no nothing. Most importantly to my husband, no thank you for the trip! Talk about RUDE!

Bye-Bye ten year friendship. Haven't spoke to her since.


Active Member
Whenever DD and I go we usually bring my mom with us since my dad is not a Disney fan. On our 2006 trip, my mom decided to bring along my oldest sister. Big mistake! My mom and I split the cost of my sister's trip and all she did was complain! She didn't like that I had booked our flights on South West, she didn't like taking ME to the resort. It was to hot outside, it was to cold inside, the lines were to long. The thing that made me say "I will never go to WDW with her again is" that everytime I bought something for me or my DD my sister was right there, complaining about how expensive everything was and how she wished she could have brought more spending money. She was clearly hinting that I should help her buy some stuff. I might have if she was being just a littler apperchiative of what we had already gotten for her!

Some poeple just look for the worst thing in all situations. Its not worth to risk ruining your Disney vacation, or more importantly, your relationship. ThinkTink, if I were you, I would leave my mother-in-law at home next time.


New Member
Really why take her? We took my Mother-in-Law last year, and she generally mangages to find something to complain about at every family gathering or holiday, and also is notoriously late for everything(Abig pet peeve of mine). So I was not looking forward to it. We have DVC so she stayed in with us and during the planning, being her favorite Son-in-Law (only son-in-law), I told her straight up she was gonna have to more or less go with the flow on this trip and if she didn't want to go ..stay home. We did include her in the planning ....picking restaurants and shows she wanted to eat at and see.
Much to my surprise it actually went surprisingly well. No complaining and wasn't actually too bad.

Problem is now she wants to go with us next year.....what are the chances next year will be the same?:lol:

My boyfriends mother is exactly the same way. EVERYTHING is a problem. You'd think it was jail, not a theme park.

Here's a little secret... shh...
I get a quote for the trip before we book it. I quote round-trip select flights, a top resort and tickets with the works for the better part of a week. I always manage to make the quote just out of their price range but make sure to say "awww you should try to save and come!"


Well-Known Member
I have a similiar problem in that my sister in law wants to gate crash our next walt disney world trip. She is a single parent to an 8 year old boy and says she needs someone to go with as she wont go on the scary rides with him. I know it sounds heartless but i know what shes like and she will just take over the whole trip. We're not even her first choice as she asked a friend to go with her but shes not interested. Also my husband and i both work full time so our family holiday with our two girls is special for us as its quality time together. Still feel kind of selfish for not wanting her there though.....
My husband and I treated two friends of ours to a trip to WDW last year. My now ex-friend complained the whole time and randomly said very strange things to strangers, often embarrassing us. Whining and complaining for the first five days we were there.

We watched the MVMCP parade, which we never do as this is a perfect time to ride the rides, we chose to watch as this ex-friend had never seen it and the other three of us felt it was RUDE to not stay there with her. My ex-friend then says she wants to return to the room. She could have spoke up and mentioned that after the parade she was going back to the room, she knows how to get there. I finally spoke up to her and let her know that all she could have done was let us know. So with us trying not to be rude, she in turn felt it was okay.

She packed up her things and left the next day without even telling us she was leaving. We still had three days on the trip. No note, no nothing. Most importantly to my husband, no thank you for the trip! Talk about RUDE!

Bye-Bye ten year friendship. Haven't spoke to her since.

All I can say to that is Yikes:eek:!

I am a believer in that those who travel well make good friends/spouses. Maybe this unfortunate situation happened for a reason. Don't you hate it when people say that. But maybe it's true. And if nothing else, it's one less person in line :p.

Sorry that you lost a long time friend out of it though. I'll be your friend if you want to treat me to a vacay at WDW:wave:.


New Member

These situations are exactly why I will never take my father-in-law to WDW.

He'd cooperate more or less for my daughter's sake, but he'd complain the entire time to me about how much everything costs, the heat, the crowds, etc.

The closest he's ever going to get is a "Grumpy" t-shirt, of which he owns several.
Ashame, too, since my Mother-in-law is the opposite and would love to go.

Maybe the OP's M-I-L can be the 1000th Happy Haunt at the Mansion. I hear there's always room for one more...

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