What Should Disney do About Vaping?


New Member
I saw no one doing it in public spaces, and even if they were, isolated incidents are no different than people sneaking smokes (for example, I caught people sneaking real cigs all over the parks).

This is one issue where Universal has handled it much better than Disney has.

I suppose they forget that the reason why Disneyland originally had trash cans every 30 feet was because, if provided a receptacle within use, people were less likely to litter...

The same goes for smoking. If offered areas, they are more likely to use them. If not, they are more likely to sneak.

I've smoked on all my trips (though I have done the vape and gum thing as well)...and I find a lot of it rather silly.

At resorts, it should be banned around the food courts, main walkways and the pools, for obvious reasons.

At the parks, some more care should be placed on where to put them. For a variety of reasons...part of which is that not the rest of the world has the massive self-rightous "anti-smoking" mantra as the US does.

Smoking stinks, it's dirty (and this is coming from a smoker). Vaping is not. That said, it isn't worth the drama it creates. I've had people walk by me in smoking areas make snide comments about how "it's a children's park", etc...

Well, tell that to Walt.

And, don't give me this "we know more now than we did then" or "it was a different time"...

It isn't. Smoking is a popular thing for people to pick on, and the virulent nature of some (not all) non-smoker's objections is beyond irritating.

All that said, if Disney made their parks 100% non-smoking, I'd obey it (bet people cheat left and right, but I wouldn't). As it stands, vaping is to be relegated to smoking areas, and I think that's ok...but it's really not fair. I've seen people smoke joints in the parks (yeah, weed)...it's not my job to police them, nor is it my role to be overly self-important and complain about it.

Make more smoking areas and there will be less sneaking.


New Member
There's enough smoking areas. People will sneak regardless....
Actually, there are only 4 in MK.
For as exspensive as the park is, that's very few.
I was agreeing with the previous comment that just like they put trash cans every few feet to discourage littering, if you really want to keep people from smoking outside of designated areas, put more in.


One Little Spark...
There's enough smoking areas. People will sneak regardless....
I disagree. The past few years Disney has been shutting them down in the parks (not moving them, shutting them down). There are less now than there were 3 years ago. Frankly, I think banning them from lines, indoors/covered areas and restaurants is quite enough.

That said, if they banned smoking altogether, I'd respect the rules. But, to the point, treating vaping as the same is smoking is just asinine. It's like saying cats stink because they are distantly related to skunks.


One Little Spark...
Actually, there are only 4 in MK.
For as exspensive as the park is, that's very few.
I was agreeing with the previous comment that just like they put trash cans every few feet to discourage littering, if you really want to keep people from smoking outside of designated areas, put more in.
Right. Universal has something like 14...for a smaller park, and that's just the studios side.


Well-Known Member
Actually, there are only 4 in MK.
For as exspensive as the park is, that's very few.
I was agreeing with the previous comment that just like they put trash cans every few feet to discourage littering, if you really want to keep people from smoking outside of designated areas, put more in.

Right. Universal has something like 14...for a smaller park, and that's just the studios side.
Really, I think it's closer to 9 locations in the MK.
I'm not trying to argue anything, just trying to be as accurate as possible. @englanddg , as a current smoker, you may very well know if these are accurate though, and perhaps they are not.
Looking here : http://allears.net/tp/smoke.htm


A naughty bit o' crumpet
Premium Member
Actually, there are only 4 in MK.
For as exspensive as the park is, that's very few.
I was agreeing with the previous comment that just like they put trash cans every few feet to discourage littering, if you really want to keep people from smoking outside of designated areas, put more in.
Or, not smoke....
I disagree. The past few years Disney has been shutting them down in the parks (not moving them, shutting them down). There are less now than there were 3 years ago. Frankly, I think banning them from lines, indoors/covered areas and restaurants is quite enough.

That said, if they banned smoking altogether, I'd respect the rules. But, to the point, treating vaping as the same is smoking is just asinine. It's like saying cats stink because they are distantly related to skunks.
then people may have to reduce their smoking. If banning it altogether is acceptable, then reducing the number shouldn't be an issue....


One Little Spark...
Really, I think it's closer to 9 locations in the MK.
I'm not trying to argue anything, just trying to be as accurate as possible.
Looking here : http://allears.net/tp/smoke.htm
First, TTC shouldn't be on that list. It's not "in park".
Second, we'll stick to your "source"...


Tell me, how many do you count there? I count 4. I SAW 4 when I was there a few weeks ago.

2 on the pathway to Tomorrowland, 1 in frontierland at the old docks across from big thunder, 1 in the hub as you walk into Adventureland.


One Little Spark...
Or, not smoke....

then people may have to reduce their smoking. If banning it altogether is acceptable, then reducing the number shouldn't be an issue....
People on average will just "not smoke" in an outdoor venue. They'll sneak it. Or they'll vape, or they'll chew and spit.

Want to control it, take the same approach as littering. Either that, or just ignore what others are doing.


A naughty bit o' crumpet
Premium Member
People on average will just "not smoke" in an outdoor venue. They'll sneak it. Or they'll vape, or they'll chew and spit.

Want to control it, take the same approach as littering. Either that, or just ignore what others are doing.
Or, people could control themselves. Smokers smoke where they're allowed. It would also be nice if CMs were enabled to enforce even this basic a rule....


New Member
And also, many people on here have commented that the hate passing the smoking areas because they are strong with odor and smoke.

You think reducing the amount of designated smoking areas has caused a higher concentrations of people into a smaller area making it more noticable?

And we're not talking about smoking, but vaping, which is different but gets lumped into smoking because most people don't educate themselves on the difference.


A naughty bit o' crumpet
Premium Member
And also, many people on here have commented that the hate passing the smoking areas because they are strong with odor and smoke.

You think reducing the amount of designated smoking areas has caused a higher concentrations of people into a smaller area making it more noticable?

And we're not talking about smoking, but vaping, which is different but gets lumped into smoking because most people don't educate themselves on the difference.
So, let's create more of those areas? Because simply adding 1-2 more wont really accomplish that much....


Well-Known Member
First, TTC shouldn't be on that list. It's not "in park".
Second, we'll stick to your "source"...


Tell me, how many do you count there? I count 4. I SAW 4 when I was there a few weeks ago.

2 on the pathway to Tomorrowland, 1 in frontierland at the old docks across from big thunder, 1 in the hub as you walk into Adventureland.
Again, I was not trying to argue and asked your assistance in the accuracy of the list I found. Obviously it's incorrect.


Well-Known Member
Why would you think that vaping, inhaling chemicals, is any different than smoking? My son and DIL vape and there is a lingering haze, smell, and chemicals in the air. They are not harmful so they say -- bullpucky, I say. As a person who formerly smoked and now I have environmental asthma that is agitated by cigarette smoke and chemicals; I can tell you that vaping will bring on a asthma attack just as quickly. As the person that cleaned the chemical debris off the windows of their vehicle and off the walls of their house, I can tell you that it left the same chemical residues that cigarettes do. Keep vaping in the designated smoking areas only.


Well-Known Member
I think not enough is known about vaping, certainly not as much that is known about cigarettes, etc. It's a bit of the wild, wild west out there now with these. I do feel the second-hand smoke risk is higher indoors than out, and it's possible these are fine for indoors in a designated area, unlike cigarettes, but difficult to explain rules get followed poorly. I think they should just be confined to smoking areas, until such time as they are proven safe.


One Little Spark...
I think not enough is known about vaping, certainly not as much that is known about cigarettes, etc. It's a bit of the wild, wild west out there now with these. I do feel the second-hand smoke risk is higher indoors than out, and it's possible these are fine for indoors in a designated area, unlike cigarettes, but difficult to explain rules get followed poorly. I think they should just be confined to smoking areas, until such time as they are proven safe.
Actually, quite a bit is known about vaping. The CDC, FDA and several other public health studies (independent of the industry) have been done.


New Member
Why would you think that vaping, inhaling chemicals, is any different than smoking? My son and DIL vape and there is a lingering haze, smell, and chemicals in the air. They are not harmful so they say -- bullpucky, I say. As a person who formerly smoked and now I have environmental asthma that is agitated by cigarette smoke and chemicals; I can tell you that vaping will bring on a asthma attack just as quickly. As the person that cleaned the chemical debris off the windows of their vehicle and off the walls of their house, I can tell you that it left the same chemical residues that cigarettes do. Keep vaping in the designated smoking areas only.

It is different in the delivery method as well as the amount of chemicals. Now I'm not saying it's healthy, but it is a better option.

Why does anyone put any type of chemical in their body? Coke itself has a ton of stuff that is not good, but we give it to kids. It's even addicting and you can experience withdrawl from it.

So why do people put unnatural, unhealthy things into our body, because we like the effects even if there are negative repercussions.

E-cigs are a newer technology and we don't have all the information as to the I'll effects & I'm sure they're there. But they are presenting a better option and tool for smokers. But villianizing it before we known all the facts in my opinon not the best.

As far as the asthma I'm sorry that it is some th ing you have to deal with, but I'm sure you face lots of triggers. My friend can't be around strong perfumes because it sets hers off and I can't either because it causes migraines.

I agree with the fact that if their are designated areas people should smoke in them, but there needs to be more if people expect others to not cheat and use those specifically. And being outside is much different than being in a line or enclosed area.
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