What Should Disney do About Vaping?


New Member
Then again, either control themselves, or enable the CMs to enforce the smoking policy without fear of reprisal....
You can't control how people will respond to the CM's and that's probably why they don't actively enforce it. Most people aren't confrontational in nature and really the most they could do was remind them to smoke in designated areas.
Now if someone is being obnoxious and just not caring they could then call security, but I imagine most people just play dumb when approached.


New Member
So, let's create more of those areas? Because simply adding 1-2 more wont really accomplish that much....
Nope 1-2 wouldn't but maybe putting at least 2 areas per land might be helpful. Once again back to the idea that if you don't want people to smoke throughout the park give them enough designated areas to do it.


A naughty bit o' crumpet
Premium Member
You can't control how people will respond to the CM's and that's probably why they don't actively enforce it. Most people aren't confrontational in nature and really the most they could do was remind them to smoke in designated areas.
Now if someone is being obnoxious and just not caring they could then call security, but I imagine most people just play dumb when approached.
Nope 1-2 wouldn't but maybe putting at least 2 areas per land might be helpful. Once again back to the idea that if you don't want people to smoke throughout the park give them enough designated areas to do it.
So, you're back to people controlling themselves, which they apparently can't do with the number of smoking areas in place now. And your solution is giving them more areas, even though the odds of people smoking outside those areas are still good? Sorry, but that's not fair to those that don't smoke, and don't need the secondhand effects....


New Member
Once again, the topic is vaping not smoking, and yes I do believe it would help. If there awere more places to go.

Statistically 1 in 7 people smoke. Look around yourself when in a park and think about the amount of people you see and think about that number.

Do you think all those people fit into 4 areas? No they don't which makes a higher population in a smaller area and more attention to them.

Giving smokers more places to smoke will reduce the number of them lighting up or vaping outside the designated areas.
It becomes harder for them to say, "oh I didn't know that or I couldn'couldn't find an area".

You will always have rule breakers, but stripping down to a handful of smoking areas does not reduce the number of smokers, it forces them into fewer areas and for a lot of people they see more appeal in just smoking or vaping anywhere.

If they applied your logic to the littering issue then they could just remove a ton of the trash cans and clearly people wouldn't litter. They'd walk out of their way to throw trash away. I mean the good thing would be there would be more space for walking and less things to run into.

If you want to discourage people from doing a specific behavior (smoking outside of designated areas) then give them enough opportunities to make the right choice.


A naughty bit o' crumpet
Premium Member
Once again, the topic is vaping not smoking, and yes I do believe it would help. If there awere more places to go.

Statistically 1 in 7 people smoke. Look around yourself when in a park and think about the amount of people you see and think about that number.

Do you think all those people fit into 4 areas? No they don't which makes a higher population in a smaller area and more attention to them.

Giving smokers more places to smoke will reduce the number of them lighting up or vaping outside the designated areas.
It becomes harder for them to say, "oh I didn't know that or I couldn'couldn't find an area".

You will always have rule breakers, but stripping down to a handful of smoking areas does not reduce the number of smokers, it forces them into fewer areas and for a lot of people they see more appeal in just smoking or vaping anywhere.

If they applied your logic to the littering issue then they could just remove a ton of the trash cans and clearly people wouldn't litter. They'd walk out of their way to throw trash away. I mean the good thing would be there would be more space for walking and less things to run into.

If you want to discourage people from doing a specific behavior (smoking outside of designated areas) then give them enough opportunities to make the right choice.
Smoking and baling take place in the same areas, per WDW rules. So, the two are intertwined....

And people have been given the opportunity to have their own designated areas to smoke, and chose to still smoke outside of them. Giving them more areas is license to do more of the same, whether you choose to admit it or not.


New Member
What you seem to be missing is that over the years there have been fewer and fewer smoking areas, and yet the complaints continue to rise that more people are smoking outside of the areas.

I made no denying that there are still going to be people who smoke wherever and whenever they want.

But if they keep removing designated areas this problem will continue and in my opinion get worse.

Just because Disney has removed more and more smoking areas does not mean that people don't smoke anymore.

I don't understand why it seems to be such a big deal for you to add more smoking areas? Of they're out of the main fair ways and are marked so you can avoid them, why does it matter?

You seem to have this mentality that in some way it's rewarding smokers which makes no sense?

Just because you chose not to smoke does not mean others can't.


A naughty bit o' crumpet
Premium Member
What you seem to be missing is that over the years there have been fewer and fewer smoking areas, and yet the complaints continue to rise that more people are smoking outside of the areas.

I made no denying that there are still going to be people who smoke wherever and whenever they want.

But if they keep removing designated areas this problem will continue and in my opinion get worse.

Just because Disney has removed more and more smoking areas does not mean that people don't smoke anymore.

I don't understand why it seems to be such a big deal for you to add more smoking areas? Of they're out of the main fair ways and are marked so you can avoid them, why does it matter?

You seem to have this mentality that in some way it's rewarding smokers which makes no sense?

Just because you chose not to smoke does not mean others can't.
You're seeing this rise in smoking complaints personally?

Giving smokers more areas to smoke is a reward. Because it's giving them more areas to smoke....

And where did I ever say people couldn't smoke? Please, show me. I'll wait.


Well-Known Member
What you seem to be missing is that over the years there have been fewer and fewer smoking areas, and yet the complaints continue to rise that more people are smoking outside of the areas.

I made no denying that there are still going to be people who smoke wherever and whenever they want.

But if they keep removing designated areas this problem will continue and in my opinion get worse.

Just because Disney has removed more and more smoking areas does not mean that people don't smoke anymore.

I don't understand why it seems to be such a big deal for you to add more smoking areas? Of they're out of the main fair ways and are marked so you can avoid them, why does it matter?

You seem to have this mentality that in some way it's rewarding smokers which makes no sense?

Just because you chose not to smoke does not mean others can't.

Plus, I simply don't understand the taboo nature of it all. I've seen far worse than vaping and cigarette smoking in WDW.


New Member
You're seeing this rise in smoking complaints personally?

Giving smokers more areas to smoke is a reward. Because it's giving them more areas to smoke....

And where did I ever say people couldn't smoke? Please, show me. I'll wait.

Why are these threads continually popping up? Why are more blog posts dedicated to it? The majority of the voice on this thread alone is ban smoking and vaping, that the designated areas are even too much altogether and complaints about people smoking and vaping anywhere.

Removing areas to smoke and vape leads to more smoking and vaping outside of the areas.

Right now they're making the rule that you can't smoke but in designated areas and at the same time removing said areas.
In 2000 there were 11 smoking areas located throughout the park and now just four.
It's a simple cause and effect. Take away places to smoke and more people will smoke wherever, add spots and you'll reduce that number.

I never said you said people couldn't smoke. I was inferring from your general response that in your opinion adding smoking areas rewards smokers, which I was correct. If that's your opinion it follows that you're most likely against smoking, but once again I didn't say you said people couldn't smoke or vape. I just said that even if it's your opinion people shouldn't smoke it doesn't mean they can't.

Don't want people lighting up or vaping just anywhere? Give them more places to go. It's not rewarding behaviour as most smoking areas are out of the way, BUT it provides a solution for both sides. You know where to avoid and they known where to go.


A naughty bit o' crumpet
Premium Member
Why are these threads continually popping up? Why are more blog posts dedicated to it? The majority of the voice on this thread alone is ban smoking and vaping, that the designated areas are even too much altogether and complaints about people smoking and vaping anywhere.

Removing areas to smoke and vape leads to more smoking and vaping outside of the areas.

Right now they're making the rule that you can't smoke but in designated areas and at the same time removing said areas.
In 2000 there were 11 smoking areas located throughout the park and now just four.
It's a simple cause and effect. Take away places to smoke and more people will smoke wherever, add spots and you'll reduce that number.

I never said you said people couldn't smoke. I was inferring from your general response that in your opinion adding smoking areas rewards smokers, which I was correct. If that's your opinion it follows that you're most likely against smoking, but once again I didn't say you said people couldn't smoke or vape. I just said that even if it's your opinion people shouldn't smoke it doesn't mean they can't.

Don't want people lighting up or vaping just anywhere? Give them more places to go. It's not rewarding behaviour as most smoking areas are out of the way, BUT it provides a solution for both sides. You know where to avoid and they known where to go.
Actually, this thread popped up about what people would not like to see in the parks. And one thread out of thousands on s fan forum is not the same as "seeing" complaints rise at the parks....

And they've reduced the number of smoking areas, not removed them entirely. Which actually may be reflective of smoking in the country as a whole, and an understanding of its harmful effects....


New Member
Actually you're posting in a thread titled "what should disney do about vaping" there is also a simultaneous thread going on about what to ban.
And you are correct, but I've seen the issue more and more across other boards on multiple sites.

Even though thread discusses vaping, which is on the rise, There has been a downturn in smoking as a whole, but that doesn't negate the fact that 1 in 7 people in the world smoke. In some cultures and countries it's apart of the cutlure. Disneyworld caters not only to Americans but pretty much anyone who can pay the price to be there.

Reducing the amount of areas just leads to more people smoking where ever. Same concept as litter.

Walt had it set up so there are trash cans about every 30 feet. That way people are more likely to take care of their trash as opposed to just throwing it wherever.
Increasing the number of designated areas helps the current situation.

The question is what should disney do about vaping in the park? Make more designated areas, it'll cut down on people vaping in non dedicated areas. Especially with vaping. Most people don't see it as intrusive or unsafe as smoking which I think fuels the desire to just vape instead of making their way across the park to one of the designated areas
Now most people aren'aren't jerk about it, but a lot are.
This thread is a joke. You sit here and harass people who are trying to quit smoking and save us billions in heath care cost yet you defend a bunch of obnoxious drunks at Epcot who ruin our experience at that park. I would much rather have people vaping around me than getting drunk and obnoxious (not to mention driving home incapacitated and risking our lives).


A naughty bit o' crumpet
Premium Member
This thread is a joke. You sit here and harass people who are trying to quit smoking and save us billions in heath care cost yet you defend a bunch of obnoxious drunks at Epcot who ruin our experience at that park. I would much rather have people vaping around me than getting drunk and obnoxious (not to mention driving home incapacitated and risking our lives).
Easy Preston....


Well-Known Member
This thread is a joke. You sit here and harass people who are trying to quit smoking and save us billions in heath care cost yet you defend a bunch of obnoxious drunks at Epcot who ruin our experience at that park. I would much rather have people vaping around me than getting drunk and obnoxious (not to mention driving home incapacitated and risking our lives).
What if they are vaping alcohol?


Well-Known Member
Once again, the topic is vaping not smoking, and yes I do believe it would help. If there awere more places to go.

Statistically 1 in 7 people smoke. Look around yourself when in a park and think about the amount of people you see and think about that number.

Do you think all those people fit into 4 areas? No they don't which makes a higher population in a smaller area and more attention to them.

Giving smokers more places to smoke will reduce the number of them lighting up or vaping outside the designated areas.
It becomes harder for them to say, "oh I didn't know that or I couldn'couldn't find an area".

You will always have rule breakers, but stripping down to a handful of smoking areas does not reduce the number of smokers, it forces them into fewer areas and for a lot of people they see more appeal in just smoking or vaping anywhere.

If they applied your logic to the littering issue then they could just remove a ton of the trash cans and clearly people wouldn't litter. They'd walk out of their way to throw trash away. I mean the good thing would be there would be more space for walking and less things to run into.

If you want to discourage people from doing a specific behavior (smoking outside of designated areas) then give them enough opportunities to make the right choice.

I really don't believe that having more smoking areas will cut down the cheating. I think it is a mentality thing. I have seen people walk right past a smoking area with a lit cigarette and not stop. If you are a person who thinks that you have the "right' to smoke wherever and whenever you want then adding areas is not going to do a thing. Its more of an entitlement issue then a smoking area issue. My Mom was one of those that felt like she can smoke wherever she wanted because in her mind the people who did not want to be around the smoke were just personally "after her". Even with me being allergic to cigarette smoke, it did not even phase her and she did not care that it physically hurt me. I think this mentality is common in smokers. Some of the responses of smokers that get very defensive about this are the same types of things I heard for years. Just know that nonsmokers are not out to get you personally, some of us just get physically ill by it. And it is hard to avoid. I go to the store and someone is walking in the parking lot smoking(I get sick), I am driving with my windows down and someone is smoking in the car ahead of me and I can smell it(I get sick). Some days I feel like a prisoner in my own home not wanting to go out even to the store because I might run into someone smoking. So my point is that for some of us, smelling your cigarettes is not just something we are morally against but actually something that makes us very ill. BTW cigarettes in the form of lung cancer killed my Mom at age 62. No one ever thinks it is going to happen to them but it will.


Well-Known Member
Plus, I simply don't understand the taboo nature of it all. I've seen far worse than vaping and cigarette smoking in WDW.

Its not taboo in the form of watching people smoke. Its the cancer causing chemicals that are being spread by it. If it was something that can be contained to the single person doing the smoking then I am sure most people would have no issues with it. But the toxic stench that comes from the cigarettes is what the problem is. If there was a factory that had these toxic fumes in the air(that were not cigarettes), there would be no way that the government would let people work in that kind of environment, they would make them wear gas masks at the very least. If they did not make so much money from the taxes they collect on cigarettes they would be banned. They ban pretty much every other cancer causing chemicals.(unless of course they make millions of dollars from it)

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