What Should Disney do About Vaping?


New Member
I really don't believe that having more smoking areas will cut down the cheating. I think it is a mentality thing. I have seen people walk right past a smoking area with a lit cigarette and not stop. If you are a person who thinks that you have the "right' to smoke wherever and whenever you want then adding areas is not going to do a thing. Its more of an entitlement issue then a smoking area issue. My Mom was one of those that felt like she can smoke wherever she wanted because in her mind the people who did not want to be around the smoke were just personally "after her". Even with me being allergic to cigarette smoke, it did not even phase her and she did not care that it physically hurt me. I think this mentality is common in smokers. Some of the responses of smokers that get very defensive about this are the same types of things I heard for years. Just know that nonsmokers are not out to get you personally, some of us just get physically ill by it. And it is hard to avoid. I go to the store and someone is walking in the parking lot smoking(I get sick), I am driving with my windows down and someone is smoking in the car ahead of me and I can smell it(I get sick). Some days I feel like a prisoner in my own home not wanting to go out even to the store because I might run into someone smoking. So my point is that for some of us, smelling your cigarettes is not just something we are morally against but actually something that makes us very ill. BTW cigarettes in the form of lung cancer killed my Mom at age 62. No one ever thinks it is going to happen to them but it will.

I do think it will and as I said you will always have people who break the rules, I'm not denying that but giving more options on where to Vape (which is what is being discussed, not smoking) will cut down on that.

And funny that you think I smoke because 1) I never mentioned that I did and 2) for your information I don't, haven't ever, and won't ever.

Which is why having more designated areas is good, you know where to avoid.

I was just saying that if people want to see less people vaping wherever, give them more than 4 areas.

And by the way my grandfather died of lung cancer and never smoked a day in his life.
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Well-Known Member
I do think it will and as I said you will always have people who break the rules, I'm not denying that but giving more options on where to Vape (which is what is being discussed, not smoking) will cut down on that.

And funny that you think I smoke because 1) I never mentioned that I did and 2) for your information I don't, haven't ever, and won't ever.

Which is why having more designated areas is good, you know where to avoid.

I was just saying that if people want to see less people vaping wherever, give them more than 4 areas.

And by the way my grandfather died of lung cancer and never smoked a day in his life.

I did not think either way if you smoked or not, I was just quoting you saying that they should add more smoking areas.


Well-Known Member
Replying no no-one in particular, but after reading what everybody as written I felt I wanted to try and tease out another perspective.
First up, I'm not really fully aware of any specific anti-vaping laws in the US or specifically Florida - if someone points me in the right direction I will certainly read it.

Many WDW visitors are from overseas, whilst that's not condoning breaking any laws through ignorance, it does mean some people are not going to be well versed in local laws and rules.

Writing with a UK perspective, I feel I can confidently say that many people don't consider vaping to be Smoking. I know many people will agree and many may well disagree, but technically I see this as being accurate.

Here in the UK the anti-smoking legislation we have doesn't apply to vaping as it specifically refers to tobacco and burning materials. Also it only applies to enclosed spaces (IIRC being enclosed on 3 sides or more means enclosed (a specific % is defined).

For these reasons and especially if the US law is similar, I can imagine why a lot of people (US & Foreign) wouldn't consider to be doing any wrong in vaping outside of a DSA.
1 because its not smoking and 2 because outdoor spaces are not enclosed.

Yes, I know its mentioned in the park rules, but how many visitors have actually read them? Here, we have had a lot of places try to ban vaping by using anti-smoking legislation - which of course has no basis and thus can be ignored, and sometimes coming up with some quite rediculous excuses like 'some people may think they are actually smoking'.
On private premises, the owner could ask you to leave. But realistically, in the first instance at least they are probably just going to ask to you refrain.

My own view, I can't see any issue with people vaping in outdoor places that are not enclosed and as long as they are not crowded in, blowing the vapour at people, or exhaling huge quantities of vapour. I also think making people use DSAs to vape is a little unfair as it puts people who are probably trying to give us smoking or have quit into an area of more concentrated smoke.
In some ways it's like making everyone who buys a hot chocolate drink sit in a DSA to drink it.

However, it is Disney rules to make and I do believe people should respect their rules.

Any thoughts? Are there any laws relating to vaping that apply in WDW, or is it just park rules?


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
[QUOTE="My own view, I can't see any issue with people vaping in outdoor places that are not enclosed and as long as they are not crowded in, blowing the vapour at people, or exhaling huge quantities of vapour. I also think making people use DSAs to vape is a little unfair as it puts people who are probably trying to give us smoking or have quit into an area of more concentrated smoke.
In some ways it's like making everyone who buys a hot chocolate drink sit in a DSA to drink it.

The problem with this approach is that it is incredibly vague and leaves the decision completely up to the person who wants to vape. What defines "not crowded" or "huge quantities of vapour"? I hear your last point about people trying to quit or perhaps using vaping as a replacement for a previous smoking habit however I still believe that the rules in place are fair and reasonable to the vast majority of people visiting Disney parks. Perhaps we need DSA's and DVA's.


Well-Known Member
Writing with a UK perspective, I feel I can confidently say that many people don't consider vaping to be Smoking. I know many people will agree and many may well disagree, but technically I see this as being accurate.

Here in the UK the anti-smoking legislation we have doesn't apply to vaping as it specifically refers to tobacco and burning materials. Also it only applies to enclosed spaces (IIRC being enclosed on 3 sides or more means enclosed (a specific % is defined).
Off topic, and just out of curiosity, do domestic, in the UK, airlines allow vaping on board? I assume, but please correct me if I'm wrong, they don't allow smoking. I'm speaking of flights like London to Glasgow or something. Or how about aboard trains, subways? Just curious.


Well-Known Member
Designated Vaping Areas - now that's an idea I would love to see. You wouldn't need receptacles for butts since there are none. They could be behind a topiary to solve the "I don't want to see it" issues.
I think this would be great. My fiance vapes & is a former smoker. He can't stand the smell of cigs, so smoking areas don't work for him when he wants to vape.
He left his at home while we were just at WDW because he didn't want to deal with finding places to use it without causing an issue.


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
I think this would be great. My fiance vapes & is a former smoker. He can't stand the smell of cigs, so smoking areas don't work for him when he wants to vape.
He left his at home while we were just at WDW because he didn't want to deal with finding places to use it without causing an issue.

Will anyone vouch for me as an Imagineer??? Sounds like I have what it takes! My first big idea...I just need to find a topiary expert

Nick Wilde

Well-Known Member
This whole thread is "Yes it is!" and "No it's not!" back and forth with no one providing anything to back up their claims. It's pretty silly.


New Member
@Mouse_Trap I love your perspective and really like the idea of dva's.

I was just arguing more smoking sections since Disney lumps the two together, but I see them as 2 separate issues.

I'm in the camp though that here in the U.S. we need to separate the two.


Well-Known Member
Nothing wrong with vaping in parks.. Produces no odor and dissipates quickly. The E-liquids (from reputable companies) are made with food grade ingredients.
The ONLY studies that have shown dangers are studies where they purposely turned up the voltage to burn the liquid at higher temps than required (propaganda... reefer madness... funded by people with an agenda).
Even the UK government acknowledged vaping is 95% safer than smoking.

The only "harmful" ingredient in the liquid is the nicotine, and not all liquids have nicotine in them. Many vape for habit to stay away from nicotine, and that is assuming that small amounts of nicotine are "harmful"

Daniel Johnson

Well-Known Member
I'm a former smoker. Three packs a day. I vape now, and I vape at Disney world. I don't have a big cloud blower I carry around. And I don't do it in open public...not because I care about anyone's opinion, but because there are kids around. If you see me at Disney, you will never see vapor emit from me. I hold it in. I grew up wanting to smoke because of watching family do it...I wouldn't want any child to think that smoking or anything like it is cool. But I will say, I don't care what you think about how I look...people look ridiculous vaping??? Judging people on what they do is pretty childish...

It should be only allowed outside the view of kids, and not bother someone else. As with smoking.

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