What Should Disney do About Vaping?


One Little Spark...
Just makes me wonder what people think about Uni...there are smoking areas all over there...you can't walk very far without running across one.


Well-Known Member
Why this rush to get a thread locked? Can't people here take a little controversy? People aren't calling each other names or anything. There's just a difference of opinion. If it bothers you, don't read.
Thanks for posting this, was my thoughts exactly. People are in disagreement over some things, but no one has been belligerent or the like.


Well-Known Member
Then it should be OK for people to "Vap" in line and breath a big cloud of vapour in peoples faces after all "it's water vapour. Like from a kettle."

Most places around us are treating it like smoking and banning it from public area's which I think is a wise decision. If Disney has included vaping in their smoking policy I think they are making the right steps.

Yes the nanny staters are banning it, but it is indeed just water vapor (hence the name of it). No it is NOT ok for someone to blow it in your face because that person is and a-hole. If someone blows it in my face they have a lot more to worry about that any health effects from the the vaping, I will kick the you know what out of them.


Well-Known Member
Yes the nanny staters are banning it, but it is indeed just water vapor (hence the name of it). No it is NOT ok for someone to blow it in your face because that person is and a-hole. If someone blows it in my face they have a lot more to worry about that any health effects from the the vaping, I will kick the you know what out of them.
It could be just water vapor, but due to the nature of many vaping fluids being quite customizable, you cannot be certain the "vapor" is truly just water vapor. (I'm not trying to imply the customized mixture is some elicit illegal drugs, though I'm certain it could be, but just that flavourings and all can contain unhealthy chemicals) Just because it's marketed as vapor does not at all mean it is. It's a very unregulated industry at this point in time. Just as tobacco cigarettes once were. As was mentioned earlier in this thread, there was a time when cigarettes were marketed as healthy, rather laughable to think back on, unless you have family and friends who are paying or have paid for that as I do.
But again, back to dealing with vaping within the parks, as this thread should be limited to, WDW has already stated that smoking E-Cigs by regulation may only take place in designated smoking areas, so if anyone is blowing vapor in someone's face, they are breaking existing rules.
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Well-Known Member
Using e-cigs is better for the user than smoking actual cigarettes, but still not a healthy alternative. To those who say the vapor that is emitted is just water, you are incorrect, numerous studies have been conducted on the byproducts of e-cig vapor. Long term effects to second hand exposure has not been proven, but there are still harmful chemicals being released. Why can't people just use them in designated spots.


Well-Known Member
Just makes me wonder what people think about Uni...there are smoking areas all over there...you can't walk very far without running across one.

Agreed, I don't smoke and never have. However when I'm at Universal I'm tempted to light one up and start smoking ;)


Well-Known Member
Yes the nanny staters are banning it, but it is indeed just water vapor (hence the name of it). No it is NOT ok for someone to blow it in your face because that person is and a-hole. If someone blows it in my face they have a lot more to worry about that any health effects from the the vaping, I will kick the you know what out of them.
It is not just water vapor. I am sure for some it is, but there are a variety of instances where it is not. I have seen it personally, as varying drugs in liquid form can be placed in the e-cigs. Personally, it should be restricted to the smoking areas.

We saw it often during our most recent trip in August. Quite a few large plumes of smoke being blown all over.
Here's my thought: There are people posting in this thread who have no idea what they are talking about so I suggest this thread be closed until everyone reads up on the subject and the federal government figures out if and why these things are dangerous. When I vape I use a cartridge that has 0% nicotine...none...ziltch, but I can't stand the smell of a lot of the Vaping flavors ie cherry, strawberry, chocolate etc so if they are allowed, I agree with those who suggest it be done in designated smoking areas

Just curious but if there is zero nicotine why vape?


Well-Known Member
As someone who is extremely allergic to cigarette smoke(as well as other strong odors like perfumes) I wish they would ban all of it from the parks so I can go a few days without smelling it. But I know that will not happen. Most of the designated smoking areas are in an ok(for me) out of the way spot but others are right off of a main path so IMO its the same as just walking with a cigarette because anyone who walks by can still smell it. As for e-cigs. I think they should be treated the same way as cigarettes. Although most of those do not bother me as much, some do. And we all know they do emit something(vapor, smoke, whatever it is you put in there is gonna come out and be "shared" with others around you). And come on people, you really can not compare fumes of chemicals to someone drinking. That is a very poor attempt at trying to justify smoking around others. There is no question that smoking causes cancer plus any other number of illnesses and it is proven that second hand smoke is just as bad, no debate on that, no matter how you want to justify it. Case closed, period. Someone drinking and being obnoxious is annoying but not going to give you cancer. So please stop comparing smoking to drinking. It makes a person sound foolish to do so. I feel bad that people are addicted to cigarettes. It is a hard habit to break. And it saddens me that this world still makes these horrible cancer sticks and that people still choose to start smoking them even though they know how dangerous they are.


New Member
On our latest trip I happened to notice maybe 2 or 3 people in the parks vaping in the general area and not in the smoking area. I am not sure how many health studies have been done to determine the possible negative 2nd hand impact. The other thing I was wondering was whether there was concern over the how it "looks" considering there are so many kids in the parks.

Being from Ontario where there are very stringent restrictions on smoking I am very supportive of any measures that reduce the number of areas where individuals can smoke when in public however I am not sure how I feel about vaping. My initial reaction would be to treat it as smoking but I suppose if there is zero second hand impact (backed up with proper health and scientific studies) then I might not be completely opposed to it or at least my argument to treat it like smoking would be weakened. That being said I have a problem with kids being exposed to seeing it and I suppose the other thing might be that I don't think anyone should be subject to anyone else's "vapour" whether it is unhealthy or not.

I just think Disney might have to implement a policy on this at some point.
I have seen people vaping in lines and indoors. When I told a cast member I got no response. It's truly disgusting!!!


One Little Spark...
As someone who is extremely allergic to cigarette smoke(as well as other strong odors like perfumes) I wish they would ban all of it from the parks so I can go a few days without smelling it. But I know that will not happen. Most of the designated smoking areas are in an ok(for me) out of the way spot but others are right off of a main path so IMO its the same as just walking with a cigarette because anyone who walks by can still smell it. As for e-cigs. I think they should be treated the same way as cigarettes. Although most of those do not bother me as much, some do. And we all know they do emit something(vapor, smoke, whatever it is you put in there is gonna come out and be "shared" with others around you). And come on people, you really can not compare fumes of chemicals to someone drinking. That is a very poor attempt at trying to justify smoking around others. There is no question that smoking causes cancer plus any other number of illnesses and it is proven that second hand smoke is just as bad, no debate on that, no matter how you want to justify it. Case closed, period. Someone drinking and being obnoxious is annoying but not going to give you cancer. So please stop comparing smoking to drinking. It makes a person sound foolish to do so. I feel bad that people are addicted to cigarettes. It is a hard habit to break. And it saddens me that this world still makes these horrible cancer sticks and that people still choose to start smoking them even though they know how dangerous they are.


Well-Known Member
Just curious but if there is zero nicotine why vape?

I'll try to relate this to the topic. Many former tobacco users (like me) are almost as hooked on the action as the nicotine - I'm sure there are volumes of research on this. While I still occasionally use a low nicotine tank, I primarily use zero nicotine. I (like the vast majority of vapers) fully acknowledge and understand that many people don't want to be around vaping and respect their feelings (while at the same time not being too particularly interested in their opinions or "facts" on vaping in general - I'm a big boy and know what I am doing may not be the best for me) by only vaping in designated smoking areas - which is the rule EVERYWHERE at WDW. To the poster who said a CM did nothing when advised of someone vaping, unless they actually see it there isn't much they can do since by the time they got there the evidence would most likely be gone. Best case scenario is that the advise the guest that vaping is only allowed in designated smoking areas and direct them to one. While some folks use the huge boxes (personally I think they look funny), most of us use a smaller device than can easily be put in a pocket. It annoys me when I see a guest vaping outside a smoking area since typically behavior of a few can spoil it for everyone else (re: selfie sticks).


Well-Known Member
If it was just water vapor why would you smoke it? There is no magic separator built in to it. You breathe the same vapor as the user just less concentrated. I have no problem with people that smoke or vape. We are all allowed our vices. Just smoke it or vape in the designated spots.


Well-Known Member
Well I'm no expert on the subject, I would much rather walk by a smoking area where people are vaping than smoking. I don't smell the vapor but always smell the cigs!! Neither one should only be allowed outside of the designated smoking areas.
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