What Should Disney do About Vaping?


Well-Known Member
I'll try to relate this to the topic. Many former tobacco users (like me) are almost as hooked on the action as the nicotine - I'm sure there are volumes of research on this. While I still occasionally use a low nicotine tank, I primarily use zero nicotine. I (like the vast majority of vapers) fully acknowledge and understand that many people don't want to be around vaping and respect their feelings (while at the same time not being too particularly interested in their opinions or "facts" on vaping in general - I'm a big boy and know what I am doing may not be the best for me) by only vaping in designated smoking areas - which is the rule EVERYWHERE at WDW. To the poster who said a CM did nothing when advised of someone vaping, unless they actually see it there isn't much they can do since by the time they got there the evidence would most likely be gone. Best case scenario is that the advise the guest that vaping is only allowed in designated smoking areas and direct them to one. While some folks use the huge boxes (personally I think they look funny), most of us use a smaller device than can easily be put in a pocket. It annoys me when I see a guest vaping outside a smoking area since typically behavior of a few can spoil it for everyone else (re: selfie sticks).
Just thought I would mention this regarding telling a CM. My family and I was in Epcot just yesterday and we were talking to a CM. We noticed someone with one of those bottles walking in a non-designated area and he was in the process of putting the bottle up to his mouth. We pointed it out to the CM and the CM turned and watched while the guy created a huge vapor cloud. We asked the CM if he was going to mention anything and when the guy walked by, the only thing the CM said to them, was that they could put the food tray (which his wife was carrying) on one of the trash cans. So, even though a CM very clearly noticed this happening, he did nothing whatsoever. This isn't the only time we've experienced this. I would have to say, in our experience, it's 50/50 and that goes for cigarettes too.


Well-Known Member
Just thought I would mention this regarding telling a CM. My family and I was in Epcot just yesterday and we were talking to a CM. We noticed someone with one of those bottles walking in a non-designated area and he was in the process of putting the bottle up to his mouth. We pointed it out to the CM and the CM turned and watched while the guy created a huge vapor cloud. We asked the CM if he was going to mention anything and when the guy walked by, the only thing the CM said to them, was that they could put the food tray (which his wife was carrying) on one of the trash cans. So, even though a CM very clearly noticed this happening, he did nothing whatsoever. This isn't the only time we've experienced this. I would have to say, in our experience, it's 50/50 and that goes for cigarettes too.
See last month when we went whenever a cast member saw a smoker they told them. In one instance a cast member shouted over to a couple. I suppose it depends on the cast member on the day.


Well-Known Member
See last month when we went whenever a cast member saw a smoker they told them. In one instance a cast member shouted over to a couple. I suppose it depends on the cast member on the day.
I agree. Some are very good about mentioning something and some are not. Though, this one couldn't have been more blatant and nothing was said. We did mention this at Guest Services, but as usual, it went nowhere.


Follower of "Saget"The Cult
I agree. Some are very good about mentioning something and some are not. Though, this one couldn't have been more blatant and nothing was said. We did mention this at Guest Services, but as usual, it went nowhere.
Just out of curiosity, what exactly would you have Guest Services do? The incident was over...did you get the guests name and where they were staying so they could be severely punished?


Well-Known Member
Just out of curiosity, what exactly would you have Guest Services do? The incident was over...did you get the guests name and where they were staying so they could be severely punished?
Actually it had nothing to do with the guest, it was the CM. He's the one that didn't do what he is required to do.


Well-Known Member
Ah...but did you get the CM's name that did not say anything? What was it exactly that you wanted Guest Services to do?
Yes we did but the CM at Guests Services didn't want to write it down. We didn't go to Guest Services for that reason, we just mentioned it after we received our answer about an entirely different question.
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Follower of "Saget"The Cult
Yes we did but the CM at Guests Services did want to write it down. We didn't go to Guest Services for that reason, we just mentioned it after we received our answer about an entirely different question.
Sounds to me like Gust Services don't appreciate tattle-tales. :D


Well-Known Member
Sounds to me like Gust Services don't appreciate tattle-tales. :D
They're the ones that told us to mention this to a CM and if the CM didn't do anything, we are to let Guest Services know. We usually don't waste our time because the line at Guest Services is too long. We just happened to be there for that other question and used the opportunity. So I guess based on your comment, it isn't worth mentioning to Security or Guest Services that someone jumped the rail at MK with a huge backpack, bypassing Security to get into the Park. We've seen this happen too.


Follower of "Saget"The Cult
They're the ones that told us to mention this to a CM and if the CM didn't do anything, we are to let Guest Services know. We usually don't waste our time because the line at Guest Services is too long. We just happened to be there for that other question and used the opportunity. So I guess based on your comment, it isn't worth mentioning to Security or Guest Services that someone jumped the rail at MK with a huge backpack, bypassing Security to get into the Park. We've seen this happen too.
Probably not...since you saw it happen and there was not a major terrorist attack afterwards you would have been wasting your time and theirs.

But nice analogy anyway. :rolleyes:


New Member
I think it's important to remember that not everybody enjoys confrontation, in fact a lot of people avoid it.

I'm pretty sure the only thing the CM could do would be to let the guest know they can smoke in designated areas.

As far as if it's his job or not I think that could be debateable. CM's fill a lot of roles, but they aren't required to do everything guests want them to.

Although I expect fantastic customer service at WDW I also remember that most people working in the "front line" roles don't get paid much and we're all subjected to bad and off days.


Well-Known Member
Just curious but if there is zero nicotine why vape?
I quit smoking regular cigarettes years a go but miss the cigarette actions like holding onto a cigarette. An E-Cig seems to satisfy that craving without the tar and nicotine. It also helps with cigarette withdrawl symptoms. If I see someone smoking then I crave one and the Ecig helps me to not buy a pack and smoke a real cigarette. I get the benefit of smoking without the deadly chemicals that are in a regular cigarette. Hard to explain if you've never been a smoker but those of you who have smoked then quit will understand what I'm saying.


Well-Known Member
In the Parks
[QUOTE="Scooter, post: 6897424, member: Hard to explain if you've never been a smoker but those of you who have smoked then quit will understand what I'm saying.[/QUOTE]

It's operant conditioning, you'd get the same kenosthetic association also by replacing it with a wooden dowel. The need to feed the addiction at regular intervals build up the habit.


Well-Known Member
On our latest trip I happened to notice maybe 2 or 3 people in the parks vaping in the general area and not in the smoking area. I am not sure how many health studies have been done to determine the possible negative 2nd hand impact. The other thing I was wondering was whether there was concern over the how it "looks" considering there are so many kids in the parks.

Being from Ontario where there are very stringent restrictions on smoking I am very supportive of any measures that reduce the number of areas where individuals can smoke when in public however I am not sure how I feel about vaping. My initial reaction would be to treat it as smoking but I suppose if there is zero second hand impact (backed up with proper health and scientific studies) then I might not be completely opposed to it or at least my argument to treat it like smoking would be weakened. That being said I have a problem with kids being exposed to seeing it and I suppose the other thing might be that I don't think anyone should be subject to anyone else's "vapour" whether it is unhealthy or not.

I just think Disney might have to implement a policy on this at some point.

My husband vapes and let me assure he does not do so to skirt any laws or because it's a "fad". When we do go to a Disney park he does vape at the designated smoking area because he, unlike some people that attend the park, is a considerate individual.
It is simply vaporized liquid, not smoke, that comes out of the atomizer. The liquids that are used contain different degrees of nicotine, beginning with an option of no nicotine. As to the affect on children, these kids walk past the smoking area all day long and see people smoking, so what's the big deal if they see someone vaping?


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
My husband vapes and let me assure he does not do so to skirt any laws or because it's a "fad". When we do go to a Disney park he does vape at the designated smoking area because he, unlike some people that attend the park, is a considerate individual.
It is simply vaporized liquid, not smoke, that comes out of the atomizer. The liquids that are used contain different degrees of nicotine, beginning with an option of no nicotine. As to the affect on children, these kids walk past the smoking area all day long and see people smoking, so what's the big deal if they see someone vaping?

nothing as long as it is in the designated area like your husband is doing...my question was when it is done in public spaces which is what our family saw. Sounds like your husband is respectful of others...no issue here


One Little Spark...
nothing as long as it is in the designated area like your husband is doing...my question was when it is done in public spaces which is what our family saw. Sounds like your husband is respectful of others...no issue here
I saw no one doing it in public spaces, and even if they were, isolated incidents are no different than people sneaking smokes (for example, I caught people sneaking real cigs all over the parks).

This is one issue where Universal has handled it much better than Disney has.

I suppose they forget that the reason why Disneyland originally had trash cans every 30 feet was because, if provided a receptacle within use, people were less likely to litter...

The same goes for smoking. If offered areas, they are more likely to use them. If not, they are more likely to sneak.

I've smoked on all my trips (though I have done the vape and gum thing as well)...and I find a lot of it rather silly.

At resorts, it should be banned around the food courts, main walkways and the pools, for obvious reasons.

At the parks, some more care should be placed on where to put them. For a variety of reasons...part of which is that not the rest of the world has the massive self-rightous "anti-smoking" mantra as the US does.

Smoking stinks, it's dirty (and this is coming from a smoker). Vaping is not. That said, it isn't worth the drama it creates. I've had people walk by me in smoking areas make snide comments about how "it's a children's park", etc...

Well, tell that to Walt.

And, don't give me this "we know more now than we did then" or "it was a different time"...

It isn't. Smoking is a popular thing for people to pick on, and the virulent nature of some (not all) non-smoker's objections is beyond irritating.

All that said, if Disney made their parks 100% non-smoking, I'd obey it (bet people cheat left and right, but I wouldn't). As it stands, vaping is to be relegated to smoking areas, and I think that's ok...but it's really not fair. I've seen people smoke joints in the parks (yeah, weed)...it's not my job to police them, nor is it my role to be overly self-important and complain about it.


Well-Known Member
It being the policy that they are only to be used in designated areas is the right decision... Hopefully over time the number of people vaping elsewhere will reduce as people become more familiar with the policy that goes for people vaping and everyone else who isn't. If its anything like here in the UK policy is a little unclear on using e-cigarettes in public areas. With time I'm sure use outside designated areas will reduce.


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
And, don't give me this "we know more now than we did then" or "it was a different time"...

It isn't. Smoking is a popular thing for people to pick on, and the virulent nature of some (not all) non-smoker's objections is beyond irritating.

I am not sure that it is a fad to pick on smoking. The fact is that, like you said earlier, it is dirty and smelly. Worse however, is it is very harmful to everyone's health- both the smoker and, more importantly, those around the smoker (because they don't have a choice if someone chooses to smoke in the general public). I suppose the person smoking has every right to make an unhealthy choice as it is a legal product but in no way should any one else have to take part in that unless they choose to. Perhaps the health info on the affects of smoking was available in "back in the day" but certainly not as widely as it is now. I agree that people need to be respectful in their opinions regarding smoking however the fact is that no one should have to put up with breathing 2nd hand smoke. I have, however, very little respect for those who choose to "sneak" a cigarette in non-designated areas of the park. I think it shows complete disrespect for those around them. It may well be that there are not enough designated areas in the parks...I don't pay a lot of attention to that I suppose as I don't use them, however, the rules are set in place and I strongly believe that the reduction in designated areas is directly impacted by general society's desire to try and control activities that are harmful to our health. I agree with that movement.

All that said, if Disney made their parks 100% non-smoking, I'd obey it (bet people cheat left and right, but I wouldn't). As it stands, vaping is to be relegated to smoking areas, and I think that's ok...but it's really not fair. I've seen people smoke joints in the parks (yeah, weed)...it's not my job to police them, nor is it my role to be overly self-important and complain about it.[/QUOTE]

Going 100% smoke free is probably going to be a reality at some point although I am not sure that is fair. I suppose in principle I would like it but in reality people smoking in designated areas is not an issue for me nor should it be for anyone else. Until tobacco (and or cigarettes/cigars) are banned, (which is highly unlikely) people should have the right to smoke it but obviously need to obey any laws in place or the rules of a private company such as Disney. As for people smoking pot in the parks...never seen it but wouldn't be surprised. As for policing them the only comment I would make is that to my knowledge it is illegal in Florida (other than medicinal pot?) and people who are high on it pose a potential risk to me, my family and others. At the very least, if they are under ANY chemical influence they increase the chances of diminishing my experience with potentially poor behaviour. I suppose I might say something to a CM if I saw someone smoking pot. With regards to vaping I think others have said it well here. PERHAPS there are no ill 2nd hand effects on others but it is simply rude and disrespectful to assume that everyone else doesn't mind breathing in your vapour- whatever it might contain. I believe that is fair.

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