What Should Disney do About Vaping?


Well-Known Member
In all fairness I was being sarcastic. I actually think vaping should be contained to designated areas. Also it is known that the expelled mist or vapor does contain byproducts that can cause health issues, just not as many as cigarettes. My point was let's not chastise people who smoke or vape. There will always be a few who ruin things for everyone else, like the people who drink way to much while visiting WS.


Well-Known Member
If you are going to smoke, vape, or fart, please be considerate of others and do so in the designated areas.

If you do not smoke, vape, or fart, please be considerate of those who are doing it in a designated area.

P.S. If you cannot vape, how are you going to smoke your hash oil in the park?


New Member
I will start by saying this- If Disney Rules say vaping should be done in the smoking area that is where it should happen, but I do have some comments.

1) Not everyone who Vapes is a jerk. Some people are actually considerate as to how their actions may affect others and the generalizations on this thread are quite ridiculous.

2) To the OP, where did these incidents occur? We're they out in the open or in a line? I believe that in a line or enclosed area those who vape shouldn't. Don't subject someone to that if they have nowhere to go, but getting a quick hit in an open area and releasing up above should not be a reason to tie someone to a stake.

3) Not everyone wants to be a dragon. Although my BF does enjoy a good big cloud, and there's a lot of people that do, he can be discrete when he needs and wants to. You can use e-cigs with settings that would produce almost no visible vapor. Often the only thing you can catch is a whiff of the left over flavor (which is often very pleasent).

4) Although the jury is still out on E-Cigarettes and their long term affects, they are showing to be a better option for the smoker themselves as well as anyone exposed second hand.

5) Getting high from Marijuana via vaporizers has been around longer than e-cigs. People have been doing that for years and way before Vaping became as popular. Not everyone who Vapes does drugs.

Bottom line. I'm for vaping responsibly. When you're out don't be a jerk.
My BF went from smoking up to 3 packs for 16 years to not at all in less than 3 days.
His health improved and changed dramatically. He has increased lung function, some of his health issue with sinuses died down, and he had more energy among other improvements.

For someone who has benefited from Vaping I have to encourage y'all to open your minds and educate yourself. I'm not saying it's the end all be all and it's the safest thing ever, but addiction presents itself in differect ways.
Heck the amount of unsafe chemicals people put in their bodies everyday is ridiculous.
I'm looking at you caffine. And let's not even talk about things like diet soda, cause your adding in even worse carcgenics on top of an addicting substance.

And we give that stuff to kids.


Active Member
There are so many incorrect statements in that one small paragraph that it might qualify for the world book of records.
there are zero incorrect statements in that post.the statements are my opinions you may not agree with them but that does not make them incorrect.so your statement is incorrect in your one little sentence. name any and all statements you feel are incorrect.


Well-Known Member
On our latest trip I happened to notice maybe 2 or 3 people in the parks vaping in the general area and not in the smoking area. I am not sure how many health studies have been done to determine the possible negative 2nd hand impact. The other thing I was wondering was whether there was concern over the how it "looks" considering there are so many kids in the parks.

Being from Ontario where there are very stringent restrictions on smoking I am very supportive of any measures that reduce the number of areas where individuals can smoke when in public however I am not sure how I feel about vaping. My initial reaction would be to treat it as smoking but I suppose if there is zero second hand impact (backed up with proper health and scientific studies) then I might not be completely opposed to it or at least my argument to treat it like smoking would be weakened. That being said I have a problem with kids being exposed to seeing it and I suppose the other thing might be that I don't think anyone should be subject to anyone else's "vapour" whether it is unhealthy or not.

I just think Disney might have to implement a policy on this at some point.

To tell you the truth, kids nowadays are into heavier things than vaping. You may not know it, but as a high school teacher in Chicago, I have kids come in high on all forms of 'drugs', whether it be in the form of liquid, pill, or hash. You cannot blame people vaping at Disney for putting the idea of smoking into your child's head. Rest assured, I'm sure they have seen someone smoke in their life, even if it is just walking down the street. That's your place as a parent to talk with your child, NOT Disney's to police vapors for 'smoking' in front your child.

What it comes down to is that you don't like it and want it gone, or "those people" put away into the smoking section.

Now, before you go off on me, I'm not saying that I would vape in Disney, or walk around blowing smoke in people's faces because that's just rude and ignorant.


Well-Known Member
there are zero incorrect statements in that post.the statements are my opinions you may not agree with them but that does not make them incorrect.so your statement is incorrect in your one little sentence. name any and all statements you feel are incorrect.
Nice fantasy that you live in, but, opinions based on incorrect information are still wrong. Just for starters, (also enders because it isn't worth the argument) vapor is NOT smoke. It' is vapor and there is a world of difference. One is made up of water and the other is made up of burnt, small, still solid, particles of whatever the burning substance happens to be.


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
To tell you the truth, kids nowadays are into heavier things than vaping. You may not know it, but as a high school teacher in Chicago, I have kids come in high on all forms of 'drugs', whether it be in the form of liquid, pill, or hash. You cannot blame people vaping at Disney for putting the idea of smoking into your child's head. Rest assured, I'm sure they have seen someone smoke in their life, even if it is just walking down the street. That's your place as a parent to talk with your child, NOT Disney's to police vapors for 'smoking' in front your child.

What it comes down to is that you don't like it and want it gone, or "those people" put away into the smoking section.

Now, before you go off on me, I'm not saying that I would vape in Disney, or walk around blowing smoke in people's faces because that's just rude and ignorant.

whoa...you need to calm down. I think if you read my post it was pretty benign. More asking questions than accusing anyone of anything. I just wondered about it simply because I saw 2 situations where someone was vaping in a very public place in the MK. It struck me as odd and I wondered if Disney had or was addressing it. I don't appreciate the accusation that I want to isolate "those people"- never said that. You are right however that I don't really like simply because I don't think I or anyone else should have to breath anyone else's vapours, or whatever, harmful or not, which I stated in my post. I agree with you that it is pretty rude and inconsiderate. As for how it looks that it a personal opinion and if my kids were young we might speak to them about it I suppose as we did at times about smoking. Fortunately mine are much older and think it's a dumb habit and have no interest in it. I'm glad they see it that way. Just looking for some discussion on this...


Well-Known Member
I think the key is "some people". Not ALL people. I love a martini or 3 before IllumiNations, and I love having a drink to go while walking around the World Showcase. Should I be behind the wheel of a car? Nope. But am I harming anyone? Nope again. Just because some people don't know how to behave is no reason to penalize everyone.


Well-Known Member
Here's my thought: There are people posting in this thread who have no idea what they are talking about so I suggest this thread be closed until everyone reads up on the subject and the federal government figures out if and why these things are dangerous. When I vape I use a cartridge that has 0% nicotine...none...ziltch, but I can't stand the smell of a lot of the Vaping flavors ie cherry, strawberry, chocolate etc so if they are allowed, I agree with those who suggest it be done in designated smoking areas


Active Member
Actually I thought public intoxication was illegal. I've never quite understood this at EPCOT although to be fair I've not witnessed it. Only read about it on this Forum.

I think all the Epcot drunks and vapers should have a thrown down, "Sharks vs Jets" style. Disney could make it hard ticket event.

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