What new country you'd like to see in Epcot?


Naturally Grumpy
I base my choices on richness of architectural uniqueness and different dining opportunities. From that my preference would be 1. Russia, 2. Greece, 3. Egypt, 4. Turkey, 5. Thailand.

Australia Africa and SE Asia mostly covered in AK (which is why the corner near the drawbridge that was originally destined to be equitorial Africa is now just a small trading post. Previously Disney had advertized additions of Equitorial Africa, Sweden and Israel, but all were 86ed.

I feel Sweden and Switzerland are too similar to existing countries, Poland could be an alternative for Russia.

South American countries don't have as distinctive an architectural or landmark potential, also Iceland and Greenland.


Active Member
I know that Disney people check sites like this, offen; getting ideas, measuring acceptance or disapproval on improvements, or just for fun...
So....DISNEY PEOPLE!!!...why don't you start thinking in the adition of a new country pavilion at Epcot?
These are my preferences (in order of importance)
- Egypt (think about the pyriamids & the pharao's age)
- Brazil (Carnival, Soccer, Amazonia)
- Russia (picture a Skyway attraction all around the lagoon)
- Switzerland (imagine Matterhorn ride like in DL)

....So...What do you think?
You do realize that you are like the 1,537,823rd person to create this thread right?


Active Member
As much as I would love to see Greece, with the economic situation, I doubt it will happen.

Egypt would have to be my top choice.

Australia needs to be a land in DAK with some kind of outback adventure ride using Test Track technology.

Other than that I would like to see Epcot get some upgrades and TLC. American Adventure needs a signature restaurant. Germany needs to use its attraction building for an attraction. More in Canada. Unfortunately we are getting a pizza shop and a taco stand.


Well-Known Member
Oh, boy...I always post when this thread pops up on occasion.

SPAIN! Tapas restaurant - I can imagine the wonderful red wines and dozens upon dozens of small plates.

Spanish Renaissance, Mediterranean, and Moorish Architecure.

Majorca, Madrid, Basque, Marbella, Galicia, etc. Fantastic cities and islands and regions...I can't name them all.

Portugal would be fantastic too---Oh, God, the food! One word ---Rodizio

Beautiful costumes and architecture...food most important!

Flamenco/a music and dancers for Spain.

Greece and Egypt --- food, architecture, mythology, music, monuments - I can't even go on with these two because my post would be 10 pages long.

One pavilion from a Central or South American country would be great. I would love Brazil and even Argentina. Peru?

Cuba would be fantastic.

I would love UK to branch out and really do Wales, Scotland, and Ireland justice.

The West Indies or Caribbean would be fun pavillions.

India also has the potential to be magnificent. The food, art, dance, culture, the colors...fantastic.

Southeast Asian countries would be wonderful!

How about Mongolia?

However, if somebody asked me on the spot who has economical resources and really more ride, restaurant pavillion potential, I would say...(in no order)

Russia, Austria, Switzerland, Spain

Ok, I'm done, but Australia or New Zealand would be great too!


Well-Known Member
India, Australia or Poland[/QUOTE
I've never heard Poland suggested before. What would a Polish pavilion have?

You just couldn't put it between a Germany & a Russia pavilion: they'd split it in half and annex it.
Pierogi,Kiełbasa,Szaszłyk,Sernik,Golabki ,Polish Beer, Vodka, Mead and Cider
Market Square and Old Town


Well-Known Member
I would prefer some of the existing countries get some TLC or attractions added to them before a new country arrivves such as....

UK---Add Mr. Toads Wild Ride

Germany---Rhine River Adventure Ride

Canada--Add some type of History of Hockey whether its a museum or circlevision attraction

Japan---Some sort of Roller Coaster

By adding these to the existing countries the world showcase would gain a new dark ride, a boat ride and a coaster and maybe a new show or exhibit hall.

On top of the new pizza place and mexican cantina it would help freshen up the whole World Showcase.

If I were to add a new land it would have to be Austrailia :wave:

They should add Hockey: The Ride - you walk into a cold room and some huge guy runs into you at full speed. You can buy your own teeth on a necklace in the gift shop afterwards. :D

galaxy 9000

New Member
They should add Hockey: The Ride - you walk into a cold room and some huge guy runs into you at full speed. You can buy your own teeth on a necklace in the gift shop afterwards. :D

Wheelchair Accessible? :p

Instead of new countries, I would rather them put rides into the existing countries, some of the countries are just look arounds in 5 minutes, basically a walk through.

WDW England

New Member
i think greece would be cool as you could have a ride based around ancient greek mythology,
imagine cool animatronic minators or cyclopes!!!!!! :rolleyes:


New Member
They should add Hockey: The Ride - you walk into a cold room and some huge guy runs into you at full speed. You can buy your own teeth on a necklace in the gift shop afterwards. :D

:ROFLOL:thats a good idea, dont think it would be a problem though if it was an Ottawa Senator player trying to run you into a wall! :ROFLOL:


Well-Known Member
Wheelchair Accessible? :p

Instead of new countries, I would rather them put rides into the existing countries, some of the countries are just look arounds in 5 minutes, basically a walk through.

Absolutely! Most people here dream about what could be done if money wouldn't be an issue at all. But perhaps it's a little more appropriate to discuss what really makes sense and can be financed in the near future. A complete new pavillon is by far more expensive than adding or plussing attractions that sometimes even have their ride building already.

Instead of adding more nations which only bring more food and shops (because most money for new attractions would be already spent for the pavillon buildings, let's be realistic), they should make the existing nations more thrilling and interesting. It's cheaper, takes less time (meaning less closed time and faster reopening) and has the same impact if it's done good.

What additions would make sense and be successfull in attending huge crowds of guests?

I believe that one new major and two new medium attractions plus one "plussing" would revive the interest in WS.

First the major. a real new E-Ticket: Mount Fuji Rollercoaster in Japan
The two medium attractions: Germanys River Rhine Cruise in an updated version that includes all of Germany not only some western and southern rivers, as the original ride was designed before reunification. An attraction that would make the German pavillon which seems to be already quite popular, even more successful.
Second addition: A Ratatouille based dark ride in France. The movie in France is so outdated it's getting ridiculous.

The Plussing? The expansion of Maelstrom. I always found that maelstrom is far too short, it ends kind of in the middle and by expanding a neat but small attraction into a full ride Norway and all of WS would have its profit.

With 1 E-Ticket rollercoaster, 3 flume rides and 1 dark ride WS would be back. You don't even need expensive new pavillons.

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