What is your WDW touring style?

What is your WDW Touring Style?

  • "Type A": Doing tons of research with a super tight schedule(that no one messes with).

    Votes: 8 7.8%
  • Semi-tight schedule of waking and sleeping, you just try to see as much as possible

    Votes: 20 19.6%
  • Fairly structured...you have attractions that you DO NOT miss, but otherwise you are pretty relaxed

    Votes: 57 55.9%
  • You just wing it.

    Votes: 15 14.7%
  • You start out as Type A but by day 3 give up because you have officially hit "THE WALL"

    Votes: 5 4.9%

  • Total voters


Well-Known Member
I have realized, that when I try and have a system, it never works, so now the system is to do whatever, whenever. And thats the way we go.

I don't like having to be concerned with getting to a certain amount of attractions in a certain amount of time, because although you may get to see more, you miss out on the whole point of the vacation.

The only thing we really plan is where to dine.

I just like to take my time and play it by eye and ear and 9 out of 10 times i get to see and do everything I wanted. Plus this allows us to appreciate the littlest things that we normally would skip over because we are in a rush to make the next attraction or pick up the next fast pass.

Thats the way I like to tour WDW :)


Well-Known Member
We just do what we want...The only thing I make sure I do is go straight to Fantasyland the first day at The Magic Kingdom..everything else we do when we feel like it..

I can not be on a schedule while I am at WDW...

We still do everything we want to do just not at certain times..:)


New Member
Mostly we just plan the parks each day along with ADR's. We do keep in mind new attractions that we want to see, because we currently go every 4 years, so there is usually a small list of those. This year, we did plan just a little extra with MNSSHP. We plan to arrive at 4:00pm and upon looking at previous year's information, it looked like some attractions would be closed once the party started, so we set a little plan in motion to ride those rides between 4-7, so we wouldn't miss out on them this trip.


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
I'm a little bit of everything, I plan like crazy, but plan on relaxing my plan...:p

We stay off property so generally while planning our week we avoid the parks with EMHs (there's nothing more frustrating than thinking you are the first ones there and then seeing the crowds of people entering before you). From then on, we try to get to the parks at opening to avoid crowds and heat (if it is that time of year), and we start getting FPs right away. We get a guidemap and take into account shows and parades. From then on we just follow the flow of our day. We do get reservations for dining though as well.


Well-Known Member
Usually the only thing that is set for us are ADRs but other than that it's usually a park in the morning, back to the room for a nap or swim or both and then back to the parks around 5-till whenever (depends on how long the kids can stay awake). We're definately not the type for set itineraries -- too much pressure, especially with kids.


Well-Known Member
Every year we make an itinerary for our trip. Where we are going to go first, what we are going to do, where we are going to eat, etc... Then upon arrival, the only thing that we ever do is hit DAK first thing on the first day, and then that's the end of the itinerary. We also do and see everything that we wanted to see and do, just not in any particular order or on any certain day. We usually decide in the morning over breakfast at which park we will start in and which one we will end up in, although it's usually MK for the parade and fireworks to close out the night.


New Member
I started planning for my upcomming trip the day I got back from last years trip. I always make my ADR's when I hit the 180 day mark. I have a plan of attack for each day were at the park, however it always changes!!! :lol:


New Member
Tour parks from opening through the first 4ish hours after opening and/or the last 4ish hours until closing, avoiding the middle of the day. Avoid EMH parks. Lunch no later than 11:30. Dinner no later than 5:30. Marquis attractions only in the first hour after park opening, single rider, or w/ Fastpass.


Active Member
Another scheduled around ADRs here. I check the calendar for EMHs, then plan the TS for the day. We always get hoppers, so sometimes we just head to a park to eat, and other times we're there for much of the day. Many must-do attractions, but none in any particular order.


Well-Known Member
The only thing I ever really plan in is EMH. If DAK has Morning EMH and Epcot has Evening EMH, I know where I will be at in the morning and at night. Everything else is going with the flow.


Slow and relaxed. We make our way into the parks by late morning and take time to stop and smell the roses. Take in a few atteactions, have with lunch and enjoy the atmosphere.

Master Yoda

Pro Star Wars geek.
Premium Member
We are right in the middle. We start with dining and adjust based on early EMH. Once we have that we know what park we will be in on any particular day. From there we usually pick a few must dos and just follow are noses after that.


As some others have said, I used to plan everything to the minute but I find you get off schedule...basically, as soon as you wake up. So, I went with a much more relaxed style.

About the only thing that we plan ahead is our Dinner Reservations. Other than that, we have fun and relax!!


Well-Known Member
Day by day - we plan the park(s) and plan the meals - the rest just happens

Same here. The only other thing we do is always start with MK & first ride is always Splash Mountain. Other that that we just do what we want to do.
And we always get up early so we are at the park at or before opening each day. We never sleep in. We stop at the beach for a few days and rest on the way home. :lol:

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