what is love?

How does 'true love' feel?

  • an overwhelming emotion

    Votes: 8 22.9%
  • subtle and calm

    Votes: 1 2.9%
  • merely trust and respect

    Votes: 2 5.7%
  • it varies from one person to another

    Votes: 12 34.3%
  • something different from these options

    Votes: 12 34.3%

  • Total voters


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
:D you guys/gals are so helpful!! thanks!

garyhoov, i love your explaination! :sohappy:

the thing that sort of has me confused is that i've had the feelings that you all put in the 'love' catagory for several guys...ended up being one-sided, but still, they were there, even though the feeling pretty much went away no longer than a year and a half....with the other guys the feelings were really intense and actually ruled my life and other emotions...with this guy, the feelings aren't as pronounced...they're sort of more subtle, but still there, i think. so, should that tell me something...or is it a different 'form' of love...or what? what's your all's thoughts?


New Member
Originally posted by 10021982
Funny, I was just thinking the same exact thing 5 min. ago! I was thinking of a line from a song:

"...You really can't feel love without BEING loved..."

Love needs reciprocation or else it's not love?

I "think" this is right....??

CT : - )

lol,...beats me. "love"??,....Ha!!,...men and women have been stumbling and fumbling since the dawn of mankind to try and figure this thing out! ( knowing that,...I don't feel so stupid! )


"Love needs reciprocation or it´s not love"? I disagree. It is love! It´s just not being corresponded... sad thing. :( Has happened to almost all of us I think... :animwink:

Of course, when you feel loved, then it comes that sense of "completeness" I was talking about in my previous posts. :animwink:

Hhhhmmm... and rereading what I just wrote, seems like I agree with you! LOL :hammer: So I guess you are right too... :D


Well-Known Member
Originally posted by Maria
"Love needs reciprocation or it´s not love"? I disagree. It is love! It´s just not being corresponded... sad thing. :( Has happened to almost all of us I think... :animwink:

Of course, when you feel loved, then it comes that sense of "completeness" I was talking about in my previous posts. :animwink:

Hhhhmmm... and rereading what I just wrote, seems like I agree with you! LOL :hammer: So I guess you are right too... :D

Yeah,...well?....I guess feeling Love for someone without getting any in return?...Is just simply that. "incomplete love"....which to me ,...is not "real love". ( I guess??,....Hell, what do I know anyway...lol)

Yuck! One way love? That blows!! That's the other side of love. Love and pain kinda go hand in hand. They never seem to be too far away from each other..... Coincidence????

Love always seems to persuade us into investing EVERYTHING we have into it. I mean, our mind, body and soul....and when the stakes are THAT high, it hurts like hell if we don't get the return that we expect.

"Love" can inflict more pain on you than almost anything on Earth. Not even living in the worst North Viet-Cong torture camp could top that level of pain. Lemme see,...Bamboo driven under my fingernails or a broken heart? ,....hmmmm?,....I'll take the bamboo shoots!!!

Ha!!,...well it's really no use to trying to make any sense out of this. I guess no two people define "love" the exact same way. "Love" is the most delicate and complex thing in the universe.

Why don't we pick an EASIER topic? Why don't we theorize how to fold space in half using quantum mechanics so that we can physically exist in two places at once. Whew!,...that would be ALLOT easier to discuss than all this "love" talk!!

CT : - )

That "completeness" is sooo important.


Here you go, Maria, Darth, Cliff -- I know, another d*mn quote :p

"To love and be loved is to feel the sun from both sides" -- David Viscott

So I guess unrequitted love is still somewhat sunny :lol:


New Member
Originally posted by Erika

"To love and be loved is to feel the sun from both sides" -- David Viscott

eeewww..... that would be.... a royal sunburn! :lol: :lol:


(just remember to wear some protection...lol) :animwink:


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
:lol: you all are too funny! :D

"Of course, when you feel loved, then it comes that sense of "completeness" I was talking about in my previous posts."
Maria, seems like no one else really knew what you were talking about here...(or did they?) but i actually did! i've noticed that when i think a guy that i like likes me back, it makes me like him even more. i can't say i felt a 'completeness' because, of course, i was just reading too much into the whole thing and making assumptions....but i totally get where you're coming from! :D


New Member
Originally posted by Dizknee_Phreek
:lol: you all are too funny! :D

"Of course, when you feel loved, then it comes that sense of "completeness" I was talking about in my previous posts."
Maria, seems like no one else really knew what you were talking about here...(or did they?) but i actually did!

Yeay!! Thanks! You just made me feel.............. complete! :lol: :lol: :animwink:


New Member
Originally posted by Erika
*Hands Snapper bucket...Bucket of LUUUUUUUUV*


.........and caaaaaan´t you feeeeel the looooooove toniiiiight? :D

btw, that´s the most erotic scene I´ve seen in a cartoon! :eek:

Big Al's Gal

New Member
Love.. Umm..

L- is for the way you look at me
O- is for the only one I see
V- is very very extraordinary
E- is even more than anyone that you adore,
and LOVE is all that I can give to you,
LOVE is more than just a game for two
Two in LOVE can make it,
"Take my heart and please dont break it!",
LOVE was made for ME AND POOH!!:animwink:

I couldnt resist:D


Well-Known Member
Originally posted by Big Al's Gal
Love.. Umm..

L- is for the way you look at Freak
O- is for the only one that's Freak
V- is very very extraordinary
E- is even more than anyone that you adore,
and LOVE is all that I can give to Freak,
LOVE is more than just a game that's weak
Two in LOVE can make it,
"Take my heart but Freak dont break it!",
LOVE was made for ME AND Freak!!:animwink:

I couldnt resist:D

*sniff sniff* I promised myself I wouldn't cry :cry:
That's so touching lil sis in law :)

Dawn S

New Member
Re: Re: Re: what is love?

Originally posted by Maria

My favorite phrase is Tom Cruise´s in Jerry McGuire´s role: "You complete me". That´s love for me. :animwink:

***THREAD DRIFT ALERT! (sorry)***

OOOOH....you made me think of my favorite:

From Fools Rush In : "You're everything I never knew I always wanted"

Beautiful, ain't it? :cry:


Active Member
Re: Re: Re: Re: what is love?

Originally posted by Dawn S
***THREAD DRIFT ALERT! (sorry)***

OOOOH....you made me think of my favorite:

From Fools Rush In : "You're everything I never knew I always wanted"

Beautiful, ain't it? :cry:


I LOVE that!


Well-Known Member

Love just sucks...

Can you tell who's single? :drevil:

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