what is love?

How does 'true love' feel?

  • an overwhelming emotion

    Votes: 8 22.9%
  • subtle and calm

    Votes: 1 2.9%
  • merely trust and respect

    Votes: 2 5.7%
  • it varies from one person to another

    Votes: 12 34.3%
  • something different from these options

    Votes: 12 34.3%

  • Total voters


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
Originally posted by sandjhooker
When I was a teenager, I hated it when people said "you'll just know when you are in love." You know what? It's true! You can't put a feeling on it or describe it--you really just know. I've been in love with the same person for over 20 years now and I wouldn't trade it for anything in the world.

Some day your prince--or princess--WILL come, and you will know it when it happens.

:lol: i was actually going to mention this! everytime i ask an adult how they knew their spouse was 'the one' that's the exact answer they give! and i HATE it! i swear, i'm never sure about anything...i have at least one doubt about EVERYTHING! maybe i should just force myself to take a break from guys....which i planned on it, and i was all ready to be single for a good long time, but then i realized how much i care for this guy...but i don't wanna get into that right now. :animwink: but here's to hoping that 'true love', when/if i find it, will be the only thing in life that i'm really sure of!


New Member
Re: Re: what is love?

Originally posted by tenchu
Baby don't hurt me, don't hurt me, no more!

Everyone sing along! :lookaroun

You read my mind!! :lol: :lol:

I don´t know why people have not chosen "subtle and calm"... I guess "It´s different for everybody" is more fitting in the generality of cases...
I would say that it is subtle and calm though... that feeling of no worries, not having to pretend, just being with someone you love that gives you that feeling of "completeness", that your life is full and needs nothing else... :)

My favorite phrase is Tom Cruise´s in Jerry McGuire´s role: "You complete me". That´s love for me. :animwink:


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
k, i've got another question for you all if you care to give your opinions....how can you tell the difference between and love? to me, it's a fine line, and i just can't seem to tell whether i'm experiencing one or the other...care to give any insite?


New Member
Originally posted by 10021982
It makes you wanna be a better person.

That´s my other favorite phrase! Jack Nicholson to Helen Hunt in "As good as it gets": "You make me want to be a better man". Aaawwwweeee!! beautiful! :animwink:


New Member
Originally posted by Dizknee_Phreek
k, i've got another question for you all if you care to give your opinions....how can you tell the difference between and love? to me, it's a fine line, and i just can't seem to tell whether i'm experiencing one or the other...care to give any insite?

Love needs ... big part of it! LOL :animwink: but not neccesarily needs love...

Gorgeous man walking by that you want to take out with you = .
Gorgeous man that you want to keep even if he is a clown sometimes = love.

:lol: :lol: I´m not good at giving examples! lol ;)


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
actually, those were great examples!
but, lemme tell you guys what i told to a friend and see what you think...lol, geez, i really didn't want this thread to turn into another 'love-advice-for-amy' thread, but here we go..
"...when i stared at his hair, i just wanted to run my fingers through it, and when i stared at his hands i just wanted to hold them. and then i saw him at church, sitting by himself with his arm resting on the back of his pew, and i just wanted to be sitting next to him with his arm around me."
of course, that's not all their is to it...not by any means! i mean, i accept this guy for who he is, i'm comfortable around him, i sometimes get this warm feeling when i'm anywhere around him...almost like that's where i belong, i think. and i was actually up til 1 last night, mainly thinking of him. as i told my friend, i'm not sure if thinking of him was the reason i couldn't get to sleep, or if it was just one of those nights...but i don't ever remember doing that with anyone else. and i don't know how many people have asked if we're together (he drives me to and from school everyday...have i mentioned that already?) my mom noticed something, which i denied for a long time cuz i didn't want her knowing...and even a cousin of mine that i hadn't talked to in months said to me out of nowhere 'i always thought you and *insert name* would get hooked up'.
one more thing before i end this post...at one time i was 'talking' to one of his friends...i went out with this guy, his friend, and some other people one night...i was supposed to be with the friend, but all i could think about all night was wanting to be with him.
anyway, weigh your thoughts in on this if you'd like...but honestly, i don't want this to be a thread all about me, ya know? makes me feel selfish in some ways. :)


Active Member
Love is a state of mind, i dont why but do not think its real, people always say to me you love your parents, but i respect them not love them. I think this becuase i never experienced real love


Well-Known Member
I voted for "It varies from person to person". But I think true love is when you realize you not only miss the person just for the sake of missing your "make-out partner", but when you feel empty without her or him. That person is your best friend, and you feel like you can go on with your life, but it'd be a lot more fun if she or he could be there with you for the long run... :cool:

It's hard to say exactly what I'm thinking in English! :lol:


Trophy Husband
Here's my definition:

Imagine it's cold and rainy outside. You're warm and snuggly under a blanket with your lover on the couch but you both want to rent a DVD. You decide you'll go to pick it up - not because it's your turn, or you feel obligated, or you want to impress anybody - just because when you picture your lover shivering in the cold, you realize you'd rather do it yourself.

Now if you say: "Heck with the movie, I can think of better things to do under a blanket all warm and snuggly on the couch!" . . . That's .


Originally posted by garyhoov
Here's my definition:

Imagine it's cold and rainy outside. You're warm and snuggly under a blanket with your lover on the couch but you both want to rent a DVD. You decide you'll go to pick it up - not because it's you're turn, or you feel obligated, or you want to impress anybody - just because when you picture you're lover shivering in the cold, you realize you'd rather do it yourself.

Now if you say: "Heck with the movie, I can think of better things to do under a blanket all warm and snuggly on the couch!" . . . That's .

That's great- :lol: I love it!

And I think MKCustodial hit the nail on the head when he said "that person is your best friend."


Well-Known Member
Originally posted by Dizknee_Phreek
k, i've got another question for you all if you care to give your opinions....how can you tell the difference between and love? to me, it's a fine line, and i just can't seem to tell whether i'm experiencing one or the other...care to give any insite?

See my previous post on this one...

You don't get those feelings with ...

Dawn S

New Member
I don't feel that I am an expert on what love is, but I may know a thing or 2.

It is not faltering, unsure or weak. It is something you find strength & security in, but only once you give the same to another. It is selfless, thoughtful & giving, rather than a selfish quest to see merely what you can GET out of it. It is both good & bad, but when you're TRULY in love, the bad dissipates because you are so hungry for that "good" that it becomes all that matters. It is not expecting "tailoring", but finding a perfect "fit". When a song comes on the radio, you FEEL the lyrics. When watching a romantically themed movie, you truly believe it can happen, because it has...to you. You want to thank your mate's parents for bringing them to life, because without them, a part of you would never have come to be. You look forward to old age because you have someone to share it with. Goals and plans take on a whole new meaning because you create them together. You see EVERYTHING in a whole new light & can never look at anything the same way again.

Unfortunately, when it's a one-sided love, it's not quite as sweet, but for those who find their "fit", it really is THIS good...maybe even better. :)


Well-Known Member
Unfortunately, when it's a one-sided love, it's not quite as sweet, but for those who find their "fit", it really is THIS good...maybe even better. :) [/B][/QUOTE]

Funny, I was just thinking the same exact thing 5 min. ago! I was thinking of a line from a song:

"...You really can't feel love without BEING loved..."

Love needs reciprocation or else it's not love?

I "think" this is right....??

CT : - )

lol,...beats me. "love"??,....Ha!!,...men and women have been stumbling and fumbling since the dawn of mankind to try and figure this thing out! ( knowing that,...I don't feel so stupid! )



New Member
Originally posted by Dizknee_Phreek
i love all of these explainations for the unexplainable! thanks for responding with your inputs! :wave:
but this one seems to stick out for some reason...i really wanted to keep this thread relatively general (as in not bringing MY life into it) but it seems like i've gotta weigh into this one.
would looking past something you hate about a person also include a person's friends? ya see, there's this person that i'm friends with but we don't share mutual friends. in fact, he has few friends that i actually like...they're not bad people or anything, just not 'my kind' of people, ya know? and i have actually given them a chance, so that's not the issue. i've known this guy all my life, but we just started becoming somewhat closer in the past 5 years or so. so far i've been able to accept everything about him (even his funny little quirks, but Lord knows, i have plenty of those myself!) that is everything but his friends...i think i can look past it, but at the same time, i don't know if i can ever be completely fine with them. i'd never try to keep him away from them...after all, they're his friends. i'd certainly hate it if he tried to keep ME from MY friends! ok, lol, i really have no clue where i'm goin here with this. i guess what i want to know is, is it possible to truely love and accept a person, and not really accept their friends?

You have to accept that even though you really hate his friends, his friends make him happy. There are certian things, in love, that can become acceptable, like friends.

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