What is going on with Beastly Kingdom?


Active Member
well Hakunamatata i need to comment on your list a bit

1. Build the monorail out to Disney Studios, DAK, and Downtown Disney,

it aint gonna happen any time soon, to much money needed for it, this new extensions would cost billions.

2. Put in the Indy Ride at the Studios

ya that be awesome.

3. Build Bald Mountain at MK.

ya ok that be cool.

4. Put another "gate" somewhere


5. Build the Harry Potter attraction

No no no no no no no. hp does not belong at disney at all, never ever till the end of time.

6. Build out the second phase of Pop Century

ok but that isnt more important the bk

7. Build another park somewhere on the continental US

y, building more in the US would take away the magic from dl and wdw, it would be less exclusive, less special. it just dont work.

now some of the things are important, yes, but none of them have anything to do with ak. also hp, pop century, and bald mountain are just a lil less important then bk. bk has been planned for years. and ak needs new attractions more than mk. but thats just my opinion.


New Member
disneygirl1992 said:
i think that dak needs to get a land to make it appeal more to people who like roller coasters
An excellent idea. Maybe we could call the roller coaster Expedition Everest. Just a thought.


New Member
pilka214 said:
bk has been planned for years. and ak needs new attractions more than mk. but thats just my opinion.

While BK was a concept land at AK. It may be competely off the table now and may never be built. Disney will test other ave. and will most likely put something different in AK. Pretty much like what is going on with EE, some say EE was suppose to be the BK expansion. I wouldn't get to stuck on BK, probability of it being built becomes less and less over time as old ideas make way for new ones.


Well-Known Member
Wouldn't EE be a great transition from Asia to Beastly Kingdom, then to Dinoland? After all the Yeti is just a myth. Just my 2 cents.


MGM and Animal Kingdom

Didnt they clear alot of land next to the area where camp Minnie Mickey is in 2003, thats where the area BK is supposed to be?

This would be a great addition to the park, as it would alow them to add some fantasy to the park and I think thats whats missing, EE will be a start, but the park need more fantasy.

Also i thnk a area of the park themed around Atlantis would be great, it could be themed around The Little Mermaid and the film Atlantis, it could contain a log flum type water coaster, and maybe the new version of the subs being installed at DL California, and even the 20K ride from DisneySea in Tokyo that uses the wet for dry effect. They could then included a area or ride about see monsters. These two new lands would give a nice change of landcape to the typically green seen in Animal Kingdom.

This is what i would like to see them build, (Oh and destroy Chester and Hesters fair)
I'm not sure if Disney does, or still hold the rights to the liscencing of the Care Bears characters. If they do, they should find someplace to place a image/statue or something of Beastly from The Care Bears. That'd be so funny!


violet_yoshi said:
I'm not sure if Disney does, or still hold the rights to the liscencing of the Care Bears characters. If they do, they should find someplace to place a image/statue or something of Beastly from The Care Bears. That'd be so funny!

No, no and triple Oh God, NO!


Well-Known Member
DisneyWales said:
Also i thnk a area of the park themed around Atlantis would be great, it could be themed around The Little Mermaid and the film Atlantis, it could contain a log flum type water coaster, and maybe the new version of the subs being

If they did do that, wouldnt it turn out to be just like seaworlds Journey to Atlantis? Unless they did the water coaster for the litle mermaid, and then do some kind of spiderman ride with Atlantis, now that would be tight.


Active Member
I'm not sure if Disney does, or still hold the rights to the liscencing of the Care Bears characters. If they do, they should find someplace to place a image/statue or something of Beastly from The Care Bears. That'd be so funny!

oh god no

no no no no no no no no no no no no no noooooooooooooooooooooooo!
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Well-Known Member
From what I understand Beastly Kingdom was scrapped, at least temporarily in favor of putting mythical rides all around the park (Enter Expedition Everest). As for the Thrill Ride, Dark Ride, Walk Through proposal that one individual mentioned 4 years ago, I really don't think this is out of the question. Not to get people too excited, but Disney has been in the works to acquire Asian Elephants and Giant Pandas, probably since before Animal Kingdom's opening in 98? Although no word has come out in the public stating that they have reached an agreement with the Chinese government, I can only hope that a walk through or ride featuring this two magnificent animals is the next thing to come after Expedition Everest.


New Member
A lot depends on the popularity of EE, and that attendance at all parks continue to increase. The BK concept has been an idea, mostly on the back burner, but on the drawing board for quite some time now. It will be interesting to see where TWDC goes after the addition of EE.

However, this is still most definetly rumor and speculation, as is the Star Tours rehab, the extent of some of the MK rehabs, and the work being done at EPCOT. Who knows when, but sometime it should all get done.


WDW Fan Since 1973
While we discuss whether BK will or will not be built, let's just remember that there is a lot of prime real estate available at the front of the park. While most of the "live" animals are at the back of the park, creating new attractions at the front of the park would allow the possibility of keeping the whole front end of the park open into the nighttime hours without bothering them. Of course BK would be the perfect fit, since any animals showcased would be of the mythical variety. Let's just hope that with EE, there is a need to keep this park open later into the night. Let's face it, there's a lot of wasted infrastructure (restaurants, shops) not generating income after 5pm most of the year. I'm sure the "accountaneers" would like to see more return out of AK.

Keeping AK open later would also give Disney the perfect opportunity to develope a new type of night time show (no pyro to bother the animals) to compliment AK at closing. With Dinoland, and BK (or suitable replacement land) along with Discovery Island and EE open into the evening, and a killer new show to close out the night, AK would be the new place to be at night. I know I'm just dreaming, but these possibilities I believe are more possible then not.


Active Member
may i point somthing out

Disney MGM studios was "on the back burner" until universial announced they would be building in orlando

so that goes to show, things can change fairly quickly

even though the studios thing was probally affected by universal

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