What If: Disney Parks Edition HYPE! Thread!!!

Diplomacy Dog

Active Member
When it rains it pours,…

My paternal grandpa had a stroke while on a cruise. He was airlifted to a hospital in southern Florida. Tomorrow morning he will be having surgery.

This man is directly responsible for me being the Disney adult that I am today. I may have not become part of this community had it not been for him being able to take our family on so many Disney vacations since I was a kid.

Those amazing vintage theme park maps I just got framed; those were his that he saved for me.

I want you all to know that I will absolutely still be starting the game on time. This will not impact that whatsoever. But I really could use your positive energy/prayers, etc.

I'm sending you all the well wishes, you amazing person!


Well-Known Member
In the next few days you'll get the team assignments as well as some special anouncements of guest judges and more!

In the meantime for the

Question of the Day:
What are some 'what if' Disney Park scenarios you always thought of?

One of them for me has been what if World Showcase was fleshed out as intended
What if Disney built that Indiana Jones expansion to DL's Adventureland in the 80s or 90s?


Well-Known Member
Just a fair warning, you’re dealing with the person who wrote Indiana Jones Adventure: Temple of the Triad just today. What you see below is the most insane thing I have ever done!
This ride, located by the Indiana Jones Stunt Show at DHS, is a mine cart dark ride through an ancient Egyptian temple that is indoors from start to finish, using projection mapping, sophisticated animatronics like Kylo and The Shaman, dramatic lighting, realistic sounds, and a roller coaster styled finale to make this the most compelling, thrilling, memorable, immersive, and convincing ride in the Indiana Jones Adventure Series, taking guests into an ancient Egyptian temple, then proceeding to immerse guests in the world of Egyptian mythology! The year is 1937, one year after Dr. Jones excavated the Ark of the Covenant. Now, he is back in Egypt to investigate strange phenomena in a recently discovered temple that sank under the Nile centuries ago. It has been brought to dry land by a team of archaeologists. Indy and Sallah collaborated to find the source of the phenomena, only to learn that the researchers were short staffed. Indy decided to run tours of what he thought was a safe ruin in order to raise money. So, he laid mine cart tracks down in the temple, only to mysteriously vanish in the unexplored third chamber. He would soon find his way back and begin leading tours himself. Guests wander through the expedition's camp, where artifacts can be seen. The guests enter the algae covered temple with water cascading down the walls, surrounded by statues of pharaohs, gods, and sphinxes that have recently been pulled out of the Nile alongside the temple and queue through dimly lit passages, dripping with water and lined with faded murals and hieroglyphic writing with a common theme: Beware Of The God Set. Guests enter a preshow narrated by Sallah that goes through safety procedures then load their mine carts in a courtyard and ride down the first corridor where Indiana greets them, saying “Tourists! Of course! Beware of Set! I'll be following you to protect you from danger, OK?” Guests then enter a chamber devoted to Isis: Goddess of Magic! Guests see a beautiful woman tangled in linens, a magic loom weaving more and more fabric around her. A man with the head of an ibis comes to her and cuts the linens. "Isis! You must go! Set must not find out about your son." "Where am I to go?" Isis asks. "Anywhere you may hide," the man answers her. "These seven scorpions will protect you." The man waves his hand and seven giant scorpions appear out of the sand. "They are Tefen, Masetetef, Petet, Tjetet, Matet, Mesetet and Befen." The scorpions bow to Isis. "I will disguise myself so neither Set, nor anyone else, will recognize me," Isis says. She waves a hand and turns into an old beggar woman. Soon, guests are surrounded by seven giant scorpions intending to sting them when Indiana Jones shows up and whips them! Guests are shown a discombobulating image of Isis, as she narrates “Names have power, as I learned from my father Ra.” Guests then enter Thoth: God of Knowledge's chamber. They see a golden man sitting on a golden throne. Well, he's kind of a man. He has the head of a falcon. He wears a large crown in the shape of a disc, and he seems to glow. "I must have it back!" he says. "You mean you must have her back?" a bird-headed man asks, appearing at the foot of the throne. It's then that you realize how massive the throne, and the man sitting in it, truly is. The bird brain only comes to the golden man's knees. "What's the difference?" asks the king. "Find my daughter, the all-seeing eye! Bring her back to me." The king waves his hand, and the images scatter like sand in the wind. Next, guests see a beautiful woman sitting by a river. In her hands she holds a glowing gold orb. It seems to be looking at guests. The bird-headed guy starts to sneak up on her. "Hello, Thoth," she says, having none of it."Hello, Ma'at," Thoth answers, not seeming surprised at having been found out. "You've come to force me to go back to my father?" Ma'at asks. "No," Thoth replies. "I've come to convince you to come home." With this, Thoth sits beside the goddess and the two talk. In the end, Ma'at hands over the orb and returns with Thoth to the king, her father, who glows like the sun. Thoth then sees guests and says, “My head is an ibis, yet sometimes I am a baboon!” Guests speed past a Magic abacus with self moving beads and some flowers in ancient vases that are somehow still alive after all the centuries have passed. Guests enter the third chamber, devoted once to Osiris: God Of Death, The Underworld, and Fertility of Crops, now it has been corrupted into a netherworld ruled by Set: God Of Chaos, Storms, and an overall villain. Indy shows up and shouts, “Oh no! Do not go in there! I repeat, DO NOT GO IN THERE!” Guests stop at a party. People in animal masks of various shapes and sizes dance and feast. As one of them gets close to them, they realize that the revealers aren't wearing masks, after all. The animal heads are their actual heads. This is a party of the ancient Egyptian gods! A man with the head of a dog sits at a long table, watching the festivities. His dark eyes watch one guest in particular, a green man dressed in white, with a white and gold crown on his head. Unlike the others, this one has a human head. The dog-headed host stands and calls for attention. "Friends! I have a special surprise for you!" He waves his hands, beckoning two servants to come into the scene carrying a beautiful gold box between them. The crowd erupts into oohs and ahhs. "Whoever fits into this box the most perfectly will get to take it home!" The guests seem pleased, excited, even. The box is beautifully decorated with gems and wonderfully carved. It is a very fine prize. They line up to try for it. When the first person tries to climb in, it hits guests; it's a sarcophagus! A beautiful, golden coffin. No one can fit into the box. It's like Cinderella's slipper. Then the man in the white and gold crown steps up. He fits perfectly. "Well done, Osiris! You win!" The dog-headed man slams the sarcophagus lid down on top of the coffin with a bang, trapping Osiris inside. The image fades into darkness, and guests find that they can finally move. Carts start to leave, but the dog-headed god appears in their path, a dark smile stretched across his face. Still sneering at guests, he asks, "What should I do with my brother's sarcophagus? Oh, I know! I shall throw his body into the Nile, lock his crown in a cavern, and hide his coffin in a tree! HA HA! HOW WICKED!” Soon, Set is in front of a table with three vials of liquid sitting on top of it. The bottles are identical, but the liquids inside are not. One is clear, to the point where he's almost unsure there's anything actually in it. One is black, and the last is gold. Set soon tries to force guests to drink the three liquids, which he says burn the throat! Suddenly, Indy shows up and says “Set, you will never win!” Set just chuckles and summons a giant snake made entirely of hedges, scaring Indy into a dark pit that we follow him into! Mine carts drop down into the underworld! Soon, guests see a set of 2 pan balances with a heart and a feather on each! One has a heavier heart that causes a crocodile headed lion named Ammit to jump out and roar! Another heart is lighter, causing a heavenly light. Guests pass by the four canopic jars before guests are lead out by the four sons of Horus. They are Imsety, the human, Hapy, the baboon, Duamatef, the jackal, and Qebehsenuf the falcon. Guests then rush through caverns, encountering Set, Ammit, an armada of mummy archers on chariots, flesh eating scarabs, a werejackal, a giant crocodile, a hippopotamus, the seven giant scorpions of Isis, and the giant hedge snake. Indy reunites with guests on a rope as a boulder rolls down the cave, causing walls to move backwards to simulate backing up! Guests make a sharp right, go on a thrilling mine cart ride in the style of Temple Of Doom through a cavern with pits of magma that leads out of the underworld with the white crown of Osiris locked within, unload in the courtyard, and exit the temple through a chamber behind a waterfall.


When it rains it pours,…

My paternal grandpa had a stroke while on a cruise. He was airlifted to a hospital in southern Florida. Tomorrow morning he will be having surgery.

This man is directly responsible for me being the Disney adult that I am today. I may have not become part of this community had it not been for him being able to take our family on so many Disney vacations since I was a kid.

Those amazing vintage theme park maps I just got framed; those were his that he saved for me.

I want you all to know that I will absolutely still be starting the game on time. This will not impact that whatsoever. But I really could use your positive energy/prayers, etc.
Praying for him

Architectural Guinea Pig

Well-Known Member
In the Parks
In the next few days you'll get the team assignments as well as some special anouncements of guest judges and more!

In the meantime for the

Question of the Day:
What are some 'what if' Disney Park scenarios you always thought of?

One of them for me has been what if World Showcase was fleshed out as intended
What if Disney went on with Discovery Bay? What would happen with Star Wars?


Well-Known Member
Fun Fact: This almost happened! Long story short, it ended up being a "Unstoppable Force Meets Immovable Object" situation that ended with Rowlling flipping a table and storming straight over to Universal.

If I remember right it was over the hogwarts express, she wanted a reall life train, disney didn't?


Well-Known Member
When it rains it pours,…

My paternal grandpa had a stroke while on a cruise. He was airlifted to a hospital in southern Florida. Tomorrow morning he will be having surgery.

This man is directly responsible for me being the Disney adult that I am today. I may have not become part of this community had it not been for him being able to take our family on so many Disney vacations since I was a kid.

Those amazing vintage theme park maps I just got framed; those were his that he saved for me.

I want you all to know that I will absolutely still be starting the game on time. This will not impact that whatsoever. But I really could use your positive energy/prayers, etc.
Sending love and prayers Tegan ❤️


Well-Known Member
Ideal Buildout is doing an Epcot buildout on Twitter:


And speaking as someone who is currently doing a sub-section of MWDW; asking the question "What if Disney-MGM Studios had been built within the MWDW 3.0 timeline?", I can already say that, should I start a new version of the entire project, this is already giving me some ideas for how I'd set up EPCOT. Again, it's all going to depend on if MEW restarts work on Mirror Disneyland and if Disney-Universal Studios remains part of his concept, because I've always intended for MWDW to be within the same universe as Mirror Disneyland.


Well-Known Member
So I wanted to share a bit of personal news because of how exciting it is.

I just submitted the first draft to get my permits for my non-profit animal education company! I’m currently still working at another place and will for the foreseeable future, but I’m now closer to opening my own zoo, something I’ve dreamed of since I was a child.

I also just rescued three new animals (a frog and two lizards) that will be the first additions to the organization.

Really embracing the Joe Rohde in me and designing my own zoo now

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