What If… Disney Parks Edition Game Thread

Tegan pilots a chicken

Sharpie Queen 💜
Premium Member
Original Poster


Hey! Everyone picked different locations!

Team Wanda - SeaVenture

This was such an interesting presentation idea. Tiki you invested so much effort into crafting this story, and I really commend you for staying so “in character” for 20 minutes. The various trip report presentations have been extremely unique and I enjoy seeing everyone branching out to try new things.

It’s a little challenging for me to perfectly picture everything in my head just based off verbal descriptions alone, but I absolutely love the idea of this being a hidden/discoverable attraction. The bathhouse idea itself is so ambitious!

Of course I would have liked to have some written/visual elements as well but each team had various hardships this week so I’m not going to hold that against anyone too much.

Overall this was really fun and I appreciate the efforts!

Creativity: 5/5
Realism: 3/5
Presentation: 5/5
Teamwork: 3/5
X-factor: 5/5

Total: 21

Team Loki - Anahuac

I love the Aztec/Mayan/Mexico theme and I think it works perfectly in this context.

Three cheers for Kuzcotopia! I absolutely adore Emperor’s New Groove and desperately wish there was a theme park presence for that film SOMEWHERE in a Disney Park! I’m glad you included that here. And omg the “WRONG LEVER!” aqua launcher is perfect!!

Montazuma dining eh?! That’s a CHOICE! 🤣🤣 But I do enjoy the menu!!

Nice work!

Creativity: 4/5
Realism: 5/5
Presentation: 3/5
Teamwork: 3/5
X-factor: 5/5

Total: 20

Team Cassie - Tesoro Cove

The hand drawn map on the forum post is lovely and I only wish we could have seen more of this!

Quite the backstory! We always love a good S.E.A. tie in! Nicely done!

Your website was really fun! I enjoyed the “choose your own adventure” style of navigation. I audibly laughed at the bit in the changing room! 🤣🤣

Unfortunately a few of the links didn’t work for me? Like they were just unresponsive. I’m not sure if anyone else experienced that.

I appreciate the thorough area descriptions, and especially loved the lazy river dark ride! This is the kind of attraction that would put a water park over the top! Well done!

Creativity: 4/5
Realism: 5/5
Presentation: 4/5
Teamwork: 3/5
X-factor: 5/5

Total: 21


Happy Father's Day!

With the project due tomorrow night at 11:59pm est - I won't be able to review them at posting time. So if you need to take an additional hour or a even few after the due date please feel free, it won't count for/against anyone. I'll have the reviews up Tuesday night. Thanks!

Mr. Tux

Active Member
Team Loki:

Carousel of Progress:

  1. Act 1: - 1960s: We begin in a nostalgic living room set in the 1960s, showcasing the technological advancements and cultural shifts of that era. The family interacts with iconic inventions like the television, color television, and early computers. We highlight the space race, the rise of consumerism, and the changing dynamics within families during this time.
  2. Act 2- 1980s: Transitioning to the 1980s, we move into a vibrant and energetic living space, capturing the essence of the era. The family engages with innovations like personal computers, video games, and early mobile phones. We emphasize the rise of technology in entertainment, communication, and the evolving lifestyles during this period.
  3. Act 3: The Present: Transitioning to the modern era, we move into a contemporary home filled with cutting-edge technology. The family demonstrates how advancements like smart homes, renewable energy, and virtual reality enhance our lives. We emphasize the ways in which technology has connected people globally and improved sustainability.
  4. Act 4: The Future: The final act propels us into the future, where we explore a world of imagination and possibility. Here, we showcase futuristic concepts like artificial intelligence, space exploration, and renewable energy on a larger scale. The family's adventures take them on a journey beyond Earth, demonstrating the potential for human progress and the wonders that lie ahead.

Moving on to the reimagined If You Had Wings/Dreamflight/Buzz Lightyear dark ride, Journey Thru The Future, where guests can preview some of tomorrow’s possibilities:

  1. Queue and Introduction: Visitors enter a futuristic space travel agency, where they are welcomed by virtual agents who explain the journey they are about to embark on. The agents highlight the importance of exploration, innovation, and the limitless potential of the future.
  2. Act 1: Earth's Treasures: Riders board their space capsules and begin their journey. The first scene takes them deep into the heart of Earth's natural wonders, exploring lush forests, vibrant coral reefs, and stunning landscapes. The focus is on the importance of preserving and appreciating our planet's biodiversity.
  3. Act 2: Technological Marvels: The ride continues with a shift towards showcasing technological advancements. Riders are transported to a futuristic city, filled with high-speed transportation systems, renewable energy sources, and advanced infrastructure. This section emphasizes the positive impacts of technology on urban life and sustainable development.
  4. Act 3: Beyond Earth: The final segment takes riders on an interstellar adventure, exploring the wonders of space travel. They witness the colonization of distant planets, encounters with alien lifeforms, and marvel at breathtaking celestial phenomena. The focus is on humanity's future as interplanetary explorers and the possibilities that await us beyond our own planet.
Throughout the ride, riders can interact with their surroundings using interactive panels within the vehicle, allowing them to make choices and shape the outcome of their journey. The ride would feature immersive visuals, dynamic audio, and special effects to enhance the overall experience.
Last edited:

Architectural Guinea Pig

Well-Known Member
In the Parks
File WF2X64MK -
If you see this, know that THEY ARE WATCHING.
Report by Cassie Lang - 12/22/21

After a few months of searching, I discovered Universe WF2X64MK. This universe was an almost duplicate of ours, yet it carried what is known to the Multiversal Society - as the SOURCES, or the Progress machines. It was at the same resort (Disney World!) where Star-Lordr opened his exhibit in our universe. Some difference I found here, was that there was no EPCOT Futureworld. Instead, it was just a much bigger World Showcase, quite stunning, but my main mission was focused somewhere else - the extremely outdated TOMORROWLAND at the Magic Kingdom, which gave way to the first phase of their Project Tomorrow development. Here, with extreme secrecy, were the SOURCES. In this report, you will learn about the area and the development... of PROGRESS itself.

The Progress pavilion opens at the Magic Kingdom. The pavilion features an update to the Carousel of Progress, a redevelopment of the Buzz Lightyear Shooting Ride, a new flat ride, and a garden. Buzz and CoP were now two leading companies of the pavilion that showcased its work in Progress. The two companies, MSC and TSI, were extreme competitors in the development of a major discovery of Progress. They had already built prototypes of their respective special Progress machines. MSC featured its ProgressVision machine, and TSI meanwhile, saw the making of TimeScanner. The TimeScanner explored the past and scanned for events that caused progress, and the ProgressVision saw alternate realities of a progressive future(s). Here, I source you the two visions of those progressively magnificent companies. While I did not uncover the SOURCES themselves (they really were just highly detailed fakes), I discovered... true magic.


Carousel of Progress - Sponsored by Metro-politician Science Center

TimeChasers - Sponsored by Tomorrowland Science Institute
I can not tell you much more, but I can say - OUR UNIVERSE IS IN DANGER. The SOURCES, the real ones, have arrived...


Well-Known Member
Team Wanda Presents: Progress Land

Nestled in the shadows of Space Mountain, the Carousel of Progress has long since stood as a beacon to the creative ideologies of Walt Disney. Another beacon across the way is the world famous PeopleMovers, a ride system which would have served as the main lifeblood of Walt's original EPCOT future city concept.

In between these two attractions that very much define old school, Walt-era Imagineering is...ahem...Buzz Lightyear's Space Ranger Spin. An attraction that, while charming, definitely doesn't inspire its guests to reach towards a great big beautiful tomorrow in any sort of meaningful way.

To eliminate the thematic whiplash of Buzz from this treasured corner of Tomorrowland, we at Team Wanda are proposing to turn this area of the park into a new mini land of sorts celebrating the ideology of Walt Disney in the 1960s. The crown jewel of this expansion will be "The Promise of Progress City" replacing the Buzz Lightyear attraction as Tomorrowland's signature dark ride, as well as an all new, and much needed, revision of the Carousel of Progress.

In addition to the attractions, Progress Land will also play host to a new plaza that takes the place of the old Zootopia meet n' greet. This plaza will take on the vibe of the 1964-1965 World's Fair and will be a new favorite spot for folks looking to relax and catch a breather from all the over stimulation of the Magic Kingdom. The new centerpiece of Progress Land is a fountain that takes the abstract shape of Rolly Crump's Tower of the Four Winds that could be found outside the World's Fair It's a Small World, with a plaque dedicated to Rolly Crump at the base of the fountain.

To read more about the attractions found within Progress Land, check out our proposal!



Thank you to everyone for the great projects!

I’m skimming them now, I won’t be able to appreciate them in full until tonight but wanted to give brief feedback

Team Loki - I love that you were able to scrap something together based on the initial brainstorming. The map and design is top notch

Team Cassie - both the artwork and Time Chasers are big highlights to this project. Amazing work!

Team Wanda - the assimilation to Project City might just seal this for me


Well-Known Member
In the Parks
Team Wanda Presents: Progress Land

Nestled in the shadows of Space Mountain, the Carousel of Progress has long since stood as a beacon to the creative ideologies of Walt Disney. Another beacon across the way is the world famous PeopleMovers, a ride system which would have served as the main lifeblood of Walt's original EPCOT future city concept.

In between these two attractions that very much define old school, Walt-era Imagineering is...ahem...Buzz Lightyear's Space Ranger Spin. An attraction that, while charming, definitely doesn't inspire its guests to reach towards a great big beautiful tomorrow in any sort of meaningful way.

To eliminate the thematic whiplash of Buzz from this treasured corner of Tomorrowland, we at Team Wanda are proposing to turn this area of the park into a new mini land of sorts celebrating the ideology of Walt Disney in the 1960s. The crown jewel of this expansion will be "The Promise of Progress City" replacing the Buzz Lightyear attraction as Tomorrowland's signature dark ride, as well as an all new, and much needed, revision of the Carousel of Progress.

In addition to the attractions, Progress Land will also play host to a new plaza that takes the place of the old Zootopia meet n' greet. This plaza will take on the vibe of the 1964-1965 World's Fair and will be a new favorite spot for folks looking to relax and catch a breather from all the over stimulation of the Magic Kingdom. The new centerpiece of Progress Land is a fountain that takes the abstract shape of Rolly Crump's Tower of the Four Winds that could be found outside the World's Fair It's a Small World, with a plaque dedicated to Rolly Crump at the base of the fountain.

To read more about the attractions found within Progress Land, check out our proposal!

Cool concept guys. 10/10.

Tegan pilots a chicken

Sharpie Queen 💜
Premium Member
Original Poster


I was really looking forward to this project since the start of the game. So much so that I actually bumped it up a week to coincide with the team swap. You did not disappoint!!!


Team Loki

This is the team comprised of the presently less active members of our community. And given that, this was honestly really great! Conceptually I love it and if there was a bit more detail here I would have you in contention.

As it is, this is a simple forum post with a well written overview of your concepts. But it did leave me wanting much more. For me the highlight was taking the Progress family off planet!! Something no other team chose to do!! That was a stroke of brilliance and just goes to show that there is a lot of creativity on this team!

Journey to the Future is a little less realized than Carousel of Progress, and kind of follows the same, well, progression. But I think with a few more details and tweets it would have been a great ride!

Thank you for your efforts. I truly hope to see you all more active moving forward as I feel there is a ton of potential amongst this group!!

Creativity 4/5
Realism 3/5
Teamwork 2/5
Presentation 3/5
X-factor 4/5

Total 16/25


Team Cassie

Right away I was pulled in by your introduction! Using Cassie in the attractions themselves wouldn’t have been allowed, but featuring her as your presenter was brilliant and truly helped frame this project in a way that had me hooked from go!

There is some fantastic world building throughout as well. Love all the small touches and little details that help differentiate this universe. That is something the teams have been doing throughout most of the game, and that really brings me a lot of joy! It tells me that everyone is really into this concept and that you’re enjoying it. (I guess there has to be a sequel).

Wait EPCOT is just a giant World Showcase?!

Apparently slides were in order for this project! And I enjoyed it; it’s a presentation format I don’t believe we’ve seen yet and it definitely worked for this project.

The concept art is fantastic as usual and I wish there was just a little more art or visuals present but you still did an awesome job communicating your ideas. It doesn’t hurt that mechanically and geographically, the two attractions exist in reality.

Beginning with Carousel of Progress and wow!! The chunks of time you chose to represent were very interesting; I would never have thought to go further back in time as a jumping off point. But that was cool! I really loved the way you adapted some existing set pieces into the updated ride. The line “what have I told you about marching into the battlefield? It’s not a game” absolutely cracked me up!! Like, I let out a loud cackling laugh. My neighbors are thrilled I’m sure.

Democracy!!! Yes!!

I was somewhat hopeful you would have taken the ending to the other extreme and brought us way out into the distant future, but the attraction serves as sort of a museum piece as is. And honestly I love it!

Moving onto Time Chasers. I was a little on the fence about whether or not the inclusion of Mr. Morrow would violate the “no-IP” rule. But honestly, he’s only mentioned by name in the old Peoplemover narration and that’s it, that’s the extent of his “character” in Tomorrowland. So I decided it was okay! And in that respect, I actually love that you gave him some true character here!

This was a really fun ride! The classic “what could go wrong” element is always a winner. This attraction sits in a pretty small space and you managed to cram a lot into it. “Operation Butterfly” - nice!

Oh WestCot exists here?!! Awesome!! You redeemed yourselves from earlier!!

I love that guests help discover fire. This probably violates the grandfather paradox on some insane scale but we’re just gonna go with it. You chose some truly fantastic places to visit along the journey and I appreciate that you took the time to spell out the place making of everything.

Visiting World War II was a choice. But ya know what, it’s never a bad time to remember what we were fighting for and who we were fighting against. I am being very specific right now. (Remember kids, “what would Steve Rogers do?”)

And we end things with not only a marvelous look at the future that might await us, but guests have a hand in creating it. That’s neat! Maybe this is the result of breaking the grandfather paradox earlier?!

Very cool that you actually created two separate presentations for your two attractions!

Loved it!! Great job!

Creativity 5/5
Realism 5/5
Teamwork 3/5
Presentation 4/5
X factor 4/5

Total 21/25


Team Wanda

Your introduction had be hooked. I love that you went ahead and created a “mini land” here. That was exactly what I was hopeful for and I believe that suggestion came up within the first hour of your brainstorming. And you fully committed to the idea! Progress Land, let’s go!!

Starting with The Promise of Progress City and I am all in on this concept!!

One Man’s Dream truly belongs in EPCOT or Tomorrowland in my opinion, and utilizing this queue as a variation of that is just brilliant. I love every single element of this. This appeals to the theme park nerd in all of us!

You made it a “peoplemover” ride through Progress City,…

Here’s my heart! 🧡

Every segment of this was amazing, the transportation lobby is just begging to be included in a theme park attraction! The town center and its unbuilt World Showcase are just pulling at my heartstrings. Flying over the city center would actually be a dream come true! I just love this! And I feel like this attraction embodies everything great about futurism in imagineering. There’s no way guests would come out of this not feeling inspired and hopeful!

The post show sounds fun! This is a post show that would get me to stop for a few minutes and check out all the offerings.

Love your take on Carousel of Progress! Retaining the first scene as a place of familiarity and the jumping off point is truly genius! Now no matter where you take us, it will still feel familiar and warm while also being new and exciting!

The Nifty Fifties gives us a nice half century time jump while still keeping this segment of the attraction firmly in the past. The sense of progress is big, but not overwhelmingly so to our logarithmic brains.

Moving the old finale to the third scene was a fantastic touch! It fits perfectly for your time jump spacing while also once again giving longtime fans of the attraction that sense of familiarity and would also serve to satisfy the preservationists who may not want this ride to be touched again ever for reasons other than maintenance.

Having a final scene that is more undefined in time but focuses on each family member and their aspirations is an awesome way to keep the attraction timeless. The way you’ve set this up, CoP won’t need another refresh for maybe another half century!

And you included shopping and dining!! You transformed this corner of Tomorrowland into a new, exciting, and optimistic look into the possibilities of tomorrow. You fully encapsulated what the spirit of Tomorrowland is all about.

Fantastic job!

Creativity 5/5
Realism 5/5
Teamwork 4/5
Presentation 4/5
X factor 5/5

Total 23/25


Project 006 will be posted within the hour!

Tegan pilots a chicken

Sharpie Queen 💜
Premium Member
Original Poster
Side note: I will be much more active and around for your brainstorming this round. Sorry for being relatively absent last round, I was under the weather at the end of last week and just decided I wanted to be totally surprised by your projects! They were all lovely!

But I will be around a lot more this round and the remainder of the game!

We have three regular prompts remaining and I am considering a semifinal round depending on how strong activity is for the remainder of the game.


Well-Known Member
Moving onto Time Chasers. I was a little on the fence about whether or not the inclusion of Mr. Morrow would violate the “no-IP” rule. But honestly, he’s only mentioned by name in the old Peoplemover narration and that’s it, that’s the extent of his “character” in Tomorrowland. So I decided it was okay! And in that respect, I actually love that you gave him some true character here!
To be frank, I honestly felt safe using Mr. Morrow because when I think "IP", I think of "Disney movie", not "original theme park character." And since Mr. Morrow was created for Flight to the Moon -- and likewise, Mr. Johnson was his replacement in Mission to Mars -- I felt safe using them to lead this attraction.

Tegan pilots a chicken

Sharpie Queen 💜
Premium Member
Original Poster

Get out your old Polly Pockets and Micro Machines, get ready for new episodes of Legends of the Hidden Temple and The Secret World of Alex Mack, let’s call into TRL and ask your mom to drive us to the mall! The Lost World might still be playing at the dollar theater and the new No Doubt album just came out!

What I’m trying to say is,… this project takes place in the 90s!

Welcome to universe MK33X33333. We may have changed time period, but we’re going to be staying in Magic Kingdom for this round.

In this universe, something really cool happened; Michael Eisner listened to the fans, and Walt Disney World retained their incredible version of Mr. Toad’s Wild Ride!

Of course, the petitions and protests by theme park fans to “save Toad” were purely out of love for the quirky ride itself, and there was never any animosity toward Winnie the Pooh. Pooh and friends absolutely belong in Magic Kingdom,… and that’s where you come in, Imagineers!


First of all, with Mr. Toad staying put, that means you are going to have to find another location for Pooh (and Tigger too!)


Luckily, there is another land in the park that is in need of an update, that being Mickey’s Toon Town Fair!


Image from my own personal map collection. 💅🏻💅🏻💅🏻

Your task is this,…

You must completely redevelop Mickey’s Toontown Fair, and it must include a ride based on Winnie the Pooh! What you do beyond that is up to you!

You must remain within the boundaries of the original land and may not encroach into Tomorrowland or Fantasyland.

This project is due on Sunday, June 25th at 11:59pm WDW time!


Team Loki Review

I really commend those who wanted to still play and put something out. Sure it might be an outline of a larger plan, but the effort is appreciated. As for the content itself, I really like the time periods that you chose as there's a natural progression from what Tomorrowland originally was in the 1950s-60s into what it could be in the future. This is something that to me would tie in all iterations of Tomorrowland making this attraction a sort of time machine through the different eras of not only Americana, but of the land itself.

As for Journey Thru the Future, I think this would tie in nicely with the final scene of Carousel of Progress, and I really like the effort put into the map. Naturally, it would have been nice to have a fully fleshed out attraction but I think as a concept those who came up with these attractions should be very proud. And please don't let the scores impact how much I did enjoy this elevator pitch. It's just part of the game and if you continue to post and improve I guarantee these elements will be higher next time!

Creativity - 4.5/5
Realism - 4.5/5
Detail - 2/5
Teamwork - 2/5
X-Factor - 5/5

Total: 18/25

Team Cassie Review

This team got off to a really great start (and is currently doing the same). Both of these concepts were very innovative in their own ways. Beginning with the Carousel of Progress, kicking the timeline back to the Revolutionary period and focusing on historical elements I think not only continued the realistic retrospectives from the attraction, but tied in elements of Liberty Square as well which is something I would have never expected from a Tomorrowland attraction.

Time Chasers as well was a daring attraction in many ways with regard to the subject matters it focused on. And I think you sold it in your diction. Very well written from top to bottom, I like the concept art and customization of the characters included as well. Would it ever be mace? Not sure, but definitely fun to think about.

Overall, I think there were many things to like about this project. The artwork as I emphasized before continues to dazzle. And the contributions as a whole really took this prompt in a unique avenue that was great to see.

Creativity - 5/5
Realism - 3.5/5
Detail - 4/5
Teamwork - 4/5
X-Factor - 5/5

Total - 21.5/25

Team Wanda Review

This was the most complete project to me. Maybe not the most bold or bombastic, but one that touched on the key elements that I think Carousel of Progress represents, while also facilitating the attraction's longevity for years to come. Progress City has always been one of my favorite concepts in imagineering because it's an open book of creativity. It's an idea that yes has been done before, but perhaps this was the most goldilocks implementation of the concept I have seen in imagineering, making it a dark ride. I think it really hit on all elements with this concept and is a highlight of not only the round but of the game so far.

It's interesting that all teams chose unique time-frames for the Carousel of Progress as well. This team chose to separate it by these 50(ish) year time frames, and I think provides enough leeway that the attraction can remain for years to come without worrying about another refurb. In addition, the presentation of the scenes was well put together. Nice teamwork on this part. Lastly, the dining and shopping are nice bookends to the mini-land and supplement the surrounding area well.

Creativity - 5/5
Realism - 4.5/5
Detail - 4.5/5
Teamwork - 4/5
X-Factor - 5/5

Total - 23/25

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