What If… Disney Parks Edition Game Thread

Tegan pilots a chicken

Sharpie Queen 💜
Premium Member
Original Poster
This is the map and this is the google doc for Team Loki
View attachment 720965
That is a gorgeous map!!


Well-Known Member
Location: Paris

Anahuac: Welcome to Anahuac. The name originates from the Aztec word for Mexico, but do not be fooled, as we also feature the Maya and Zapotec civilizations! The main attraction is The Temple of the Sun. This walkthrough attraction mixes Maya, Zapotec, and Aztec influences to make the ultimate Mesoamerican experience! Guests enter a Maya pyramid with a stone face staring as they pass. From there, guests wander through a vividly painted Zapotec tomb, a room lined with glyphs with 4 columns, a treasury filled with Aztec and Maya artifacts, and a chamber of stone. Outside of the temple, guests can wander through the Aztec market of Tlatelolco, slide down the Templo Mayor on the twin slides Tlaloc and Huitzilipochtli, dine at Montezuma, a Mexican restaurant, and race down a Tikal pyramid on the back of Kukulcan, the feathered serpent. If guests enter the ominous cave mouth by The Temple of the Sun, they will descend into a flooded, torchlit cave with huge lakes and waterfalls beneath The Temple Of The Sun, they will find themselves faced with 6 doors, each serving as the entry to a different racing slide. These are The Houses Of The Underworld! The houses are Breeze, Obsidian, Jaguars, Bats, Flame, and Gloom. Here are Maya Glyphs used to denominate the houses. The slides have enclosed domes where an effect relating to the house will occur at the beginning.

Anyways, here's what each house effect is. Obsidian: Obsidian knives blaze by guests, Gloom: Pitch Black Slide, Breeze: Fans Blowing, Flame: Simulated Fire, Jaguars: Animatronic jaguars that roar as guests pass, and Bats: Flying Bats projected. Note how nothing here is extremely scary, despite the Underworld theme.

Guests enter a Maya pyramid with a stone face staring as they pass.
From there, guests wander through a vividly painted Zapotec tomb,
a room lined with glyphs with 4 columns,
a chamber with a bone lined floor,
a treasury filled with Aztec and Maya artifacts,
and a chamber of stone.

Here's Kuzcotopia...

Boom, baby! Emperor Kuzco invites you to visit this little section of the park based on his adventures as a talking llama. And don't worry - no peasant villages or jungles were harmed in the construction of this version of Kuzcotopia.

Little ones can try their hand at a ropes course a la the Incan rope bridges of the past (which spanned over gorges, but this one just spans over a small section of the pool). Llama statues spit, squirt, and drool water out of their llama faces. One llama is actually a water cannon - perfect for surprising a friend or foe with a sudden splash. Pint-sized slides that look more like naturally-formed rivers than water slides provide a gentle but thrilling experience for tykes.

Thrill-seeking kids, on the other hand, have the option of a family raft ride (similar to Tugboat Springs at Blizzard Beach) called Jaguar Jungle Rapids. As you climb aboard your raft, you'll see an animatronic of Bucky, that mischievous squirrel, holding a balloon animal in one paw and a pin in the other. A loud "POP" is heard as the raft hurtles down the slide. From there, riders twist and turn in their rafts through a dense jungle environment. Be careful - the jungle is filled with jaguars. HUNGRY jaguars. And just when you've evaded the big black cats, you'll find yourself about to go over a huge waterfall. Sharp rocks at the bottom? Most likely.

OR, you could sneak into Yzma's Secret Lab! Sneaking in through a tunnel decorated with Mesoamerican designs depicting events from The Emperor's New Groove, you'll find yourself standing in front of the iconic set of levers that guard the lab - one of which, as everybody knows, is what allows entrance inside. Signs above each lever point in the direction of two different slides.

One sign leads to The Yzma (so called that because, much like Yzma, it's scary beyond all reason), where brave riders are ushered into a chamber (an "aqua launcher"). As soon as Yzma shouts "Pull the lever, Kronk!", the floor beneath you opens up and you're in a freefall down a 60-foot chute. Why does she even HAVE that lever?

The other sign leads to Kuzco's Kuzco-fusion Koaster. Less terrifying but just as much fun, this Crush 'n' Gusher-esque water coaster perfectly replicates the Wild Mouse-esque ride to the lab in the film, surreal visuals and all. Please remain seated and keep your arms and legs in the tube at all times.

Despite its status as a "kiddy area", there's actually something for Emperor's New Groove fans of all ages - even Yzma's - in Kuzcotopia. Fun slides, a play area, plenty of opportunities to get wet... and nothing that will throw off your groove!

Moctecuhzuma’s Avenge cafe
Aztec king Montezuma typically gets a bad rap (especially with digestive issues), so that’s why he went with his full name to develop the waterpark’s delectable cafe offerings.

Aztec Tacos—made with Indian-style flybread, cotija cheese, lettuce, guacamole, red salsa, and choice of beef or chicken

Gringo Tacos—cheddar cheese, lettuce, guacamole, red salsa, choice of beef or chicken, and choice of corn or flour tortillas

Walking Tacos—Doritos chips, cheddar cheese, lettuce, guacamole, red salsa, and choice of beef or chicken

Elote—street corn with shredded squash and sweet potatoes

Rice and beans—available as a side with any entree or as a small plate

Mixed fruit—papaya and pineapple served as either a healthy snack or dessert

Chocolate Tacos—the Aztecs gave the world chocolate, so it’s only fitting that this ganache-filled treat would be available here

Architectural Guinea Pig

Well-Known Member
In the Parks
Hey there mateys!




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Team Wanda - SEAventure

For a last minute type presentation, the trip report vlog felt like an 11th hour stroke of genius. Now, despite me really liking the last two rounds of 'trip report' style presentations - that does not mean that has to be the norm going forward. And if it wasn't for the real world dilemmas I don't think this presentation would have been used, but I just wanted to qualify that so people don't think they have to do this all the time to get high scores.

As for the project itself, out of the 3 ideas this one was definitely the best researched. The brainstorming was super strong for the first few days of this project going over the minutia of how it would fit and the relevance of each component. @montydysquith-navarro had posted a great video in the PM that really showed the bathhouse concept well.

While there's no written content and I would prefer at least some writing/images to future projects, I think was able to understand the gist of this project both from the video and the brainstorming in the PM.

Creativity - 5/5
Realism - 4/5
Detail - 4/5
Teamwork - 4/5
X-Factor - 5/5

Total - 22/25

Team Loki - Anahuac

Despite some of the brainstorming lulls toward the end of the project, I think many of the premises outweighed the lack of time to flesh out the concepts. Kuzcotopia is one of if not the highlight aspect for me, as Emperor's New Groove is one of my favorite Disney movies, I'm surprised something like this wasn't designed sooner.

Sometime tomorrow @ThemeParkPriest you may want to repost the artwork as it's not showing up on my end, but it looks great as always in the PM!

Using Montezuma for an eatery was a bold choice lol I'll leave it at that, but I do appreciate the research that went into it, especially the chocolate fact I didn't know that.

Creativity - 4/5
Realism - 5/5
Detail - 4/5
Teamwork - 4/5
X-Factor - 4/5

Total - 21/25

Team Cassie - Tesoro Cove

Really like the location and setting to this one. The site while using Google Sites feels much different than many of the prior presentations that used it, mainly due to the first person perspective of the links and whatnot. Well done! Some of them I found very clever, especially when you arrive to the changing room and realize you have no swim attire, then click on a link that takes you to the shop to buy them. Gotta say the OG Cassie has truly come up with some incredible presentation styles.

As for the project itself, it felt cohesive enough to be a true waterpark with a theme broad enough that fits the bill as well. While it's certainly not up to the level that perhaps you wished if everyone had time, I really like the small but significant contributions of people like @DisneyManOne in this project that really helped make this project feel like a complete park.

Creativity - 4/5
Realism - 5/5
Detail - 4/5
Teamwork - 4/5
X-Factor - 4/5

Total - 21/25

*I tried to be pretty accommodating with the scores this week. Each team had their own trials and I think deserve the benefit of the doubt to not be too critical given those circumstances.

Hopefully the changes will solve that going into the next round.

Diplomacy Dog

Active Member
Okay, so as Space implied, there were a lot of irl issues going on with our team, including myself, and, while a lot of them aren't worth talking about, there is one story on my end that, while relatively minor in the grand schemes, deserves to be discussed because my god, is it freaky.

So, you all know about American Girl dolls, right? Well, at one point (I think it was early-2000s) they ran a line called "My Twinn" where you would send them a picture of yourself and they would use that to make an American Girl doll based on you to keep for yourself. Sounds great, right? Well, the thing is that the material used for these doll, especially for the eyes...


...didn't age the best.

Well, me and my sister were talking about these dolls and I, having never heard of My Twinn dolls, decided to ask my sis for an example pic. She texted the me the above pic and, I kid you not, the moment the pic went through, our call dropped. No input from either of us; it just... dropped.

I texted her my reaction ("OH GOD"), the text didn't go through. I thought I just had bad signal, moved, and tried again. Nope. I give up, put my phone down, and forget about it as I get lunch.

One meal later, I look at my phone and I'm getting tons of panic texts from my family, freaking out about me not picking up their calls.

I have no missed call notifications on my phone.

I tried to text back to my mom. It doesn't go through. I tried this everyone. Not a single one worked. I go to call my mom to tell her what's up.




Oh, and I should mention I'm housesitting for my parents this week, so I'm completely alone for all of this.

I eventually resorted to borrowing a neighbor's phone to tell my parents I'm fine, I'm not dead, you can call off the search squad. My sister, meanwhile, had assumed that I was so offended by the image that I had turned off my phone in protest.


Okay, so as Space implied, there were a lot of irl issues going on with our team, including myself, and, while a lot of them aren't worth talking about, there is one story on my end that, while relatively minor in the grand schemes, deserves to be discussed because my god, is it freaky.

So, you all know about American Girl dolls, right? Well, at one point (I think it was early-2000s) they ran a line called "My Twinn" where you would send them a picture of yourself and they would use that to make an American Girl doll based on you to keep for yourself. Sounds great, right? Well, the thing is that the material used for these doll, especially for the eyes...


...didn't age the best.

Well, me and my sister were talking about these dolls and I, having never heard of My Twinn dolls, decided to ask my sis for an example pic. She texted the me the above pic and, I kid you not, the moment the pic went through, our call dropped. No input from either of us; it just... dropped.

I texted her my reaction ("OH GOD"), the text didn't go through. I thought I just had bad signal, moved, and tried again. Nope. I give up, put my phone down, and forget about it as I get lunch.

One meal later, I look at my phone and I'm getting tons of panic texts from my family, freaking out about me not picking up their calls.

I have no missed call notifications on my phone.

I tried to text back to my mom. It doesn't go through. I tried this everyone. Not a single one worked. I go to call my mom to tell her what's up.




Oh, and I should mention I'm housesitting for my parents this week, so I'm completely alone for all of this.

I eventually resorted to borrowing a neighbor's phone to tell my parents I'm fine, I'm not dead, you can call off the search squad. My sister, meanwhile, had assumed that I was so offended by the image that I had turned off my phone in protest.
So this is a cursed image and your first thought is… let me share it with the internet. 🫡

Tegan pilots a chicken

Sharpie Queen 💜
Premium Member
Original Poster

Welcome to Universe WF2X64MK

This universe is nearly identical to our own, including our Magic Kingdom park. Let’s change things up a bit!


This project will consist of two objectives.

First, you will be updating the beloved Carousel of Progress. The attraction should remain the same at its core (carousel theater show telling the story of progress). What you do beyond that is entirely up to you!

Additionally, you will be completely reimagining the If You Had Wings/Dreamflight/Buzz Lightyear dark ride. There are two rules you must abide by; the track itself must remain identical, as it has since the original attraction opened in 1972. Secondly, your new attraction cannot include any pre-existing IP! This should be an entirely new dark ride concept for Tomorrowland!

This project is due Monday June 19th at 11:59pm WDW time!

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