Alright. I've finally caught up on what has been said in this thread, and I just have a few (well, maybe many) thoughts.
First, from all the input on here so far, I think we can all agree that its time the major areas of Future World got an overhaul. The current design is stale and out of date and not even remotley futuristic. That being said, I don't agree with everything said.
First off, LaL should, and I think needs to go (sorry Legacy, I just don't like it). It takes up too much space in the plaza; large, dark brown monoliths will never make an area look open and spaceous, and I don't think they are particularly futuristic either. Instead, place more vegetation in the plaza, and get rid of the big bushy trees in front of SSE. I wouldn't mind seeing the palm trees return. They have a clean look, and can provide a much needed secondary focal point(s) to draw your eyes toward SSE. I know that for those of us who live in Florida, palm trees may seem boring, but for the 75% of the country that doesn't have palm trees, they are something unique and interesting.
As far as lighting goes, initially I didn't like it, but if done properly, placing color changing neon tubes on the buildings could work. However, I think that they would have to change colors VERY gradually, so that it takes maybe a minute or so before the color is fully changed. Also, I think that the colors should be limited to certain shades like blue, silver, and gold. I don't think a bright green or red would work too well. Having SSE do something similar as far as slow color changing would be nice as well (though the colors don't have to be as limited).
As for the monorail beams...*sigh*. I don't like the idea of outlining them in LEDs, even if they change colors as the monorail passes by. The whole idea behind the monorail is to make it and its rail system as un-intrusive and un-noticeable as possible. I think the worse thing you could do would be to hightlight its existence by putting lights on it. I think the best way to make the beams look better would be to paint the entire length of beam through Epcot something along the lines of an off-white/silvery gray. This would give it a cleaner appearence than the current exposed concrete look, and would make the beam look more like a sleek monument too. Painting it doesn't automatically bring attention to it, but I think it would make it more appealing to look at when you do notice it.
The idea of putting more metal and steel on the As someone said, its too 90's airport looking, is a fading trend, and I don't like the look of it anyway. Its too harsh and cold, and lacks an inviting appeal. Also, I've never been a fan of public art, so kingslyZISSOU, I have to disagree with that idea of placing sculptures and artwork around Epcot. It sounds nice on paper, but in the end, I feel public art tends to make an area feel more cluttered, which is the last thing Epcot needs.
I think the biggest thing Epcot needs is a return of a more simple look. Lose the salmon pinks, lime greens, and mustard yellows, and paint Epcot in neutral, clean tones (silver, white, pale blue, etc). Then, create open walkways (pressure cleaned and repainted BTW) with wide areas of green vegetation mixed in with colorful annuals. These plant areas could be highlighted at night with the use of white and green LEDs. Also, some reflecting pools in the entrance plaza to add to the ambiance (you could even have them change color at night). I think that would be an Epcot that would represent a timeless vision of the future, and still be pleasing to the eye.