What do "you" want for Epcot's 25th?


Park History nut
Premium Member
EpcotMark said:
I've worked at Epcot a long time. There is no RIDE in Germany. But feel free to prove me wrong, just for fun:lol:

He should rephrase it "complete the show building as intended at Germany and install the Rhine River Ride".

Laufschneller65 said:
and why doesn't ENgland have some sort of atraction? their people is a mojority of the over seas guest in Disney WOrld. they should have something..

It would have had a Vaudaville Theatre in 1984 had funding been in place. The plans were there. As for our govenrment paying for it now - forget it. AT least the Millenium Tent is temporary structure (temporary as in Mickeys Starland I guess) so the land can always be used in the future.

I`d be happy with just using the wasted space that is already there - Imageworks, Innoventions, Odyssey, Japan. Give Futureworld more of a serious future theme, as it used to have - we can`t go back to the glory days, but we can make tomorrow 2007`s equivalent. The same for the attractions still to be updated. Make SSE as glorious as it was in 1986. Redo Energy, making full use of the pavilion, as intended before the multiplex theatre of Ellen was chosen. At least come clean over WoL - indeed, make use of the building if nothing else, or replace it with something as architecturely interesting as the current building. Futureworld used to be known for it`s design and architecture - not bland sheds behind a facade like M:S. Horizons and JII would be dated by now - so build new ones, with todays technology, that would have the same impact today as these did in 1983. Attractions that last more than 3 minutes. Attractions that leave a lasting impression and provoke thought and emotion - and not the thought of how long the next fast pass will be!

Oh, and ditch the wand (naturally) and the memorial garden.


Well-Known Member
I'll give you two lists, the first is my dreaming list of things that needs to be done but I know it's not realistic due to budgets. The second will be my real list.

Dreaming List:

Refurbish SSE: Keep most of the ride as is but update the present day portion. Also update the ride mechanism so that it is smoother and quieter. I definitely don't want a new ride in here, just some good old TLC. This would include also putting a fantastic post show in SSE.

Update UoE: I don't really have any ideas I'm just really bored with this Ellen film and ride through oil Public Relations.

Put something in WoL: I'd love a new pavilion here, again I don't have any ideas on how to theme it or what kind of rides it needs but it's a shame to see it just sitting here.

Revamp the whole imagination pavilion: Frankly, and I may be in the minority, I wouldn't care if they scrapped the whole imagination theme and just put something else here that used the whole building and was actually fun and drew a crowd.

New film for Soarin: I like Soarin' but it needs something that ties it into either WDW as a whole or at the very least into Epcot.

Update Futureworld: As a whole, Futureworld just feels like the description should be (Come visit the world of 1996.) Most of the displays in futureworld are old technology now.

Refurbish the ride in Mexico: I'm sorry but this ride just sucks. The imagination ride is more fun that It's a Small World part II.

Add at least one ride somewhere in the World Showcase: It starts out good with a ride in Mexico and a great ride in Norway and then it just stops. There needs to be at least one more ride in the world showcase. I'd love two more and it would be perfect, but at least give one of them to us.

Add a new country or two.

For the countries that wouldn't get a new ride, update the movies with something fun. Most of the movies bore me to death.

Do something with Odyssey so it doesn't just sit there.

Realistic List:

Refurbish SSE: Keep most of the ride as is but update the present day portion. Also update the ride mechanism so that it is smoother and quieter. I definitely don't want a new ride in here, just some good old TLC. This would include also putting a fantastic post show in SSE.

Put something in WoL: I know at this time we're not going to get a new pavilion but it's such a shame to just see this sitting empty. Use it for something aside from offices.

New film for Soarin: I like Soarin' but it needs something that ties it into either WDW as a whole or at the very least into Epcot.

Update Futureworld: As a whole, Futureworld just feels like the description should be (Come visit the world of 1996.) Most of the displays in futureworld are old technology now. Or change the theme from futureworld since that's almost impossible to keep up to date and make it the theme learning or something like that.

Announce plans for a new ride and new country in World Showcase.

For the worlds that would keep their movies, create updated movies that don't bore me to tears.

Do something with Odyssey so it doesn't just sit there.


EpcotMark said:
Over at Test Track I would like to see a greater emphasis on alternative powered cars, like they used to have more of at World of Motion. After all, if GM wants to stay in the Market, they should become the leaders of this as automakers convert to Electricity and alchohol the same way the camera companies such as Kodak switched from film to digital.

Deep in Disney's Vault, there as a film version of the original Figment ride from 1983 that was designed to be played in the Honey I shrunk the Audience Theatre. It was made because they werent sure if Magic Journeys would be ready in time. The film was never used, but HISTA is getting old and the original figment film could go a long way to satisfy those of us who miss original figment (in other words, all of us). It would also be a fitting way of celebrating Epcot's heritage for the 25th

They do show the "skateboard" like car at the end of the Test Track ride that is a hydrogen powered car. It shows it can be switched from truck to auto with different body mods.

And I love that figment idea, I wish they would do that with everything at disney, have an attraction that you can just sit and watch all of the closed rides throughout the years. Maybe even set it up with some artifacts from the rides.


New Member
I liked the idea of a World War themed stunt show... that'd be pretty cool... the only problem is that, doesn't that kind of go against what World Showcase really is... and wouldn't it make Germany much more unpopular to visit at all...

I do like the idea though, just don't know if it'd work so well...

I also LOVED the idea of a Roller Coaster... but I'm a roller coaster fanatic, love them!

And finally, rehab to SSE wouldn't be bad as long as they didn't change the ride... to alter my opinion from before... I guess a little cleanup never hurt anybody


Well-Known Member
Timothy Q Mouse said:
I think the rehab we're all talking about is just some downtime for maintenance issues, just to make sure SSE gets the love it deserves. I would definitely veto any changing of the ride. But it could use some TLC.

The ride itself is a classic and needs no change.
But refurbishing and maintenance are definitely in order.
A smoother ride and better sound system would be very nice.


Park nostalgist
Premium Member
Some TLC for SSE.

Some kind of recognition of the original attractions - a display, music loops.... something.

Plans for an ride in a World Showcase pavilion.

BTW, anyone who wants the acrylic display back at the entrance.... they sold it. ;)


Well-Known Member
Universe of Energy update.
Wonders of Life...please put something in there.
Remove the wand.
New film for the Imagination Theater.
Not necessarily an entire revamp of El Rio De Tiempo, but maybe just change out the ride's films.
In Norway...why not add a Troll Forest...you could walk through a forest and see the enchanting things that Trolls can do.
Italy...a Gondola ride through the canals...or a mock colliseum with a gladiator style show.
Add Greece and give me an attraction based on the myths.
UK...Attraction based on Mary Poppins.


Well-Known Member
Ariellen said:
Lights on the Norway and Morocco pavilions so they can light up with all the others during RoE!
That's actually a great idea, but there is a story behind that as well. Morocco's culture doesn't believe in showing off their heritage, accomplishments, and their people. Because of that, they opted not to sponsor their portion of the show, which is why there are no lights on the pavilion. For symmetry sake, Norway was left in the dark as well. In a nutshell, it came down to financing from the countries. Its why you will also notice that there are no references to Morroco in the globe video during the entire show.


Active Member
Original Poster
cac2889 said:
That's actually a great idea, but there is a story behind that as well. Morocco's culture doesn't believe in showing off their heritage, accomplishments, and their people. Because of that, they opted not to sponsor their portion of the show, which is why there are no lights on the pavilion. For symmetry sake, Norway was left in the dark as well. In a nutshell, it came down to financing from the countries. Its why you will also notice that there are no references to Morroco in the globe video during the entire show.

Some body else want to verify this? I have a feeling that they were just working on the lights when they were last there.


Swamp Fox said:
4. Replace the robot tom Morrow with Smart-1

I completely disagree. If anything, Tom Morrow should have a bigger role in Epcot. I love him!

cac2889 said:
That's actually a great idea, but there is a story behind that as well. Morocco's culture doesn't believe in showing off their heritage, accomplishments, and their people. Because of that, they opted not to sponsor their portion of the show, which is why there are no lights on the pavilion. For symmetry sake, Norway was left in the dark as well. In a nutshell, it came down to financing from the countries. Its why you will also notice that there are no references to Morroco in the globe video during the entire show.

That's very interesting. Thanks for that piece of information. I'll definitely remember that for my next trip next month so I can inform my group on that.


Active Member
EpcotMark said:
...Deep in Disney's Vault, there as a film version of the original Figment ride from 1983 that was designed to be played in the Honey I shrunk the Audience Theatre. It was made because they werent sure if Magic Journeys would be ready in time. The film was never used, but HISTA is getting old and the original figment film could go a long way to satisfy those of us who miss original figment (in other words, all of us). It would also be a fitting way of celebrating Epcot's heritage for the 25th...

Is that the truth? Where did you get this info from?

Anyways, here is my list of "wants" for Epcot:

1.Rename Epcot back to EPCOT Center
2.Redo Imagination, get rid of Eric Idle and the Imagination Institute. Bring back the Dreamfinder and Figment (Together only) and re-open the upstairs Imageworks.
3. Rehab of SSE
4. A new attraction in the old Millenium Village
5. A new attraction in Japan (There is plenty of room)
6. A new attraction in Germany (The ride building is already there)
7. Bring back Tapestry of Nations (Tapestry of Dreams)
8. Close Innoventions and create a large walk through exhibit (Like One Man's Dream) about EPCOT Center and its history.
9. Get rid of HISTA
10. A new Florida-based film for Soarin'
11. Get rid of the Circle of Life and bring back Food Rocks
12. Give us a new (Non-character based) pavilion where Wonders of Life is
13. Knock down Universe of Energy and start from scratch with a new Energy pavilion
14. Update Living with the Land
15. Change Mission:Space's storyline to incorperate X-S Tech with Chairman Clench and S.I.R. Make this a real future world with thrilling attraction. Maybe, X-S wants you to test their new tele-pod cruisers? Where could you end up?-On the homeworld of the alien from Alien Encounter? Just imagine the use of stereo-speaker headrests, and water, smell and air effects on this ride! IT would be my favorite attraction ever!
16. Keep Future World open as long as the park is open.


New Member
EPCOT Wish list

1.) drop the wand...

2.) SpaceShip Earth old AT&T pavillion with the glass floor used to freak out my son... BRING IT BACK!

3.) As much as EPCOT is about the future and technology, I think it should have an area dedicated to traditional crafts so that people can see how things were done in years gone by. Watching the crafters spread throughout the parks are some of my favorite things to "do. My family once spent an hour in the "African" Pavillion (by the drawbridge) watching Andrew carve traditional animals (and then we bought one!) It's too spread out now...

4.) Do something more inviting in the entry way...

5.) PLEASE make the American pavillion more inspired... what they have is great, but it's underwhelming...

6.) More countries please?



Park History nut
Premium Member
Yep - Morocco was unlit from IllumiNations on (when the countries were featured in the night time show) for religeous reasons. Norway, however, wasn`t lit since it was still under construction when GE installed the pavilion lighting in 1987 for IllumiNations opening in January 1988. Norway opened 4 months later, and the lighting wasn`t installed (more probably due to the fact the whole segment of the show would need reprogramming and scoring)


New Member
Remember what EPCOT stands for...

They should create a train that goes from the main entrance around the park to the back of each of the countries. Have a few stops every second or third country. Make it have a theme like the trains of Europe. So, in theory, a person can enter the main gate and get on the train headed for Mexico or Canada depending on which way the train circles EPCOT. One could skip right to the countries. This would save on peoples energy too since every person does come out tired...

OK... I know that Epcot really stands for...

Community or (city as Walt referfenced)

THis is the expressed written idea of the DSNYKID. If a train is really built around EPCOT, I want an immediate Imagineer Position , a life time salary, and life time passes and stays at all Disney resorts all over the world.

I think this is the best idea ever!


Active Member
santonucci said:
1.) drop the wand...

2.) SpaceShip Earth old AT&T pavillion with the glass floor used to freak out my son... BRING IT BACK!

3.) As much as EPCOT is about the future and technology, I think it should have an area dedicated to traditional crafts so that people can see how things were done in years gone by. Watching the crafters spread throughout the parks are some of my favorite things to "do. My family once spent an hour in the "African" Pavillion (by the drawbridge) watching Andrew carve traditional animals (and then we bought one!) It's too spread out now...

4.) Do something more inviting in the entry way...

5.) PLEASE make the American pavillion more inspired... what they have is great, but it's underwhelming...

6.) More countries please?


Affirmative on the dropping of the wand-it needs to go. It has since 2001.
I think Leave a Legacy is a huge joke and a cheap way for Disney to get money for a tiny picture of people that most likely won't ever return to Epcot. It is technically stealing the money from these people.

I love the American Pavilion but I hate all of the show except the end with the amazingly scored finale.

I don't think there is any more room for another country, unless they used the space where the Millenium Village is...

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