I was never scared of any ride until our last trip in May. I've always been a little trepidatious about going on splash, because I used to have this nightmare where the cars were all lined up at the bottom of the hill going up the big drop, and the timing was off, and at the bottom of the big drop, they just crashed into each other flipping us over and trapping us under them in the water...
Soooo, last time we went, on the last day of our trip, we rode Splash, for like the 10th time that trip, and my 5 year old and I were in the front, with DH and the 9 year old behind us. We go down that first little drop, and the front of the freakin log goes COMPLETELY under water. We're talking, my son and I soaked up to our butts, legs totally submerged, and the water's not draining... our log is now dragging butt in the water in the front. None of us are big people, I'm 125 soaking wet (which I was at that point) and all I can think is that by the time we get to the big drop, we are going to flip over. Every little hill we went over, we filled more with water, and as we're going up the big hill, I'm gauging the side and whether of not I should jump out and walk down the escape stairs. Obviously I decided if it was my time, then so be it, and we lived, but it was the scariest time I've ever had on a disney ride...
Except for waiting for Illuminations on the bridge by the boat launch in a lightening storm holding umbrellas... that was scary too...
RnR and Tot are my two favorite rides