Thanks for sharing. Almost didn't notice this here. Yeah this is just something I put together for fun and to work out some ideas. I'm sure there are some ideas that some would disagree with, but I am happy with it and surprised that it showed up here in a real discussion.
Good to know. So I guess a single curved wall that looks out to "space" instead of a round restaurant like I assumed. I had no idea about the shape so put in a guess just to have something in place.
Yeah Brazil is definitely more realistic right now, so I just wanted to explore something different and unexpected for fun. I'd rather wait and see what actually happens with Brazil than make my own version now and change it later. So I picked Saudi Arabia for this because I thought the Middle East was under represented, its a unique country and culture, and has the Aladdin tie in. It's not perfect, but it was fun to think up some options before we see what actually happens in the coming years.