I hope your right. Tbh if that’s what they’re gonna do, I think they should at least retheme mama Melrose and baseline tap house to muppets, and all of grand avenue to an extent. Henson avenue? They could make star tours part of echo lake if it isn’t already. It’s right next to Indy too. Retheme backlot to a lucasfilm/ILM where house, and boom, the three attractions are celebrations of lucasfilm!I doubt either will give. GE already has plots built in for expansion. Muppetvision is an eternal tribute to Henson and helps give Muppets (a merch mover) a presence in parks. Star Tours is forever iconic and represents the OT and PT.
It is more likely GE folds than those two.
0.0001%>0.00001% is true, afterall.
( I am no professional)