What did you do?


Well-Known Member
6.2 easy miles this morning. The first 2.75 was with my 11 year old daughter we are doing run walk intervals to get ready for the Disneyland 10k which we are doing together as part of me doing the Dumbo. She is doing really well but she needs to learn to pace herself which is why I started her on the run 3 walk 1 minute plan. We averaged 13:25...which is good for her!


RunDisney Addict
Rock 'n' Sole 1/2 Marathon yesterday in Milwaukee. This race is all about the big bridges you have to go over. It was a good race, but a bit slow for my liking. However, it was my first race in 9 months and my wife's first since injuring her knee in a race over a year ago. We'll take it. Her knees bothered her a bit, but we attribute that to the bridges and lack of hill training on our part. We are going to change our running routes to include hill climbs to give her more strength for races like this.

The real challenge was working a full 8 hour immediately following.....
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Well-Known Member
Got my 1 1/2 hr of yoga in today. Love my Sunday morning class. Always get a great workout and I feel so good when I leave. this after noon was strawberry picking at a local farm-so I just made homemade strawberry milkshakes. SO YUMMY.

hope all you dads out there are having a wonderful Father's Day:)

JillC LI

Well-Known Member
7 miles yesterday morning, which is pretty impressive considering I was awake the entire night before suffering from food poisoning. Legs felt like spaghetti but I did it. Today for Father's Day we walked 5 miles round trip along the Fire Island sea shore to the lighthouse and to lunch. What beautiful day. A happy one to all the dads out there.


Well-Known Member
Yesterday Dan and I ran the Runway 5k at the Wildwood Naval Air Station and Museum which is also the location of the Cape May Municipal Airport. They close down air traffic for a few hours so we can run the 5k on the runways. This is one of Dan's favorite races. It was a little tough since most of the race was run in a stiff headwind or crosswind but we still both managed decent times. I finished in 30:07 and was 7th in my age group. Last year was the inaugural year and I was 3rd in my age group, but this year a lot more people attended. The proceeds benefit the museum and the restoration of old planes and other memorabilia so it is a really great cause and its fun to look at all the neat exhibits they have here. For the beer drinkers, you also get a free beer from the Cape May Brewing Company after the run. Personally, I am not up for drinking beer at 9:30 in the morning after running 3 miles!


Well-Known Member
Sat was 8 miles of hills with 1/2 cool down. Still a sub 8 min pace, but my last few miles were slower than they had been the last few weeks. Adding the extra mile will do that. Sun was another 10.1 miles at the gym. 1/2 warm up, 1/4 cool down. 7 mi@8, then wrapped it up with a 20:20 5k, negative 1/4 mile splits. Today was 1mi@8, 2mi@7:30, with 1/4 warm up & cool down. Getting a nasty crick in the neck on the way to the gym kinda puts a damper on the speed.


Well-Known Member
5 miles. 80 degrees and humid. First really miserable run of the summer. Except for the snow, give me winter cold over summer heat and humidity any day.

Not me! I'm enjoying the heat. This winter was strange. It was one of our coldest ever but the humidity stayed high. So I would sweat and it would freeze. Not good! :D

OG Runner

Well-Known Member
5 miles. 80 degrees and humid. First really miserable run of the summer. Except for the snow, give me winter cold over summer heat and humidity any day.

I agree with you. I mean don't get me wrong the winter "stunk". I was running through snow drifts a week before the Marathon in January. I also ran a 10k last 4th of July in Nashua, NH. The temperature was above 90, the humidity was high and the water stops were few. It was miserable.


Well-Known Member
@JillC LI - I am with you on this heat thing I can definitely do without it.

Monday - easy 5 miles home around 46 minutes
Today - easy 5.25 miles in the park in 48:36 - 89 degrees, bleh. Had four water stops in there, which were mainly to get my arms and legs wet in an effort to cool down some and a short walk break just after mile 3 so with those factors added in my time isn't half bad. In the last mile running a 9 min/mile had my breathing at a level of a usual 7:45 min/mile.


Well-Known Member
@JillC LI I'd rather have cold winter runs, too!

4.1 miles running hills today at 9:06 pace followed by Ab workout day 14.

3.6 miles yesterday morning at 9:04 pace and Ab challenge day 13 before taking DS now 7 to Six Flags on his birthday. He had a free ticket thanks to the Read to Succeed program and his sister was sleeping over at Girl Scout camp so it was the perfect time to go. I'll take DD10 to Six Flags one day that I can drop DS off with the grandparents so DD and I can ride the big coasters :) Going to Six Flags really makes me appreciate Disney, the crowds weren't bad yesterday, I just like WDW so much more.


Active Member
Trying to get some miles in before Peachtree in 2 weeks.

Yesterday: Pull-ups, box jumps and sit-ups WOD at Crossfit followed by just over 3.5 miles yesterday evening in the heat & humidity of Alabama. One of the slowest runs I've had in quite awhile.

Track work this evening with run coach. This could be interesting :jawdrop:
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