What did you do?


Well-Known Member
As much as I like running (notice I said like and NOT love), I really enjoy yoga so.....drum roll please...
I have registered to get my certification to teach yoga to children. I am very excited and nervous about the next step in my life. I will always want the Disney bling and continue to run for those precious medals (next year Coast to Coast #2) but I will be more focused on my yoga practice.

Nothing wrong with that plan. Just expecting to see a @fmingo36 "Yoga for runners" series shortly there after.......

Today was 3mi@5:51 with 1/2mi RI. Keep cool and hydrated everyone


The Epcot Manifesto
This morning was a bike day. 9.25 miles in, with another 9.25 miles ahead of me this afternoon with the heat index somewhere in the 100-105 range. Blech.


Well-Known Member
As much as I like running (notice I said like and NOT love), I really enjoy yoga so.....drum roll please...
I have registered to get my certification to teach yoga to children. I am very excited and nervous about the next step in my life. I will always want the Disney bling and continue to run for those precious medals (next year Coast to Coast #2) but I will be more focused on my yoga practice.
Good luck!


Well-Known Member
Cardio XT and Ultimate Abs this morning taking just over an hour and burning over 650 calories. I decided to take another day before I started running again, no pain in my heel/ankle this morning so I should be good to go for a run tomorrow.


Well-Known Member
Nothing major to report today...1.6mi in about 20 min with hills. My legs felt awful for some reason. But I did try to pick up the pace when "Thrift Shop" came up on my playlist. :D

Did the run/walk to burn off some steam from work today. Crazy, crazy day the office. I feel better having done my time on the treadmill. Once I was back home I did some easy yoga poses to stretch everything out.


Well-Known Member
6 miles @ about 12:00 pace. Waited till 7 pm to run. 85 degrees, awful humidity but got it done. My Garmin is really giving me problems and I had to go without it today. It keeps partially shutting off and freezing. I can still see a the time but it looks faded. If I put it on the charger it resets but the time is wrong and then it restarts. I got it restarted and went to run and the display faded again and it froze. Grrrrr... Not sure what is going on with the thing.


Well-Known Member
@Kristia - have you tried a master reset (or whatever they call it)? I just had to reset my Garmin the other day...it turned off and wouldn't turn back on but it's okay now, just had to find the right combination of buttons to push. :rolleyes: Good luck!


Well-Known Member
7 miles this am. I saw a dead 24" snake, a Great Dane, 2 rabbits and saved a small frog that could probably sit on a nickel from the road. Yeh, Im a softie for 98% of animals (cats, chihuahua's and some other animals are in that 2%) Just sayin.

Thats alot of wildlife. I'm assuming the great dane was in someones yard? Nothing wrong with being a softie. I cringe when I see smooshed frogs on the side of the road (and not just because I know there is a good chance my lab will try to clean it up on our next walk). It's one of the reasons why I don't eat meat anymore.

6 miles @ about 12:00 pace. Waited till 7 pm to run. 85 degrees, awful humidity but got it done. My Garmin is really giving me problems and I had to go without it today. It keeps partially shutting off and freezing. I can still see a the time but it looks faded. If I put it on the charger it resets but the time is wrong and then it restarts. I got it restarted and went to run and the display faded again and it froze. Grrrrr... Not sure what is going on with the thing.

Is the battery still good? I know with my normal watch when the time would fade or freeze the battery was having issues.


Well-Known Member
6 miles @ about 12:00 pace. Waited till 7 pm to run. 85 degrees, awful humidity but got it done. My Garmin is really giving me problems and I had to go without it today. It keeps partially shutting off and freezing. I can still see a the time but it looks faded. If I put it on the charger it resets but the time is wrong and then it restarts. I got it restarted and went to run and the display faded again and it froze. Grrrrr... Not sure what is going on with the thing.
Contact Garmin, they can tell you the magic combination of buttons to push for the master reset. They ended up replacing my Forerunner because even the master reset couldn't get it to turn on. I haven't had any problems with my replacement, which I believe is refurbished.


I overslept this morning and by the time my brain woke up enough to look at the clock I didn't have enough time to run before DH had to leave for work so I went back to sleep ;) I slept another hour and I'm still tired from last night - we went to a "VIP Private Event" at the outlet stores by us that officially open today and fought traffic and crowds for over 5 hours, ugh! Don't get me started on the cluster o_O


Well-Known Member
Thanks everyone for the suggestions with my Garmin. I looked online and found out how to do the master reset. I had to try it a couple times as I was just getting some weird straight lines over the display. Finally it seemed to start up and be working. I am not running today but hopefully it will continue to work. It is almost 3 years old now, so I wouldn't be too surprised if the battery is starting to go.

JillC LI

Well-Known Member
Debated whether to do my 6 miles this morning indoors on the TM with the fan blwoing cool air on me, or outdoors in the 83 degree heat and humidity, but I just really wanted to be outdoors. It wasn't pretty but I got 'er done. 10:27 pace no less. Not bad. We're heading up to Boston this weekend, and I won't have a chance to run so I went a bit further than I usually do on work mornings a few times this week.

Oh, thought some of you might find this as inspirational as I did:

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