What bugs you most when at WDW


Active Member
WDW FAN 4 LIFE said:
True but when I see kids taking turns going in & out of a wheelchair it seems kind of funny to me.

It seems "funny" to me too, but I am on vacation. Someone is in a wheelchair, so what? I have learned to care less about if the actually need it or not.


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Original Poster
Well my late Grandmother before she died couldn't walk very far & at times required a wheelchair, so excuse me if I hate it when people who don't need it are using & obviously getting to the front of the line on a lot of rides.


Active Member
WDW FAN 4 LIFE said:
Well my late Grandmother before she died couldn't walk very far & at times required a wheelchair, so excuse me if I hate it when people who don't need it are using & obviously getting to the front of the line on a lot of rides.

Sorry about your Grandmother.

But you are missing the point.

How would you feel if someone said that about your grandmother when they see her get up out of the chair and walk?
Who are you to judge if a wheelchair is "required" or not.

Man, you are at Disney World.
Who really cares if they "need" the stupid chair or not?:veryconfu :hammer:


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Original Poster
Obviously it would hurt if someone said something like that, however my family & I knew she truly needed it & the sad part is there are some people who don't need it but still use wheelchairs & get away with it, you got to agree with me on that?


Active Member
WDW FAN 4 LIFE said:
Obviously it would hurt if someone said something like that, however my family & I knew she truly needed it & the sad part is there are some people who don't need it but still use wheelchairs & get away with it, you got to agree with me on that?

Sorry, can't agree.
I am not in the position to make assesments on who needs wheelchairs, and who does not.

I will agree that people will stoop to low, low levels to get over on others, but with a wheelchair, I refuse to make assumptions.


New Member
BUGS! what else?
Flies,mosquiettos,moths,and espically those little black bugs who like cover all over the outside seating areas ,like the benches at the corondo springs bus pick up zone.

m star

New Member
Just out of curiosity, does anyone know the cost of renting a stroller vs a wheelchair? I'm wondering if that could be a factor.


Well-Known Member
I think it's something like
single stroller- $10
double stroller- $17-18
wheelchair- $18-20
ECV- $35-40

My pet peeve is when people (parents) pitch a fit when a child is brought to the front of the line for characters (usually GKTW or MAW) or when the character has to go in for a break and will be RIGHT BACK!!


New Member
of course i am at disney world so i try to forget about the negatives but i do agree with a lot of these...and also i hate when people stand ridiculously close to you in line. and when you try to move up the tiniest bit so they arent on top of you they proceed to move up too. obviously you cant have that much space but come on, i need to at least breath.


New Member
kateface517 said:
and also i hate when people stand ridiculously close to you in line. and when you try to move up the tiniest bit so they arent on top of you they proceed to move up too. obviously you cant have that much space but come on, i need to at least breath.

omg I'm a huge believer in the territorial bubble. lol
I was at Wendy's once and the guy behind me was so close to me that I could feel his breath on the back of my neck. :eek:


New Member
kateface517 said:
of course i am at disney world so i try to forget about the negatives but i do agree with a lot of these...and also i hate when people stand ridiculously close to you in line. and when you try to move up the tiniest bit so they arent on top of you they proceed to move up too. obviously you cant have that much space but come on, i need to at least breath.

ohhh I forgot about that one - and that is one of the worst... It drives me crazy - b/c they end up stepping on your heels, not to mention - not too many people carry breathmints to the parks... come on people... even though they don't sell gum... You can brush your teeth in the morning! :) Give everyone some room to breathe... and not the air you just expelled from your gut... ;)

(*knows that i just opened myself up for some serious sarcasm here...*)


Active Member
I'm old and eat lots of fiber. When someone stands too close behind me in line, I can generate a good loud fart without even trying!

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :eek:

Frank Stallone

New Member
As a guest relations cast member, I have quickly learned not to judge who truly needs a wheelchair or not. There are many guests who, based on appearance, would seem to have full mobility. However, there are countless ailments that may cause them to be less mobile than they appear.

However, I do agree with those who believe that there are those who abuse the system.

I had a guest when I worked in attractions who was missing both legs, and gladly transfered to the ride vehicle (which required quite a bit of upward arm strength). Not long after that, I had a woman who (I'm pretty sure) was quite overweight, and laughed at me when I asked if she would be able to transfer to the ride vehicle. I was very tempted to say "well, a man with no legs sure didn't have any trouble a few minutes ago, what's your excuse?" Obviously I didn't say this, because, like I said, you never know if there was an additional disability that I did not know about.

And to Merlin, who said that being a cast member isn't that great of a luxury, I'll tell you this: Keep in mind you are paying great money to have a great time. Whereas, I am being paid to have an even greater time! (granted, the pay may not be that splendid)


New Member
maul32001 said:
People who claim to need wheelchairs who don't need them and just get them so they can get on rides faster! I HATE THAT!
WOW FAN 4 LIFE said:
Well my late Grandmother before she died couldn't walk very far & at times required a wheelchair, so excuse me if I hate it when people who don't need it are using & obviously getting to the front of the line on a lot of rides.

For those of us who have spent time in the parks in or with wheelchair users they are not a free pass to the front of the lines. With few exceptions you wait in the same line. Some attractions take longer to get on and some you are restricted to where you can sit.

If anyone really wants to know the truth about the pros and cons of visiting the parks in a wheelchair take a look at the thread I made a while back detailing how wheelchair users access the various attractions:


So if anyone rents a wheelchair to jump the queues they will be severely disappointed. And when you see someone get out of a wheelchair to board a ride, remember that just because they can walk a few feet to the vehicle that's no indicator that they could spend several hours walking the parks.


New Member

I can speak from experience - Last June I was in a wheelchair at disney do to very swollen feet/ankles and could barley walk. Trust me its not a picnic looking at peoples rear ends all day long. As for getting on the rides faster, it takes longer to do just about everything in a wheelchair. Ever notice how the ramps for everything are laid out? It was not a fun experience.:brick:


New Member
just this last time i was there i was most annoyed with a group of people in line behind me (a group of cheerleaders for the cheer compitition) started cheering while in line. They continued to repeat this cheer for the whole 40 minutes i was in line.


New Member
What bothers me most is that there are people who are fortunate enough to go on a trip to Disney World, yet they can still make a list of things to complain about.

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