What bugs you most when at WDW


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TTARider said:
Bingo! Also, large kids in strollers.

This is the one I don't get. Kids can be hard to judge by size. I have a nephew who is adopted and born with disabilities (CP) and with therapy he does quite well. However, he is a big boy, at 4 he is bigger in height and weight than my soon to be 6 year old daughter. He doesn't have the strength or ability to walk the entire Epcot park. But that doesn't stop people from making comments like "Wow, what a waste of $10" or " if he were my kid he'd be walking"

I just don't get it why people get all worked up about renting strollers. its not costing anyone money except those people renting them and strollers don't speed you along, it takes time to park them in appropriate areas, unload kids, get in line, then after rides/shows, get stroller load child and move along.

I certainly don't like getting bumped with them, but as far as worrying about other peoples children on our vacation, I just don't get this one. Could someone please explain it to me?


have to say

First time visitors without commonsense.

Now we all had a first time at some point yes, but i didn't walk down main st and stop without warning or due care to stare blankly at a park map. I didn't compain at EVERY food stand about "How much more this costs here".

Also and this one may sound odd, but embarrassing Brits. Yes im a Brit (Well Celtic Welshman), but i hate common Brits who all dress in matching Football Kits (Mum, Dad, 3 sons and daughter). I cringe everytime i see them, for me there kinda like the UK's Rednecks... Ah well guess im gonna get Flamed by a few Brits for that...:kiss:


Well-Known Member
Merlin said:
Cast Members who get on a power trip, or behave as though they think they are a celebrity or a person of extreme importance simply because they work at a Disney theme park. I hate to break it to you, but getting a job at Disney is not the great achievement that it used to be. It's not that difficult nowadays. It generally doesn't require a degree, or any special education or training. For many, the job they perform is to ask, all day long, "How many?" and then direct people to a numbered row to wait for their ride vehicle. And yet, many treat the job as though it's of earth-shattering importance. Some are so arrogant, you would think they were responsible for splitting the atom or something. :rolleyes:

You're right, not splitting the atom, just making sure you and those with you are safe.

Just keeping an eye on children whose parents aren’t capable of responsibility.

Just making sure that guests (who’ve spent considerable time and money to come to WDW) are able to get through the queue in a timely manner and enjoy the attraction.

Just dealing with these things and other, for little pay.

Ah but they do have the privilege of serving you…seems like somebody’s getting a raw deal.


Well-Known Member
[Also and this one may sound odd, but embarrassing Brits. Yes im a Brit (Well Celtic Welshman), but i hate common Brits who all dress in matching Football Kits (Mum, Dad, 3 sons and daughter). I cringe everytime i see them, for me there kinda like the UK's Rednecks... Ah well guess im gonna get Flamed by a few Brits for that...:kiss:[/QUOTE]

Ah well, we Americans do that similar things, as a matter of fact my family always has "Cardinals" day where we all wear our fav. Cardinal t-shirt and get a family photo taken at some point. thats just one of our little traditions, and it makes it easier to "see" our gang.


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timmy31 said:
What bothers me most is that there are people who are fortunate enough to go on a trip to Disney World, yet they can still make a list of things to complain about.

please....this is what forums are for


Can Relate to many of the complaints

I can relate to many of the complaints, but the one that really wets my butt literally is waiting for parades and shows.

I absolutely love photograhing the parades and shows. Show up early and sit and wait with my wife, our kids and grandkids. Many times 2 or more hours to get a good location. But having people squeeze us out really does it. When I say wets my butt. The idots that spill food and drinks behind you and don't warn you. As my 4 year old granddaughter Maura says. NOT FUNNY having wet pants.

But the absolute most amazing is why these people that show up late, squeeze you out, have to leave before the parade or show finishes. Tripping over ropes and CM's. Of course they don't understand a word a CM or guest may say.



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fngoofy said:
You're right, not splitting the atom, just making sure you and those with you are safe.

Just keeping an eye on children whose parents aren’t capable of responsibility.

Just making sure that guests (who’ve spent considerable time and money to come to WDW) are able to get through the queue in a timely manner and enjoy the attraction.

Just dealing with these things and other, for little pay.

Ah but they do have the privilege of serving you…seems like somebody’s getting a raw deal.

Well, in case I wasn't clear, I do appreciate the CMs who perform those duties. And the OVERWHELMING VAST MAJORITY of CMs are truly awesome! The CMs I was referring to are the ones who get on a power trip and are arogant. These CMs stand out like a sore thumb among the truly great ones. The Disney parks are places of magical experiences, and this is due primarily to the dreamers who created the characters and the imaginative attractions. Of course, the attitude and level of friendliness and professionalism displayed by CMs can have a tremendous impact on making or breaking that experience. But I think that some of them just occasionally need to be reminded that, hey, you're not the animator who created the Little Mermaid, or the Imagineer who designed Cinderella's Castle. You're the guy who directs me to my seat on a roller coaster, boat ride, omnimover, etc. You'll likely never get your name on a Main Street window or be the recipient of a Disney Legend Award for performing that task. So while we recognize that it's important, don't suffer from the delusion that we're in awe of you because you wear a name tag with Mickey Mouse on it. :hammer:


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Frank Stallone said:
And to Merlin, who said that being a cast member isn't that great of a luxury, I'll tell you this: Keep in mind you are paying great money to have a great time. Whereas, I am being paid to have an even greater time! (granted, the pay may not be that splendid)

I didn't say anything about it being a "luxury" or not. I said it wasn't a great ACHIEVEMENT. And to clarify, what I meant by that was relative the the accomplishments of the people who actually created the attractions, parks, resorts, animated features, etc. In addition, I meant it as a way of illustrating how it's much easier to get a job there than it used to be.

Having said that, it sounds like you love your job and I think that's great. My guess is that it probably shows in the manner you interact with your guests. You don't sound to me like the type of CM I was describing.


skipperg said:
I can relate to many of the complaints, but the one that really wets my butt literally is waiting for parades and shows.

I absolutely love photograhing the parades and shows. Show up early and sit and wait with my wife, our kids and grandkids. Many times 2 or more hours to get a good location. But having people squeeze us out really does it. When I say wets my butt. The idots that spill food and drinks behind you and don't warn you. As my 4 year old granddaughter Maura says. NOT FUNNY having wet pants.

But the absolute most amazing is why these people that show up late, squeeze you out, have to leave before the parade or show finishes. Tripping over ropes and CM's. Of course they don't understand a word a CM or guest may say.


For some people (no matter where they go), it comes down to all about ME!!!! It is MY vacation!!! I spent MY money to be here!!!! I want to be the center of attention!!!! These are the people that look at others as distraction to the people who are suppose to be serving THEM!!!!

I work retail and I see it a lot. You'll be helping one person and out of nowhere another comes barging up demanding that you stop wasting your time with this person (who might be buying a $200 television) to help them find a $5 item that is right in their hand. These are the people that can make someone else's experience bad because they're selfish.


Well-Known Member
Amen! Amen! Amen!
We too have our kids wait patiently, enjoying an ice cream or cold drink to nab the perfect spot for parade viewing. One year we had a family actually tell their kids to sit in the footwell of the stroller our girls were sitting in. Our girls were in the double rented stroller and were sitting all the way back and this mother tells her girls to just "squeeze up there and sit in the bottom of the stroller with those 2 cute little girls" Well, my husband quickly put a stop to it, but boy did that woman get mad.


New Member
Ralphlaw said:
7. Trying to buy a simple bag of popcorn or something at a foodstand right before a big show, and the person ahead of you wants to pay a $2 bill with their room key.

Oh No! :( We are using Disney's Dining Plan (in April 06!) & we HAVE TO show our "Room Key" in order to buy a box of Popcorn (Honest! Our snacks are pre-paid!). I really hope that someone doesn't get annoyed with me! :(


~ Tammy


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frankd1962 said:
I work retail and I see it a lot. You'll be helping one person and out of nowhere another comes barging up demanding that you stop wasting your time with this person (who might be buying a $200 television) to help them find a $5 item that is right in their hand. These are the people that can make someone else's experience bad because they're selfish.
Yeah, I would have people come and try to cut everyone in line because "all they needed was a bottle of water" and they didn't think they needed to wait in line. Hello? I'm sure there's other people waiting patiently in line who only want to by one small thing.


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M:SpilotISTC12 said:

OMG!!!! Amen to that one..... there are not enough clean words to express experiences with that one.... so I will just agree with you ......


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Original Poster
I remember someone telling me one time that the Brazilian tour groups like to trash the hotels on 192. I am not making that statement up & if it's true because I haven't seen any proof shame on them.


New Member
Some people are just desperate to please their kids...and worse yet, these people look at me and my boyfirend who clearly have no kids and think it's OK to shove their little rugrats infront of us. Honestly, my parents never behaved like this! Whatever happened to common curtousey and respect? I know I am not the only one who was enjoying a firworks show/parade/etc until some ______ stands right in front of me whith their kid on their shoulders- REALLY bugs me!


Well-Known Member
My biggest thing is rude people. Bumping into people is inevitable but it doesn't take much to say excuse me or sorry. Im really big on manners...thank you and your welcome. Everyone deserves that. I need to get a tshirt that says "im an not a doorman". LOL


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when coming out of ...

THe thing that really, really bugs me, is that after coming out of the "lion King" at AK, that there is no short cut to the front gate from this venue.. You have to walk back up the hill and then back around to almost where you just were..

At least when you leave MGM at night, after the fireworks, there is a short cut path right to the main gate..

We did the Lion King right before leaving AK and it was a perfect place to have a path to the main gate..

THis is my biggest gripe about WDW..

Don't let me get started about SEA WORLD at Orlando..
I refused to go back because they didn't have a tram to your car at the end of the night.... Why make the people walk.. WDW doesn't.. it shows of a place that obviously LESS THEN DISNEY a Disney wannabeee.....

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