What bugs you most when at WDW


Well-Known Member
tink81 said:
Some people are just desperate to please their kids...and worse yet, these people look at me and my boyfirend who clearly have no kids and think it's OK to shove their little rugrats infront of us. Honestly, my parents never behaved like this! Whatever happened to common curtousey and respect? I know I am not the only one who was enjoying a firworks show/parade/etc until some ______ stands right in front of me whith their kid on their shoulders- REALLY bugs me!
I definitely agree. Not that you shouldn't want you kids to have a special time. But it's like what I said earlier about parents complaining that there were adults with no kids in the line to see the characters.


New Member
I would say the biggest thing that bugs me is parents who let their kids run wild and do anything they want. Yes, the kids are on the vacation of their lifetime, but the parents still need to govern what they do. The kids can still have fun and act like little respectable members of society at the same time.

And, don't get me wrong...the blame here is not being put on the kids...it is the parents who need to step up and teach their kids that even though we are on vacation, that doesn't mean that we are going to act like wild boars!


New Member
About the only thing that bugs me is smokers and high prices.

Sorry smokers...but smokers are some of the nastiest people alive. They walk around the parks smoking just wherever they please, they throw their cigarette butts on the ground and use Disney and the rest of the world as their own personal ash tray.

I can't tell you how many times a day I see smokers throwing their cigarettes out the window or on the ground, they will stand right in front of a no smoking sign and smoke.

oh well...stepping down off the soap box now...whoo!

Prices at disney are way to high for anything and everything. they probably don't pay 10 cents a drink wholesale and turn around sell them for $3 bucks.

But I am like everyone else...when i am disney i am in heaven and try not to let those little things bug me to much.


New Member
What bugs me are the parents who think their children are the cutest thing on earth and we should all understand that they need to hold up the line to take a picture of their child every 5 minutes while they are waiting in line for a ride and then hold up the ride all together to get the perfectly posed picture of their little darling actually appearing to board the ride. It happened to us twice on our recent trip. Once at IASW and once at Peter Pan, and it was not the same parents or the same child.

Someone else posted about taking screaming frightened children thru the Haunted Mansion. On our trip one of the CM politely asked a women to remove her 2 and 3 year old hysterical children before they shut the doors to descending room. We were ALL so grateful to that CM, but the mother was really giving her 2 and 3 year old a tongue lashing about how 'ungrateful' they were as they were going out the Exit door. All the time the kids were screaming..."I'm scared! I don't like it! I want to go home!"

And I totally agree about people cutting in line when you have been waiting for a parade or show. We have an adult autistic daughter who doesn't look different from any other adult her age, except she is on the mental level of an 8 to 10 year old. She loves her Disney Princesses as much if not more than any young child. You wouldn't believe the number of people who shoved their children in front of her, or stood in front of her with their kids on their shoulders so she couldn't see. We had been waiting for Cinderellabration for over an hour and had perfect seats on the benches until the show started and people shoved thru. If you have small children, get to the show early if you want them in front. If you must put your child on your shoulders ask the person behind you if it is okay and if they can still see. All I got was dirty looks from the idiots who couldn't understand why my daughter was crying because she couldn't see and was ruining "Their Magical Day". :mad:


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Original Poster
You know how when they say on the Monorail smoking is permited in designated area's, well I always see people smoking all over the parks. So why don't the Cast Members try to inforce that, because as a person who never has smoked the smell is just disgusting.

Next visit to Walt Disney World August 8-19, 2006 at Disney's Contemporary Resort.


Well-Known Member
Prices at disney are way to high for anything and everything. they probably don't pay 10 cents a drink wholesale and turn around sell them for $3 bucks.

But I am like everyone else...when i am disney i am in heaven and try not to let those little things bug me to much.[/QUOTE]

Well, personally, I won't say that things at Disney are cheap, because, well, they aren't. But I do think that they are in line or cheaper than other places of entertainment. For us, we go to the St. Louis Zoo regularly, however, a childs meal at STZ is $5.99 and an adult chicken strip and fries is $7.99, drink another $3. I can get kids meals at WDW for $3.49- $3.99 comparable counter service. A soda at the old Busch stadium sets us back $5 and $5 for a hotdog. Things at the Six Flags are worse. Same thing for the movie theaters. But I know that going in and I can do two things
1) plan for it, and enjoy my trip
2) plan for it but complain every time someone gets hungry or thirsty.

For us, we prefer to just plan accordingly and have fun.


New Member
mpaul32001 said:
People who claim to need wheelchairs who don't need them and just get them so they can get on rides faster! I HATE THAT!
And they abandon the wheelchair when they realize it won't get them to the front of the line and they actually may wait longer if they are in a wheelchair.
You don't get on the ride any faster with a wheelchair.


New Member
MY pet peeve is people who walk in front of the sign language interpreters once they have started or even when they are just chatting with deaf guests. You won't interrupt a verbal conversation between a CM and a hearing person but think nothing of interrupting people who are conversing in sign language by walking between them when you could easiely walk behind them one side or the other.


I forgot how bad people are at this until I just went there again and it reminded me....people who are walking along in the flow of the crowd and stop, its like they have no clue that there is a skinny million other people behind them headed in the same direction and they are in the way. They just all of a sudden stop and start having a conversation, what if they did that in their cars in rush hour traffic? They wouldnt would they. If you need to stop move to the side and let those who know where they are going or what they doing by. This leads into my other issue....people standing in the middle of the roadways instead of moving off to the side to bull*%@#. Disney has all these wonderful bump outs, benches, scenic spots that you can stop at, dont do it in the middle of the road and create a bottleneck. Disney themselves are culprits of this. When we were there at Xmas they had 2 cast members on stilts in these crazy costumes on the bridge from the hub to Tomorrowland, right underneath the arch almost, signing autographs and posing for pictures, creating a huge bottleneck in very well travelled lane. Not very smart on Disneys behalf.


Well-Known Member
My biggest pet peeve is the large tour groups from South America, with their flourescent flags and matching shirts!! They act like they own the place and are usually very rude and pushy in line. We do whatever we can to avoid them. Last time we were there we got in line for Soarin and there was 2 people in front of us that had on the shirts, thats when it went all bad.. Instead of stepping aside and letting us by, they tried to wave forward the rest of the people in their group, about 10 of them, which were only 5 or 6 people behind us in line!! Us, along with the people behind us, could not believe it!! I don't mind letting a few people by to get together with the rest of their group, but 10 was a little much. Also, they didn't just walk by us, they pushed and shoved their way by. Luckily we were just about to the point where the line splits in 2, and we chose the opposite line. I am a very easy going person, and not alot bothers me, but whenever I see these groups, I head in the opposite direction!!
The other thing that really bugs me while in Disney is waking up on our last day and realizing that the next time we wake up we will be back to reality!!
Only 2 more days till our trip!!!


New Member
1. Counting down the day till you leave for WDW! (feels like an eternity) :brick:41 days to go!!

2. Getting to WDW and counting down the days you have left there.:( (how time flies when you are having FUN!)

3. Kids in the hot tub at night.:mad: You know what I am talking about... heading down to the pool in the evening after a LONG day, only to find the hot tub full of kids. :mad: Do the parents not see the sign that says "NO CHILDEN ALLOWED"? Now I can't get in the hot tub after a LONG day because it's full... of everyone elses kids that is! :cry:

4.STROLLERS- Don't get all bent out of shape if you are a stroller pusher. I too am a mother of 3. I have BEEN THERE. Except back then I hated all the rude people who walk dead in front of me while I was pushing the stroller. Which brings me to #5.

5. RUDE PEOPLE!! :dazzle: which leads me into #6-

6.WDW BUSSES- ahh yes, how can I forget the busses! I hate standing on the bus. I hate it when people don't offer their seat to a CHILD who is being bounced all OVER the place!! (or old people for that metter), people who lay down across the seats and go to sleep while people stand and people who give you dirty looks for having to stand over them or if you are holding on to their seat.

All this seams to bother me as I sit here 41 days away from being there... but i KNOW it won't bother me near as much when I get there! (ok, well maybe the bus thing)

and the rude people...

and defenitely the kids that will be in the hot tub on the evening of April 1st after my first whole day at one of the parks...

battling those darn strollers...

tee hee :lol:


Well-Known Member
slowbee said:
OMG!!!! Amen to that one..... there are not enough clean words to express experiences with that one.... so I will just agree with you ......

I'm with you, that's why I've moved on to the not-so-clean words. The descriptions are much more accurate.


Well-Known Member
We stay at the All Stars of Pop most of the time so the hot tubs aren't an issue, but if they clearly say "no children allowed" why not get a cm to handle that situation so you can enjoy the ammenity?

We've used strollers, but I swear they should have some sort of training or section off one lane of the walkways for stroller/wheelchair groups esp. at the close of MK after the fireworks. It becomes one giant stroller version of bumper cars. Usually we ditch the stroller before park close, so we don't have to deal with that headache. If you keep your stubs you can cash them all in on the last day (hey money for one more gift???)


New Member
mpaul32001 said:
People state tons of wrong things about WDW and think they know what they're talking about.....

Example: On Pirates of the Caribbean the guy in front of me was trying to show off to his wife and said..."Did you know this ride is based on the movie?"

I hate that! GOSH!



New Member
Besides rude people....

We were at Disney in November. It was late into our first day, and I was tired. So instead of riding Soarin' (hadn't rode it on that trip yet), I went back to the Contemporary with the 'rents.

So two days later, we get up late and go to EPCOT at 10 AM. We all want to ride Soarin', but one of the screens isn't working. The wait is 200+ minutes, and of course, Fastpasses are long gone.


Didn't ride Soarin' that trip, and I don't know when we're going back.


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Three More Things

Okay, my earlier list was not complete, and I do apologize for my comment regarding buying snacks with the room key. No offense is taken if you are on the dining plan. But if you are not on the dining plan, please bring along enough cash to pay for your snacks. So anyway . . .

1. Taking your saved seats can be truly annoying. I once grabbed a bench in front of the castle an hour and half before Spectromagic and Wishes while my wife and son went on Peter Pan and Buzz Lightyear. Now, I would have prefered going with them on the rides, but I planned ahead and grabbed the bench. So, yes, I was less than cordial when the "wide" woman from New Jersey grabbed half the bench and refused to move after I told her several times that the spaces were saved. She responded, "Everyone has the right to a seat." Regardless of the fact that she was taking up a seat and a half, the issue was simply that I decided to forego fun times in order to save this bench. Yes, I became rude, but she was in the wrong.

2. I do not mind waiting a few seconds while someone takes a picture, but don't hold up the flow of half the park in your inane attempt to get Biffy and Buffy to smile for Grandma and Grandpa. Also, I often walk around the parks with my son on my shoulders, so standing around for a lengthy picture-taking class is not very enjoyable on the clavicles.

3. I am sure there are some lazy and overweight people who abuse the wheelchair system. However, this indeed is not a good reason to get worked up. Many people have hidden disabilities, and most people would be far happier walking on their own two feet if their bodies would allow them. With that being said, anger over this issue runs far deeper than Disney alone. People understandably get angry when one person is perceived to receive a benefit that others do not, or feel that laziness and sloth lie at the heart of people's problems. Most people lose sympathy when they believe a swift kick in the pants, with some hard work, would cure the person's problems.

Hurricane Katrina, for example, does not engender sympathy for a great many people who think New Orleans residents are stupid for living below sea level, who complain about the inevitable flooding that occurs, and who then rely on the government to save them. Few of us could imagine a large percentage of New Yorkers, Texans, Floridians, Midwesterners, or Westerners whining about the inability of the Government to save them. I am sure there are many strong and independant people in New Orleans, but most of the Americans who I talk to are disgusted by the money being spent on the repair efforts of a below sea level city that has a huge poverty population. Most people around feel that they should just, "Get off their butts and move away, quit whining, and do some honest work." After all, does New Orleans help my city pay for snowplowing after a blizzard?

Now, that is a long way of saying that able-bodied people have an instant "get tough" reaction to some people in the wheelchairs at Disney. Lighten up. Be patient. They are not hurting you, and someday you may have arthritis, a bum knee, bad kidneys, fused vertebrae, or any number of hidden reasons for needing a wheelchair. As for New Orleans, I do not know what the answers are, but rebuilding a below sea-level gulf coast city that is prone to hurricanes, lawlessness, and poverty may not be the wisest use of our resources. Of course, maybe I'm completely wrong about this.


Well-Known Member
ASJHLJ said:
What really bugs me and its always in the back of my mind - Is that the vacation is going to end!
:cry: That always manages to depress me. I try not to think about it until the last possible second. Even on the plane ride home I have hope that somehow the plane will land in Orlando again. :lol:

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