What brings a tear to your eye?


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Okay so we are just a few days out from leaving for Disney, we are leaving this Wednesday and are soooo excited!! This whole time planning, we have talked about how this year more than ever we need this trip (my aunt almost died a couple months ago) and know we will be crying tears of joy at certain rides and attractions...

So what brings tears to your eyes? Tears of joy? Tears of sorrow?

For us, tears of joy...

Seeing the gates driving in
Smelling the lobby of the Polynesian
Walking into MK the first time
American Adventure show :D
Wishes fireworks
Illuminations fireworks

Tears of sorrow...

Canada show (reminds us too much of my grandpa who passed away)
Having to leave and go home to reality

Can ya see we do a lot of crying?? lol!


Well-Known Member
The Sorrows of Joy

Tears of Joy: Wishes fireworks, driving through the main gate, hearing the trunk open and hearing someone say "Jambo! Welcome to Disney's Animal Kingdom Lodge!"

Tears of Sorrow: Running out of money, leaving WDW.


New Member
Going home :cry:
Every time never fails, I always cry when I'm leaving the park.

Everything, firework shows, shows, seeing charaters I really want to see, looking at photos when I'm home, being with my family & etc...etc...



Heya! :wave:

I have to say that Fantasmic! is the 'show' that makes my cry tears of joy!! It is truly fab and the music is so powerful.
Also, seeing MK for the first time (well, every time we go) is great!
Tears of *disgust* Drinking Beverly at the Ice Station Cool! :hurl:

Craig & Lisa

Active Member
:) Well, this a first, I can say it before anyone else. Watching my sons as they have fun regardless of how much they've grown, which leads to another point, we've been to WDW 8 times in the same amount of years, then I decided to ask my sons this, " Do you think you'll ever get tired of Disney?" ........................

their answer a big

NO!!:cool: :animwink: :D


Tears of Joy: Wishes, The Kiss Goodnight, Entering the Magic Kingdom for the first time on the trip and thinking to myself 'I'm home'

Tears of sorrow: Packing up to leave Disney property :cry:


Well-Known Member
When I see the WDW gate I get so excited I tear.
Leaving makes me wanna cry. After a week in WDW I don't wanna go near the normal world again. YUK!


Well-Known Member
crap i cry at everything...i myself have to admit that i'm just pitiful...add having children into your life..well...lets just say seeing disney through their eyes...is magical in itself....i cried last nite watching americas funniest video's .(for those that did'nt see it was broadcasted from disneyworld celebrating the 50th celebration) but yes i cry at least once a day in disney..out of happiness though...finally starting your vaction and getting to port orleans riverside and being all checked in...even though we;ve been there so many times ...looking everything over ..walking into the general store and just taking it all in....going to the magic kingdom ..and seeing as your bus gets closer and closer to the magic kingdom and seeing the castle...yup there is a big tear fest when we're there....walking up mainstreet and taking it in all there. as well..the smells , the sights...seeing the parade..seeing spectromagic and wishes.. illuminations...seeing the look on my little girls faces when they see the characters...... and yes our last day....yuk...

well 74 more days till we go "home"


Well-Known Member
LAst time I went I finally got to see the MK opening celebration and I was overwhelmed with so much. Excitement, relief, disbelief, anticipation,... that I started tearing up in the middle of the crowd. And then all the little exccited kids get to me too. Just seeing there excitement and wonder makes me see the magic and the tear start to form. hmm... when can i go back?


Active Member
it's hard for me to admit it buy, on our last night, we were there till the park was closed and all the lands were closed. we were one of the few people left on main street, and the lound speaker was saying somthing nice about how they were glad you visited the magic kingdom. the played when you wish upon a star and the new lights and gold things on a castle were dimmed to a really nice looking dark purple. we just stared at the castle and i teared up, i'll never forget that night


New Member
Tears of Joy:

Seeing the Hollywood Tower Hotel
Walking up to the Hollywood Tower Hotel
Getting in line at the Hollywood Tower Hotel
Seeing the video at the Hollywood Tower Hotel
Getting on the elevator at the Hollywood Tower Hotel
Getting off the elevator at the Hollywood Tower Hotel

Tears of Sorrow:

Leaving the Hollywood Tower Hotel
Leaving Disney World

I'm pitiful, aren't I? :lol:


New Member
Tears of Joy:
  • Driving under "The Sign"
  • Walking under the train station at MK and looking down main street at the castle
  • Seeing my daughter's face light up just like it did when she saw it for the first time at 8 years old (she is now 16)
  • Illuminations
  • Festival of the Lion King .. It is just so moving...I cry every time.
  • Booking my next trip to WDW
Tears of Sorrow:
  • Driving way from WDW
  • Finally getting home and realizing that I have over a weeks worth of laundry to do!


New Member
A few things for me.

1. The montage video at the animation tour. (makes me appreciate the original inspiration for the parks).

2. I always spend my last night in MK. Spectromagic and then the last look down at the lit up main street always make me a bit teary.


Well-Known Member
things that bring a tear to my eyes are: leaving-that sucks and im not the only one who thinks so, seeing the park symbols ( tree-ak, spaceship earth-epcot, the ears/tower or terror-MGM, and the best one the castle-mk,). and when the people on the gates say "welcome..........":cry:


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Original Poster
Thank you everyone for sharing - its good to know I'm not the only one blubbering throughout the parks :D

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