What are the "strange" things you look forward to?


Well-Known Member
Oh I look forward to so many 'little pleasures' when going to Disney!
-The smell of the Poly
-A blue sky day at any of the parks
-Riding the monorail
-Waking up, knowing I'm at Disney


Master Gracey 5;4041370[B said:
]"Por favor mantengase alejado de las puertas."[/B] If I didn't hear that at least once during my trip, I'd be heartbroken.

Exactly my thoughts...for me personally, this is ironically one of my favorite things as well...I say ironic because my political views on having all the extra languages everywhere (e.g., home depot signs, automated phone calls, atm's, etc) while in America is awful and non-incentivizing for those coming to this great country...but I digress....the monorail spanish quotes are ironically so iconic and let you know you are on the highway in the sky...

Master Gracey 5

Active Member
I thought of another one: setting a wake-up call for the first morning of my visit. Its a great way to start the day!

The smells are great - I always enjoy them, but never realized how much until now!

  • Toy with the buttons on M:S

I do this all the time! I'll be on the ride reaching all over flipping switches while the other people are trying not to get sick. I always love pulling a "Lock all S-foils into attach position" too.


Active Member
My favorite things when I get to Disneyworld are:
1. After passing through the arches and catching the first site of the Monorail track and train.
2. Riding Monorail - the "please stay clear of the doors" spiel (its my text message ringtone, but much better when in person)
3. The smell of the must and the music walking up to the HM, reading the stones.
4. When the CM says "Welcome Home" upon check-in.
5. Go to the first gift shop and pick up and hug a huge stuffed Mickey!


Well-Known Member
Not sure how "strange" this is....but no matter what the time of day is the first thing I do is get myself a frozen banana treat (we always go to the MK first)...and the frozen bananas are back in a big way over the past two or three years...they seemed to disappear for about 5 years or so in the early 2000s.


Well-Known Member
Is there a lack of good doughnuts on the West Coast?
The entire West Coast?

At least there's In-N-Out burgers.

No, we have Top Pot donuts, which rock, but we grew up on the East Coast and nothing is the same as Dunkin. :)

Same here, living in Brazil is currently killing me. I miss Dunkin so much, right when we get off the plane we get a box of 12 and wolf them down.

On topic, I love the smell of Rome burning in SSE, and also I love checking into the resort, makes me feel at home and welcome, gotta love it. Also, the rush that I get when I wake up the first day we go to the parks, I quickly get up, get dressed, write a note to everybody that I'm going to meet them at Small World at 11, and RUN!


New Member
Just to name a few:

1. Crossing from the real world to WDW (aka going through the arch).
2. All the fireworks displays.
3. The Rock n' Roller Coaster.
4. The Ramune soda in the Japan pavilion at Epcot.
5. The fish fry at Cooke's of Dublin.
6. WDW's cheesecake (its amazing!!).
7. Cruising on the TTA.
8. The Kitchen Sink!!!
9. Staring down Hollywood Blvd. plotting the destruction of the hat (lol).
10. All the buffets.
11. Fantasia Gardens Mini-Golf (my brother and I compete there everytime we go).
12. Dole-Whips.

There are so many things to look forward to, but just being there in general is fun and worth it.


Well-Known Member
The smell of the monorail-early in the day of course. By the end of the day its smells pretty darn bad!

Walking into the Polynesian lobby everytime you come back

Hearing that howl from the Haunted Mansion, which has not been as loud as I remember in the years before.


Well-Known Member
After a long hard day at the parks getting drunk and ordering food and while waiting on said food doing some SUI (Shopping Under the Influence)...I buy some wonderful things that way that I normally would have talked myself out of.


Well-Known Member
Love this Thread.
For me it's a Box of Popcorn and for Hubby it's a Mickey Bar ASAP as soon as we get to MK.
For both of us it is the Quiet pool at Beach Club Villas.


Well-Known Member
ROME BURNING! All of SSE, actually. Quoting it and everything.

  • Toy with the buttons on M:S
First time I rode with my mom (non spinning), she was nervous. And I kept playing the the buttons and she kept yelling at me to stop it. she thought I was going to mess something up and make it "start spinning"


New Member
The smells! Everything from the showers in the hotel to Rome in SSE has a distinctive smell.

That's pretty much what I was going to say--EVERYTHING at Disney has its own distinct smell, and I LOVE them all!! The monorail (it smells weird, but I love it because it's Disney), the Main Street smells (pocorn, cookies), the smells on some of the rides (some of the ones that come to mind are SSE--including Rome burning--and its general smell, The Land, Pirates, Splash)...I have always really tied smells to places, and there are so many great smells/memories at WDW!


New Member
I got so excited thinking about the smells that I almost forgot was this thread was all about! Passing under the gate/archway is definitely a huge one for me as well. And I really love when you get onto WDW property and all of the signs are in red and purple (as opposed to our green signs everywhere else in FL)--that always gets me really excited! Walking through the turnstiles at any of the parks is always a great experience for me, and no matter how many times I see it (and believe me, it's been A LOT) I still sometimes get a little misty-eyed at my first look down Main Street. It's like coming home!! :king:


Well-Known Member
Ohh I forgot the Chinese watermelon soda in Club Cool. We started making our own by mixing Dole Watermelon juice with Sprite :slurp:


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
Talking about the wake-up call reminds me. Is it still loud stitch and mickey?

and wow I actually made a semi-successful thread. haha.
I am getting too excited for my next trip.


New Member
The smell of the parks.
Hot Rain.
The music.
Americas Elvis channel and ryan secreast radio (Im english! :) )
I Drive
Disney world bagels!
Watermelon soda thats makes me feel ill...(Yet i still drink it)


A naughty bit o' crumpet
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