
Well-Known Member
I wish they didn't get Cinderellabration in the first place, they should've just added a new e-ticket attraction or something else as DL's gift to MK for the 50th. Cinderellabration, unless done in the same if not better scale and detail as TDL's, is bound to dissapoint. Ironically, the Cinderellabration name was taken from an old New Year's celebration in MK.

I agree with what that other guy said, TDR is what WDW should be....

By the way, even with Cinderellabration, the fireworks show in TDL still resumes, only the night parade is interrupted.

In Anaheim, don't people stand up for Fantasmic!'s full 20-something minutes? If so, I guess the argument that American's won't put up with standing up for long periods of time is wrong since if the show is good enough, people won't mind standing up too long, heck, people stand up for long periods of time for parades don't they?


Well-Known Member
stitchcastle said:
they should've just added a new e-ticket attraction or something else as DL's gift to MK for the 50th.

Epcot got Soarin, so I guess they figured they should spread out the lovvvveee.


Well-Known Member
Well let me try to explain :)

Ok, the way I have seen the 50th is WDW Orlando is getting an attraction from every OTHER disney theme park. So for instance, California's park gave us Soarin' and from DL Paris, we get LMAX. :) I really hope I have explained this well enough. Have a good one.



When a paradise is lost go straight to Disney™
Premium Member
wbboy29 said:
That's just it MKT. WDW never said it was going to be a copy. They always said it would be "inspired" by the show in Tokyo.

then methinks that they had a lack of inspiration when they hacked our version together


New Member
This show is really sleepy.. it lacks antagonist, There is no villian to make things exciting and give good a chance to conquer evil!... I like the grand Padgentry but there needs to be at least a tiny touch of excitement to keep people interested and make it entertaining... cause honestly unless your are just crazy about seeing costumes and dance there is nothing to see here...I prefer the less grand but interesting story of cinderellas suprise celebration.... that was a cute show with a point to it... I could see how this could have good potential if it was given some antagonist and few more special fx .... I know performance and entertainmet... have been completely surrounded by it my whole life... Disney must know that this needs work... I don't see how they couldn't tell


When a paradise is lost go straight to Disney™
Premium Member
yeah... our WDW Cinderellabration is missing some things.... like a plot, and 2/3 of the story


New Member
WOW give the show a chance, I agree with some of the others. Isn't it just openning up, give it a few weeks. Every one has high expectations of WDW, give them a break they are doing the best they can!!


When a paradise is lost go straight to Disney™
Premium Member
they're not doing the best they can... they haven't been doing that for quite some time. That's the problem


New Member
stitchcastle said:
In Anaheim, don't people stand up for Fantasmic!'s full 20-something minutes? If so, I guess the argument that American's won't put up with standing up for long periods of time is wrong since if the show is good enough, people won't mind standing up too long, heck, people stand up for long periods of time for parades don't they?
But I've read sooo many threads where people moan about having to stand up for Timekeeper, which is a good show (IMO)


New Member
wbboy29 said:
First of all our Cinderellabration is not a pathetic show. It is a perfect diversion for the audience it was intended for (little girls).
From that point of view it is certainly a success, which will be why it does not hit the mark with this cynical thirty something English man :lol:

I guess to many of the regulars there is a common gripe of attractions being aimed at younger and younger audiences rather than entire families and this will be cited as another example.

I'll have to reserve final judgement until I see it in person.

I may not be filled with joy over this production, but my appreciation of the show cast members working hard in the blazing sun does not diminish any. :wave:


Active Member
Another thing which people need to realize: This is an outdoor show in Florida that will be taking place during the day in the summer months. Part of that has to come under some consideration for the actors in the show with regards to the length and the amount of action, otherwise 20 minutes into the show, all we'll be watching is stage full of passed out actors.


Well-Known Member
wbboy29 said:
I also found what KevinPage wrote in the same thread was perfect as well....

Posted by KevinPage: REMEMBER the #1 Rule of Thumb for any Internet Disney Dweeb.

Anything at TDL is automtically better even if I haven't seen it. Even if TDL puts a giant popiscle stick as the centerpiece of the park, it's will be the best icon at any theme park in the world.

Only when the Disney Corporation has a chance to buy out Oriental Land Company will that popsicle stick receive any negative feedback.

Brainwashing session over.

:lol: that one just cracks me up. :)

Glad to be of service to ya :D :D :D


When a paradise is lost go straight to Disney™
Premium Member
TomDisney said:
Another thing which people need to realize: This is an outdoor show in Florida that will be taking place during the day in the summer months. Part of that has to come under some consideration for the actors in the show with regards to the length and the amount of action, otherwise 20 minutes into the show, all we'll be watching is stage full of passed out actors.

duly noted... however, in a parade, the performers can spend upwards of an hour in full costume/makeup, having to be "on" at all times. In a stage show, if worse comes to worse, you can sneak backstage. In a parade, given that it's a rolling stage, it's not as easy, with some backstage areas not as easily accesible as others.

This is from my firsthand knowledge.

Good point, but flawed. If I can do an hour in full costume and walk away afterwards, then the show cast can do a 45 minute show.


Well-Known Member
stitchcastle said:
In Anaheim, don't people stand up for Fantasmic!'s full 20-something minutes? If so, I guess the argument that American's won't put up with standing up for long periods of time is wrong since if the show is good enough, people won't mind standing up too long, heck, people stand up for long periods of time for parades don't they?

Nope, I'd venture to guess 90% of the crowd for Fantasmic is sitting down, creating a complete traffic nightmare in that section of the park. I was one of those sitting down to watch the show. Others pay over $40 to sit on a balcony with dessert.

Heck, I can't tolerate sitting on the bleacher seats in MGM Fantasmic for 20 minutes, no chance in hell that I'll ever stand for 45 minutes to watch anything, short of Walt himself being revived giving a speech (and even then I'l stil have to think about it).

:D :D :D


When a paradise is lost go straight to Disney™
Premium Member
BoyXE said:
Hmmm, I think until you can actually spend a lot of time at Tokyo (both as a guest and behind the scenes) and see the vastly different guest dynamic that they cater to, it's like comparing apples to oranges when you try to compare stage shows, or anything else for that matter. Enjoy what each park offers as a single unit, because they are catering to a dynamic that suits their region. If you don't like Cindy, then head over to Fantasmic or IllumiNations or Wishes, you won't find anything remotely like it in Japan.

Please excuse my rusty Nihongo...

Samazama na toki no Tokyo de shoo wo mi te watashi ha america ban ga shippai de aru koto hoshou dekiru.

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