WFTV: Brawl between 3 guests at Epcot caught on video


Well-Known Member
In the Parks
"A Walt Disney World spokeswoman told WFTV that no park guests were arrested or forced to leave the theme park."

Wow. There are no consequences for anything anymore. Adults acting like animals in front of their children, and we just separate them and let them go on their way.

Complete and utter disgrace that they were not asked to leave the park.

I am shocked! Had my family and I witnessed this, then saw them walking around a park later on, I would have been upset. At least those of us who are responsible parents can teach our own kids how to act appropriately is public. This was just disgusting.


Well-Known Member
Instead it was a Goofy hat.


Well-Known Member
Well this is going off the rails quickly… only took about 18 hours.

Good job kids.
As soon as "class" gets into the discussion, things always go south.
Bottom line, prices for a product like WDW really don't mean anything from a "class" basis. There are folks that have lots of money and can spend it like I use toilet paper. There are other folks that have very little money and this one WDW vacation will be the vacation highlight of their lives. People can be idiots regardless of income or race. And yeah, Disney blew it by not setting an example and booting those trolls right out of the park.


New Member
As soon as "class" gets into the discussion, things always go south.
Bottom line, prices for a product like WDW really don't mean anything from a "class" basis. There are folks that have lots of money and can spend it like I use toilet paper. There are other folks that have very little money and this one WDW vacation will be the vacation highlight of their lives. People can be idiots regardless of income or race. And yeah, Disney blew it by not setting an example and booting those trolls right out of the park.

If I could like this twice, I would. Perfectly said.


Well-Known Member
America is a land of different cultures. Not all cultures are based on religion or wealth. There is a culture, which seems to be more prevelent these days, in which fighting is the way to react when someone feels they are being "disrespected". The problem is almost anything can make them feel that way. To them it is the normal way to react as all around them, in their culture, this is the way it is done. They have seen it since childhood and teach their children to react in the same way. Some children and adults eventually learn that this type of behavior is not how everyone has learned to react to a perceived problem. Most cultures have a different set of values.amd install a different sense of self worth.

Normally, most people, except those who deal with the general public on a daily basis, have little contact with this type of culture. However,at Disney World where everyone with the price of admission is welcome, you will sometimes witness some Jerry Springer type incidents. Most find it disgusting or sometimes amusing if it is not violent, but the fact remains that, right or wrong, it is the way this culture reacts to anything they feel is not fair to them.

I, because of my values, believe that rewarding this type of behavior is a bad idea as it is violent behavior that can lead to injury and, will, at the least, spoil others' enjoyment.of the parks. Rwarding any type of behavior only leads to more of that type of behavior. Unfortunately, this is a "sue happy" country with the legal system much too willing to take on any type of case..
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Tom Morrow

Well-Known Member
Disney just needs to post signs...

"If you act like trash, you will be taken out as such."
The park maps used to state basically this, follow the rules or you are subject to removal from the park. I'm not sure if they still do, but I wanna say no.

Too bad Disney rarely ever does that, example: this situation. Six Flags and most other parks have no qualms about doing this. I hate that Disney is so worried about not losing ANY customer that they allow trash to stay in the park at the detriment of other behaving guests.
I agree. I feel bad for the CM. I would've acted the same as the CM. Trying to do the proper thing, only to get reprimanded. SMH

That's the worst thing about this. This poor guy may very well be terminated just for having his heart in the right place and acting out of instinct. The fact they were not removed only adds insult to injury.


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
The park maps used to state basically this, follow the rules or you are subject to removal from the park. I'm not sure if they still do, but I wanna say no.

Too bad Disney rarely ever does that, example: this situation. Six Flags and most other parks have no qualms about doing this. I hate that Disney is so worried about not losing ANY customer that they allow trash to stay in the park at the detriment of other behaving guests.

That's the worst thing about this. This poor guy may very well be terminated just for having his heart in the right place and acting out of instinct. The fact they were not removed only adds insult to injury.

Ive seen similar things at other theme parks... and every time it has ended with a conversation with Law Enforcement.


Well-Known Member
It can be, but just like WDW, the pros outweigh the cons. I love what I have done for over twenty years and would continue for another twenty, except I know I am meant to be Sorcerer Mickey's "friend" at the end of Fantasmic one day! ;) I have seen changes in kids, parents and, I guess, society, over the years at work and at WDW. My "kids" have more issues these days and WDW has more garbage tossed around (don't worry, my husband picks it up all day long saying, " not in my house"). I just stay optimistic, hopeful and patient that each day will be fun, positive and productive for everyone, which is why I always wish everyone "a magical day" everyday! :happy:

I agree. Overall, I love my job, and I wouldn't continue to do it if the pros didn't outweigh the cons. I'm even studying to be an administrator! I hope you do get to be "Sorcerer Mickey's Friend" someday! Good luck!


Well-Known Member
I can only imagine what you see and go through. That stinks, I feel for ya (with empathy, I've been there, done that...).

I learned a long time ago never to actually break up fights between kids. One time I did, and I was trying to keep the kid from getting in trouble, thought I was "doing him a favor", so I lectured him and was about to send him on his way (he was just shoving kids out of the way at the skeeball lanes). His Momma stormed up and started yelling at me that "No one lectures my child but his momma." I apologized profusely and backed away. As I was leaving, she smacked her child and said "Don't you ever let someone talk to you that way, you demand respect."

(she actually used some other terms starting with C and H that involve my skin color, but I'll leave you to imagine how that conversation went).

Anyhow, I learned my lesson. From that point forward, when I caught a kid misbehaving, I took them to their Momma.
Just from the other side of the equation, we actually had to sue our schoolboard as my then 8 year old son was jumped by three ten year olds. They kicked him in the ribs andhead repeatedly. One kid even hit him in the face with a tree branch. All while the recess supervisor watched because she was not allowed to get involved.

The good news is that the school board will be paying for his counseling for many years.
The bad is that he had to change schools and even now is terrified in public of complete lack of safety. So they got sued either way....

I can tell you which no win situation i choose every time.


Well-Known Member
That queue is awful. Same with Haunted Mansion. Parties get split up and it just becomes a mess.

There was girl, probably around 15 or so, dropping f-bombs behind me in line. About her mother, who was somewhere else in the park. I told her to watch her language and the look she gave're in line for The Little Mermaid, not Horror Nights.

Too soon to know anything. Rumblings around are that he's been talked to, but I doubt he would be suspended or fired. It's a tough call. Yes, no hands on the guest in that situation, but the fight is also taking place in close quarters with children. Again, tough.
Has anyone ever sued for wrongful dismissal for something like this?


Well-Known Member
There was girl, probably around 15 or so, dropping f-bombs behind me in line. About her mother, who was somewhere else in the park. I told her to watch her language and the look she gave're in line for The Little Mermaid, not Horror Nights.
I agree, I understand why people swear during Horror Nights since it's only for people over the age or 18 especially since most of the attractions are R rated movies. But swearing at WDW is just a big no no in my opinion. I mean, I remember seeing alot of guests being very nice and happy from my visit back in 2004 and 2006. It's still very jarring to me and I can't get over it.

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