Western way park/5th gate

The Duck

Well-Known Member
My family bought into Orange Lake nearly 30 years ago and I can testify that most of the salesmen are lying scumbags who would pimp their grandmothers if they thought they could get a commission.


Well-Known Member
There will be no incentive for universal to come to an agreement with disney period, so yes they hold all the cards. No business is going to outright hand over a competitive advantage to their direct competitor that is not only in the same town, but right down the road when they hold the trump card. There is only two ways I ever see this being worked out is either universal forces disney to pay some crazy high financial settlement to relinquish control of the license which disney will never do because it would be bad business on their part to pay a ransom figure that universal will purposely put extremely high to hurt disneys balance sheet. The only other option is disney basically attempting to buy comcast peacefully or by raiding the stock and in that situation that could only be approved by the regulators

I disagree slightly. While the contract is very solid, Disney can definitely do other somethings to encourage Uni to the bargaining table if it wanted to....the problem is, they don't want to. So it's a moot point.

However, in the event we were smoking a good deal of the hubris in this thread....I have long-said here that one thing Disney can do is furiously co-brand the Marvel characters @ Uni with the word "Disney."

They've already done it with Pixar. It's no longer Pixar's Toy Story...but Disney-Pixar's Toy Story. No one thinks Pixar isn't anything but a fully owned subsidiary of Disney right now.

If Disney wanted to, it could slap the blue background Cinderella Castle logo right next where it says Marvel on every single capt america doll sold in the world. Same with Thor...same with Hulk...same with *any* character used in Uni-Orlando. Basically resulting in the very merch sold in the IOA having Disney slapped on the box. But more significantly, every Marvel product in the world having Disney in prominence on the box. The monorail wraps would be the tip of the iceberg. Eventually, all of the Marvel product and the IP will be so intrinsically connected to Disney that the reverse of what you stated would be true. Universal will no longer be willing to hand over a competitive advantage to Disney by advertising their logos throughout their parks. Brand identity is very important to the underdog....Disney could easily muddy those waters to their advantage. It would take time and patience (not to mention a team of great lawyers to deflect every legal hurdle thrown in Disney's direction), but it would accomplish this goal.

This is all pipe-dreaming though. Disney has no interest in wrangling these characters away from Marvel. If they did, they wouldn't have pumped 1.5 Billion into magic bands and fast-pass lanes for POTC.


Well-Known Member
If these movies and merchandise keep having the success they are they may rethink how to get them to the bargaining table

It's funny if you think about it...Disney released a marvel movie Uni benefits some by selling merch which is Disney. Lol


Well-Known Member
It does not expire. I have read it myself. Several times.

Don't take my word for it. Don't listen to something some other poster said earlier in the thread. Read the contract. It's relatively short. Then you can stop making up crazy theories based on made-up misinformation.
It seems that reading the contract is far too hard for many members. I propose obody be allowed to comment on the subject without first reading the contract.

I would have to imagine that there is a clearly defined list of which characters belong to which "family" and not something so arbitrary as "this guy appears in this issue and was part of the team so Disney can't use him".
This would, in part, be answered by reading the contract as it makes specific reference to guides maintained by Marvel.

If these movies and merchandise keep having the success they are they may rethink how to get them to the bargaining table
Continued success only means Universal can ask for more money.


Liker of Things
Premium Member
I would imagine that in 37 years when the contract is up, the popularity will be a bit lower.

Fish PoliceVI will gross 8.9 billion in 2050 Mr. Smarty Pants.



Well-Known Member
Not long ago I read an interview article on the Motley Fool with Brian Roberts, who I believe is the CEO of Comcast, and one of his stated goals is to move all of their business units toward supporting in house IP and characters instead of spending their marketing efforts increasing the value of properties they license and pay royalties on. He went on to say that it does not make long term sense for Comcast to spend it marketing wealth on a brand they do not completely control across all of the business units. Although i would hate to disagree with all of the industry luminaries and legal scholars who seem unaware of the definition of rumor, but the tone of the interview implied that he could be interested in phasing the Marvel characters out in favor of something they own. In the interview he flat out said that he "likes Disney's business model" as a starting point for what he plans to do with Comcast, including more parks in other parts of the world.


Liker of Things
Premium Member
I've merged the two threads. It may but a bit confusing to people just joining the topic but I think everyone should follow along ok.

Especially since there isn't much point to the conversation. :lookaroun It is silly fun though.


Premium Member
Disney films on Universal's backlot in California. Disney and Universal working together isn't an odd occurrence, but quite normal.

I always like the Harry Potter example. Uni owns the theme park rights to Potter, but Disney owns the TV broadcast rights through ABC and ABC Family, which a large number of people in the US watch on Comcast cable who owns Universal.


Premium Member
Not long ago I read an interview article on the Motley Fool with Brian Roberts, who I believe is the CEO of Comcast, and one of his stated goals is to move all of their business units toward supporting in house IP and characters instead of spending their marketing efforts increasing the value of properties they license and pay royalties on. He went on to say that it does not make long term sense for Comcast to spend it marketing wealth on a brand they do not completely control across all of the business units. Although i would hate to disagree with all of the industry luminaries and legal scholars who seem unaware of the definition of rumor, but the tone of the interview implied that he could be interested in phasing the Marvel characters out in favor of something they own. In the interview he flat out said that he "likes Disney's business model" as a starting point for what he plans to do with Comcast, including more parks in other parts of the world.

They don't seem to be practicing what they preach. The don't control the rights to Harry Potter but they are continuing to dump a lot of money into expanding that IP in their parks.


Well-Known Member
I disagree slightly. While the contract is very solid, Disney can definitely do other somethings to encourage Uni to the bargaining table if it wanted to....the problem is, they don't want to. So it's a moot point.

However, in the event we were smoking a good deal of the hubris in this thread....I have long-said here that one thing Disney can do is furiously co-brand the Marvel characters @ Uni with the word "Disney."

They've already done it with Pixar. It's no longer Pixar's Toy Story...but Disney-Pixar's Toy Story. No one thinks Pixar isn't anything but a fully owned subsidiary of Disney right now.

If Disney wanted to, it could slap the blue background Cinderella Castle logo right next where it says Marvel on every single capt america doll sold in the world. Same with Thor...same with Hulk...same with *any* character used in Uni-Orlando. Basically resulting in the very merch sold in the IOA having Disney slapped on the box. But more significantly, every Marvel product in the world having Disney in prominence on the box. The monorail wraps would be the tip of the iceberg. Eventually, all of the Marvel product and the IP will be so intrinsically connected to Disney that the reverse of what you stated would be true. Universal will no longer be willing to hand over a competitive advantage to Disney by advertising their logos throughout their parks. Brand identity is very important to the underdog....Disney could easily muddy those waters to their advantage. It would take time and patience (not to mention a team of great lawyers to deflect every legal hurdle thrown in Disney's direction), but it would accomplish this goal.

This is all pipe-dreaming though. Disney has no interest in wrangling these characters away from Marvel. If they did, they wouldn't have pumped 1.5 Billion into magic bands and fast-pass lanes for POTC.
Maybe Kathleen Kennedy or whoever takes Iger's place will...

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