Weight time vs. wait time...should disney be setting a better example?


New Member
I've created a monster by bringing this thred back!

I will admit, when I go to Disneyworld I like to EAT! That's part of the enjoyment of vacation for me, trying different, great foods and wines (and since I live in wine country, it's HARD to find something better than a California wine)! :)

However, I also log between 10-15 miles on my feet every day of the 7 days I'm usually there, and come back the same weight, if not 5lbs lighter. :)

Then again, the loss of stress will make ya lose weight it! :)


New Member
Ok I thought I'd jump in here. As a fat(obese) guy 5'8 hovering sometimes around 400lbs or more. I wear 5x shirts size 60 pants to give you an idea. I do most of my own walking. As long as I got a good pair of shoes (usually crocs) and I take rests then I don't mind walking. But the Heat is a big factor in how much I enjoy. But with most people that's the case.

I been overweight for many many years since they removed my adnoids when I was a kid, since then i've had a heck of a time trying to be thin. Yeah I lost some weight over the years, but also gained it all back plus more too.

I'll be the first to stand up and say "I HATE IT" I've not been able to find a date or for that matter been on a date in years, be on any health insurance, or enjoy many attractions at Disney or do many things normal folks enjoy. I've never been on Splash Mtn, test track, Tot, etc. Even the WDWRR is kinda tight on the knees, and I love Trains. Also its been years since I was in Epcot, and i've never been to DHS, or AK. MK is the only park we visit and Love to spend time at.

Reason being because I don't want my big butt to get stuck in a ride and ruin it for any family as I try squeezing into or out of a ride. I don't want to be laughed at, stared at, or comments made with in an ear shot. It's out of respect to others that I choose NOT to ride so I do not ruin it for other familys who may be visiting for the first time. I still ride many others IASW,HM (one of my favorites)TTA, POTC, etc.

I'm not choosing sides on this matter because there are many i've seen who do abuse the system, but that's with any system out there, there is some one who will find a way around it weather it as to do with money or other matter. Just the evil world we live in.

My weight problem is my cross to bear so far in life, and i'm also doing my best to take care of my 84 year old grandmother, since she raised me growing up it's only fair it's my duty to take care of here, and that in itself can be challenging in it's self. I'll admit it i've shed many tears over being overweight, but for some reason it does not come off quickly enough no matter how much I try. Also being in NE Ohio and the darn bitter cold and snowy days makes it hard to go for long walks. I love the outdoors but not in winter,lol.

Alot of the reason people fail to loose weight I belive can be summed up in one word " STRESS " of course that can be debateable or argured as a excuse, but there been alot of study done on it, but we'll that subjuct for the debates else where.

I'm not sure why many of us are overweight, could be from gentics, the chemicals they use to enhance/preserve foods, poor choices, the list can go on. But the fact is were all fans of Disney, lets be like CM's and make it magical to our fellow Disney guests and show true Disney magic where ever we can. God Bless


Active Member
Use being able to ride as a motivational tool, my friend. Anyone can do it. It's not going to be easy, but most things worthwhile are never easy!


Active Member
removed from the menu is ridiculous. My husband is probably the healthiest person I know, and you should see what he eats: Taco Bell, cheeseburgers, french fries, a fair amount of fast food.

By healthy do you mean not overweight? You're not describing a healthy lifestyle.


Well-Known Member
And countries with "dolla menus"

It is hard to eat right. I hear people at work that eat out a lot and eat fast food because they "can't cook." My Dad always says, "If you can read, you can cook." We do have a society of parents that don't cook anymore. :(

I don't see so many more overweight people in WDW than elsewhere. I wonder if there's more obesity in the country than in the large cities? Living here in "redneck Florida" we have a lot of obese young people. Most of my girlfriends are on diets and need to be. Oh I hope none of them read this. :eek:

Brave, brave soul :eek: :lol:

Sorry, I know you posted this many months ago, :eek: but the bolded comment has always left me a little :confused:

My first thought when I hear people say that is- does it take that much longer to grab an apple as opposed to a candy bar? Does it take that much time to throw together a turkey sandwich as opposed to sitting at a drive thru and getting that dollar cheeseburger (And I WHOLEHEARTEDLY agree with you on that whole dollar menu thing!)


Well-Known Member
Ok I thought I'd jump in here. As a fat(obese) guy 5'8 hovering sometimes around 400lbs or more. I wear 5x shirts size 60 pants to give you an idea. I do most of my own walking. As long as I got a good pair of shoes (usually crocs) and I take rests then I don't mind walking. But the Heat is a big factor in how much I enjoy. But with most people that's the case.

I been overweight for many many years since they removed my adnoids when I was a kid, since then i've had a heck of a time trying to be thin. Yeah I lost some weight over the years, but also gained it all back plus more too.

I'll be the first to stand up and say "I HATE IT" I've not been able to find a date or for that matter been on a date in years, be on any health insurance, or enjoy many attractions at Disney or do many things normal folks enjoy. I've never been on Splash Mtn, test track, Tot, etc. Even the WDWRR is kinda tight on the knees, and I love Trains. Also its been years since I was in Epcot, and i've never been to DHS, or AK. MK is the only park we visit and Love to spend time at.

Reason being because I don't want my big butt to get stuck in a ride and ruin it for any family as I try squeezing into or out of a ride. I don't want to be laughed at, stared at, or comments made with in an ear shot. It's out of respect to others that I choose NOT to ride so I do not ruin it for other familys who may be visiting for the first time. I still ride many others IASW,HM (one of my favorites)TTA, POTC, etc.

I'm not choosing sides on this matter because there are many i've seen who do abuse the system, but that's with any system out there, there is some one who will find a way around it weather it as to do with money or other matter. Just the evil world we live in.

My weight problem is my cross to bear so far in life, and i'm also doing my best to take care of my 84 year old grandmother, since she raised me growing up it's only fair it's my duty to take care of here, and that in itself can be challenging in it's self. I'll admit it i've shed many tears over being overweight, but for some reason it does not come off quickly enough no matter how much I try. Also being in NE Ohio and the darn bitter cold and snowy days makes it hard to go for long walks. I love the outdoors but not in winter,lol.

Alot of the reason people fail to loose weight I belive can be summed up in one word " STRESS " of course that can be debateable or argured as a excuse, but there been alot of study done on it, but we'll that subjuct for the debates else where.

I'm not sure why many of us are overweight, could be from gentics, the chemicals they use to enhance/preserve foods, poor choices, the list can go on. But the fact is were all fans of Disney, lets be like CM's and make it magical to our fellow Disney guests and show true Disney magic where ever we can. God Bless

The DW and I have battled weight in the past and what has worked the best for us is this method: We do Weight Watchers, we lift weights and we do aerobics. The thing that is nice is that WW really teaches you what is a healthy size to eat and you also realize that portions have a lot more to do with weight than bad food. Alot of people nickle and dime themselves to obesity. I, for example, was losing no weight even though I was eating what I thought was properly and excercising. What I was doing wrong was eating 2 Hershey kisses, a handful of nuts and a few cubes of cheese before hitting the gym. Well, in WW you have a point system...for me I could eat 23 points a day (this is how much 23 points is: a cup and a half of cereal with 1/2 cup of chocolate soy milk, 3 egg whites, a cup of carrots, a lean cuisine meal, an apple, 3 side salads from McDonalds, 7 pierogies, 2 pieces of fish, a pound of veggies and a bag of 94% fat free microwave popcorn...pretty good bit, right?) well, the cheese and kisses and nuts pushed me over by 5 points, which isn't really much calorie-wise but enough where I couldn't lose anything (I'd just break even). Lifting weights is very crucial, even more than aerobics because when lifting weights you burn calories over the next 48 hours instead of just on your walk.

Here is the kicker and what makes this plan easier than others, and the key to you not failing. Allow 1 day a week where you eat and drink whatever you want and do no excercise. If you know this day is coming once a week it makes it seem like much less of a long, gruelling haul to thinness. You have a fun day to look forward to and you won't feel like a failure when you ahve the inevitable mess up because it is built into the plan.

on this method we both lost about 5+ pounds per week.
Be dilligent, don't be afraid to fail, and remember weight fluctuates ALOT!!!! Last Saturday at the gym I weighed 205 and on Monday weighed 192!!!


why is it their job to help?
you wanna be skinny eat veggies
you wanna be fat eat cheeseburgers
people need to stop thinking gov'ts/corps should dictate how we live and take responsibilty for their own actions and choices

:sohappy:... absolutely!


New Member
Original Poster
I've created a monster...
already made my comments but I just wanted to say that through diligence that I've lost 20 more lbs since I started this thread. lol

Thanks for all of the great thought provoking comments from everyone!


New Member
I've created a monster...
already made my comments but I just wanted to say that through diligence that I've lost 20 more lbs since I started this thread. lol

Thanks for all of the great thought provoking comments from everyone!
Really?! That's AWESOME! :sohappy:

The Mom

Premium Member
Brave, brave soul :eek: :lol:

Sorry, I know you posted this many months ago, :eek: but the bolded comment has always left me a little :confused:

My first thought when I hear people say that is- does it take that much longer to grab an apple as opposed to a candy bar? Does it take that much time to throw together a turkey sandwich as opposed to sitting at a drive thru and getting that dollar cheeseburger (And I WHOLEHEARTEDLY agree with you on that whole dollar menu thing!)

I think "it's not easy" refers to the amount of planning involved in eating a healthy diet IF it is not a habit. Yes, it really can take longer to throw a turkey sandwich together if you do not have the ingredients on hand. If you're out running around past your normal mealtime, and if you have not packed some healthy food, it is much easier and faster to go to a fast food drive-thru than it is to go home (if you have the ingredients already) or go to a grocery store to buy them and bring them home.

Lack of planning can make also make a healthy diet more expensive, as there is a lot of waste (using fresh fruits and vegetables) if you aren't very good at estimating quantities, or don't plan at least a couple of days of menus in advance.

IMO, it is the total change in our lifestyle over the past 50 years that has caused the increase in obesity in this country. Both parents working at jobs that are further away from home leaving less time for cooking and planning meals; the perception of a more dangerous society, which causes children's outside activities to be severely restricted; the increase in electronics that can amuse us while we remain static; the increase in disposable income which has turned treats (such as soda, candy, chips, etc) and eating out from special events(eating out was usually limited to adults, and we would get ginger ale or coke at birthday parties, cookouts, etc but not routinely) to everyday ones; the list goes on and on.

As I mentioned, there ARE people who are able to overcome these problems, but it is getting harder. And many of those people would NEVER be obese under any circumstances. I have a sister-in-law who feels "stuffed" after eating 6 ounces of low-fat yogurt or 1/4 of a salad, low fat dressing on the side - she dips her fork in it, then stabs a piece of lettuce. Not a bad idea when TRYING to lose weight, but a little bit of overkill when your BMI is 15.


Well-Known Member
I think "it's not easy" refers to the amount of planning involved in eating a healthy diet IF it is not a habit. Yes, it really can take longer to throw a turkey sandwich together if you do not have the ingredients on hand. If you're out running around past your normal mealtime, and if you have not packed some healthy food, it is much easier and faster to go to a fast food drive-thru than it is to go home (if you have the ingredients already) or go to a grocery store to buy them and bring them home.

Lack of planning can make also make a healthy diet more expensive, as there is a lot of waste (using fresh fruits and vegetables) if you aren't very good at estimating quantities, or don't plan at least a couple of days of menus in advance.

IMO, it is the total change in our lifestyle over the past 50 years that has caused the increase in obesity in this country. Both parents working at jobs that are further away from home leaving less time for cooking and planning meals; the perception of a more dangerous society, which causes children's outside activities to be severely restricted; the increase in electronics that can amuse us while we remain static; the increase in disposable income which has turned treats (such as soda, candy, chips, etc) and eating out from special events(eating out was usually limited to adults, and we would get ginger ale or coke at birthday parties, cookouts, etc but not routinely) to everyday ones; the list goes on and on.

As I mentioned, there ARE people who are able to overcome these problems, but it is getting harder. And many of those people would NEVER be obese under any circumstances. I have a sister-in-law who feels "stuffed" after eating 6 ounces of low-fat yogurt or 1/4 of a salad, low fat dressing on the side - she dips her fork in it, then stabs a piece of lettuce. Not a bad idea when TRYING to lose weight, but a little bit of overkill when your BMI is 15.

I see your point...

but I also think that at least THIS bunch of people, those who are WDW obsessed, could plan to pack a sandwich instead of hitting the drive thru :p :lol:

I just can't see the "I don't have time". "I don't MAKE time" seems more like it to me. :shrug:


Well-Known Member
By healthy do you mean not overweight? You're not describing a healthy lifestyle.

By 'healthy' I mean 6'2", 180, 33" waist, like 3% body fat, perfect cholesterol, perfect blood pressure, no glucose/insulin problems, no joint problems. He works out maybe 2 times a week and that's because he thinks he's skinny and wants to build up muscle. He eats what he wants and doesn't gain weight (darn him!).

I wanted to add that he also eats fruit and veg, I made it sound like he lives at the drive thru! I love to cook, and do so about five nights a week, and I tend to cook very balanced meals (except for buffalo wing and french fry night... although we sometimes add a salad). He was raised on decent eating habits: loves fruit, yogurt, some veg. Not all of us have been that lucky and we have to develope a taste for healthier things.


Well-Known Member
It is hard in today's society to be healthy. I gotta say with the commute (and luckily we drive together) we are up at 6AM and don't get home until 6PM. Hit the gym and now it's 7:00 the last thing in the world I want to do is cook a full fledged dinner. It would be soooo easy to pop in some burritos or something but I have to make a choice, do a bit of work to eat healthy or be lazy. I think in society today we think it is normal to be lazy as we think we are soooo busy but if you look back at least we don't have to be up at 4AM and tending to the cowss and fileds and working until sundown...it's all relevent. Yes today is harder than the 50's where Dad worked and Mom tended the home, but it is way easier then the 1880's.

Now, at Disney the DW and I eat a healthy sandwhich for breakfast and we are good until lunch. Then we have a pack of crackers or 2 until dinner then eat whatever we want. Some days we pig out all day long, but there are things you can do not to if you're inclined.


New Member
I have to say that I find that eating healthy SAVES me money. :) Call me weird, but I find making a salad at home theraputic. I keep a protien bar or two in the car of those times when I don't have time to actually make/cook something, but I long since developed an aversion to food that comes in a box or through a window.

Once I got into the routine of shopping at Henry's (aka Wild Oats) to get inexpensive, wonderfully fresh produce (instead of going to the big chain grocery stores), and made the budget to only eat out once a week, I found I was able to save money and enjoy fresh food! Some would say that goes boring, but another thing I started doing was focusing on fruits, veggies, and meats that were on sale. As for cooking, you'd be surprised how great and easy it can be to throw some (insert meat here) into a foil packet w/ spices and back! (Notice, I didn't say "add butter".) ;)


Ok I thought I'd jump in here. As a fat(obese) guy 5'8 hovering sometimes around 400lbs or more. I wear 5x shirts size 60 pants to give you an idea. I do most of my own walking. As long as I got a good pair of shoes (usually crocs) and I take rests then I don't mind walking. But the Heat is a big factor in how much I enjoy. But with most people that's the case.

I been overweight for many many years since they removed my adnoids when I was a kid, since then i've had a heck of a time trying to be thin. Yeah I lost some weight over the years, but also gained it all back plus more too.

I'll be the first to stand up and say "I HATE IT" I've not been able to find a date or for that matter been on a date in years, be on any health insurance, or enjoy many attractions at Disney or do many things normal folks enjoy. I've never been on Splash Mtn, test track, Tot, etc. Even the WDWRR is kinda tight on the knees, and I love Trains. Also its been years since I was in Epcot, and i've never been to DHS, or AK. MK is the only park we visit and Love to spend time at.

Reason being because I don't want my big butt to get stuck in a ride and ruin it for any family as I try squeezing into or out of a ride. I don't want to be laughed at, stared at, or comments made with in an ear shot. It's out of respect to others that I choose NOT to ride so I do not ruin it for other familys who may be visiting for the first time. I still ride many others IASW,HM (one of my favorites)TTA, POTC, etc.

I'm not choosing sides on this matter because there are many i've seen who do abuse the system, but that's with any system out there, there is some one who will find a way around it weather it as to do with money or other matter. Just the evil world we live in.

My weight problem is my cross to bear so far in life, and i'm also doing my best to take care of my 84 year old grandmother, since she raised me growing up it's only fair it's my duty to take care of here, and that in itself can be challenging in it's self. I'll admit it i've shed many tears over being overweight, but for some reason it does not come off quickly enough no matter how much I try. Also being in NE Ohio and the darn bitter cold and snowy days makes it hard to go for long walks. I love the outdoors but not in winter,lol.

Alot of the reason people fail to loose weight I belive can be summed up in one word " STRESS " of course that can be debateable or argured as a excuse, but there been alot of study done on it, but we'll that subjuct for the debates else where.

I'm not sure why many of us are overweight, could be from gentics, the chemicals they use to enhance/preserve foods, poor choices, the list can go on. But the fact is were all fans of Disney, lets be like CM's and make it magical to our fellow Disney guests and show true Disney magic where ever we can. God Bless

I feel for you. You WANT to lose that weight. You even list reasons WHY you want to. You aren't rationalizing, or justifying. You are just honest. I am astounded by your consideration of others, especially since they might not be so considerate to you. You sound like you are a STRESS EATER. Stuff stresses you, you head for the food. And probably not salad. I'm an ANGRY eater. When I get angry or frustrated, for some reason I crave peanut M&Ms. Or Chips. Or Soda. I can eat an entire large bag without blinking. Oh yes. I imagine this is pretty common. I actually got rid of the foods I couldn't control myself with for four months. It caused a little more stress. But it helped me control those cravings better. You should make a sign for your kitchen. All the reasons you'd like to lose some weight. Look at this sign when you get stressed. Think about what your weight prevents you from. See if you can cut down on the worst foods. Don't stress about getting thin. Just take it slow. Can you lose 20 pounds? 40? That's still better than where you are. Set reasonable goals and reward yourself. Deny yourself a trip to WDW until you drop a certain number of pounds. Maybe the next trip you'll feel like trying to get on a ride you haven't been on in a while. At any rate keep trying, and think about your reasons to drop some weight. All the motivation is in your grasp. And good for you caring for your Grandma. Caregiving is sometimes very stressful and demanding. It must be difficult. Good luck.


Well-Known Member
Alot of the reason people fail to loose weight I belive can be summed up in one word " STRESS " of course that can be debateable or argured as a excuse, but there been alot of study done on it, but we'll that subjuct for the debates else where.

The majority of people who are 20lbs. and over who struggle to keep the weight off; the real reason isn't stress...it's peoples' own personal demons/issues. Sometimes people feel like they have to put others needs ahead of their own. I know how you feel--you feel like you live in a prison cell (at least that's how I feel/felt when I was fat/over-weight). It sounds like to me that you have much deep rooted issues then just "stress." Maybe if you talked to a counselor/therapist you might find the reason(s) on what's holding you back and how you can let go. Facing your issues is not easy; believe me--I know. But you have to remember: Your life is like a book; what kind of story/life do you want to tell/experience?


New Member
Many thanks to all who replied to my comments. I'm not blaming anyone for my weight, I know alot of it is my fault, I've made poor eating choices, pizza is a weakness of mine so is cheese. But i've also made right choices too, love red grapes and bananas with apples mixed in.

Forgive me if I don't remember those members names who commented as I kinda sum up a reply here. Look i'm sure i'm a stress eater, maybe I have issues deep inside, the past few months have been challenging with having a house fire, getting robbed, and losing my job.:p:hammer:

I only wrote that my choosing to enjoy Disney in my own way and being respectfull to others was just my way of sharing the magic in my own unique way. I don't get down as much as i'd like, and usually only go for one day to one park. MK holds many wonderful memories to my family, hence my WDWmagic screenname, we go thinking of the great times with we had with family who have gone onto a greater heavenly kingdom.

I appreciate the kind comments and advice and will be beat this weight problem someday. Maybe I was kinda emotional and opened up alittle to much, but I just wanted to be honest when I wrote the comment the other day, I just ment it that as a big guy I respect others and don't want to be the reason some had a lousy time while they visited the parks, is all I ment to sum up the other day.

Lord willing I hope to meet my Disney princess and honeymoon someday at WDW or better yet visit DL with her.

Keep the smiles and happiness going on here, no matter if were thick or thin, were our own special embassordors to the mouse sharing the magic whenever we can. God Bless.:)


Well-Known Member
The majority of people who are 20lbs. and over who struggle to keep the weight off; the real reason isn't stress...it's peoples' own personal demons/issues. Sometimes people feel like they have to put others needs ahead of their own. I know how you feel--you feel like you live in a prison cell (at least that's how I feel/felt when I was fat/over-weight). It sounds like to me that you have much deep rooted issues then just "stress." Maybe if you talked to a counselor/therapist you might find the reason(s) on what's holding you back and how you can let go. Facing your issues is not easy; believe me--I know. But you have to remember: Your life is like a book; what kind of story/life do you want to tell/experience?

Once again, though, this is quite a broad generalization. Do you know for a fact that most people more than 20 pounds overweight have psychological issues? And are you stating that stress is NOT considered a psychological issue? I reiterate what I stated earlier: NONE OF US knows why a fat person is fat. There are numerous medical issues that cause weight gain and heavily complicate weight loss. And, yes, even severe psychological issues are considered MEDICAL issues that compound weight gain/loss. Only fat people truly know how they got fat and why they are fat.

And yes, I'm speaking from experience. I'm fat. Actually, I'm considered MORBIDLY OBESE, which I think is a hoot and completely incorrect. And I have numerous medical issues that contributed to my weight gain and complicate my weight loss.


Bottom line, Unless people are LIVING at WDW they will not gain 50+ lbs while eating their food, nor will they lose 50+ lbs from eating their healthy food.

These people had the weight issues before their vacation. It is not because they came to Disney.

I don't see people coming home and having friends and family say "(Insert name here)! What happened to you?!" nor do I see them say "(Insert name here), you look great! Wow! That Disney sure did the trick for your weight issues!"

No I do not want Disney to make Healthy Only Menus, but I would like to see better options besides a salad. Im in the world for a month straight every year. If I want to eat healthy I don't want to have to chose salads for lunch and dinner everyday because thats all they have...I personally think THAT is unhealthy.

Eating healthy isn't just for overweight people. It is also for those who just want something good for them. Some people don't want to but they have to for issues like diabetes or w/e.

Also it's not really about the fats and cals, it's about HOW MUCH of something you eat. I eat what ever I like but I regulate myself to make sure I dont over eat because I love food and I tend to eat all the way til I feel like :hurl:


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