Weight time vs. wait time...should disney be setting a better example?


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There seem to be two separate discussions paralleling each other throughout this thread.

First, to clarify, no one is suggesting that Disney become the food police or the thought police, just offer some additional healthy and vegetarian choices. No one can take responsibility for their lifestyle if they don't have options available to them; otherwise you might even say that an unhealthy menu is being forced on them.

The other thing that seems to be cropping up here is a debate over the right of people to choose to be obese or not and whether they should endure the judgment of others.

These are 2 different discussions and are being intermingled and some have gotten the impression from this convergence of thoughts that Disney is being suggested to become the overseer of our future health.

It breaks down, IMHO, like this:

1. Disney should provide as many choices in their menu as possible from the traditionally rich and decadent items that the do so well to the healthier and lighter fare that they are starting to add to the menu. Then, as has been suggested, the guests can make their own decisions and take responsibility for their own eating habits.

2. No one should be held up to public humiliation for their physical condition, no matter what it might be. That said, people have to know that human nature seems to be such that this is going to happen regardless of how much we educate the populace about the thoughtlessness of such behavior.

I think some have said that it saddens them to see the number of obese people who are paying the price of their poor choices. That in no way infers judgment but compassion. The question is - what, if anything, do we do about it?

Here! Here!
Next time I'm getting you to write my posts, lol.
I saw a pretty scary news report about a new phenomenon in childhood: diabesity...basically the epic number of obese children w/ diabetes.

IMHO I believe that if many very influential companies like Disney took a pretty proactive role in promoting healthy lifestyles to influence people of all ages you'd see change. I believe although environmentalism has taken a long time to weave itself into our daily lives but now it’s' hard to see a commercial or company who aren't actively promoting how eco-friendly they are.
It also has to start at home, but I know how hard it is to find time and take the meal road less traveled. Let's hope for ours and our children's sake that we can all work together to make some positive change.


I think some have said that it saddens them to see the number of obese people who are paying the price of their poor choices. That in no way infers judgment but compassion. The question is - what, if anything, do we do about it?

there isnt one answer to your question, because there is not just one reason people become obese. genetics plays a big role in what you look like, and some people become injured and simply cant move around as much as they should. but people have to have a desire to lose weight. im overweight at 5'8 220 lbs but it doesnt bother me enough to worry about it. people have worse problems than being too heavy, and thats probably why they're not worried about their weight too much


Well-Known Member
Here! Here!
Next time I'm getting you to write my posts, lol.
I saw a pretty scary news report about a new phenomenon in childhood: diabesity...basically the epic number of obese children w/ diabetes.

IMHO I believe that if many very influential companies like Disney took a pretty proactive role in promoting healthy lifestyles to influence people of all ages you'd see change. I believe although environmentalism has taken a long time to weave itself into our daily lives but now it’s' hard to see a commercial or company who aren't actively promoting how eco-friendly they are.
It also has to start at home, but I know how hard it is to find time and take the meal road less traveled. Let's hope for ours and our children's sake that we can all work together to make some positive change.

Be glad to help you with them posts...:)


Well-Known Member
there isnt one answer to your question, because there is not just one reason people become obese. genetics plays a big role in what you look like, and some people become injured and simply cant move around as much as they should. but people have to have a desire to lose weight. im overweight at 5'8 220 lbs but it doesnt bother me enough to worry about it. people have worse problems than being too heavy, and thats probably why they're not worried about their weight too much

Yes, it is a complex problem with a multi-faceted solution. However, an environment that offers true "choice" might be a step in the right direction.

In the Orlando area we are starting to see many more healthy choices available in our regular grocery stores; things that used to be relegated to "health food" stores. I think this speaks to the issue of new public demand for such items. Disney will eventually take note and respond - because things are definitely trending in that direction.

I will say this about the obesity issue; only in countries with tremendous wealth do you see this problem. You don't have too many obese people in poor countries where food is expensive, so the issue of genetics, while it might influence frame, doesn't have anything to do with how much food we eat. You simply don't see the problem where food is scarce.
Yes, it is a complex problem with a multi-faceted solution. However, an environment that offers true "choice" might be a step in the right direction.

In the Orlando area we are starting to see many more healthy choices available in our regular grocery stores; things that used to be relegated to "health food" stores. I think this speaks to the issue of new public demand for such items. Disney will eventually take note and respond - because things are definitely trending in that direction.

I will say this about the obesity issue; only in countries with tremendous wealth do you see this problem. You don't have too many obese people in poor countries where food is expensive, so the issue of genetics, while it might influence frame, doesn't have anything to do with how much food we eat. You simply don't see the problem where food is scarce.

It is a shame it isn't that simple. You have choices now, in every city in America you can buy healthy food or total junk. In large part it isn't simply a "junk" tastes better reason that people eat unhealthy food. A bigger driver is the cost of healthy food. I know from my college days that eating healthy food is much more expensive than going to the local fast food joint and getting something from a dollar menu. Go to a super market and you'll quickly find that buying only healthy foods will raise your bill. Now I expect Disney needs to make X dollars off every meal they sell, if they sell healthy meals they will have to pass that cost through to you and ask yourself if you think most people on a vacation having fun will willingly fork over more money for food that is healthier - which is it a 4 dollar hot dog or a 6 dollar salad?


Well-Known Member
I will say this about the obesity issue; only in countries with tremendous wealth do you see this problem.

And countries with "dolla menus"

It is hard to eat right. I hear people at work that eat out a lot and eat fast food because they "can't cook." My Dad always says, "If you can read, you can cook." We do have a society of parents that don't cook anymore. :(

I don't see so many more overweight people in WDW than elsewhere. I wonder if there's more obesity in the country than in the large cities? Living here in "redneck Florida" we have a lot of obese young people. Most of my girlfriends are on diets and need to be. Oh I hope none of them read this. :eek:


Active Member
I was addicted to junk food for 39 years. I got to be extremely over weight. When I was told by my doctor that if I didn`t change the way I was eating I would DIE! I had to give this alot of serious thought and in 5 seconds I realized I had to change my ways. I`ve lost 50+ and my life has never been so good. Food choices are an every day bummer but they are neccesary. I have a personal goal to lose 65 pounds before we go to wdw. I want to eat whatever I want when I`m there. I am hearing alot of excuses here from the heavy crowd{ which I used to be apart of } It`s not that bad to eat better, and it makes the indulges so sweet.


Well-Known Member
And countries with "dolla menus"

It is hard to eat right. I hear people at work that eat out a lot and eat fast food because they "can't cook." My Dad always says, "If you can read, you can cook." We do have a society of parents that don't cook anymore. :(

I don't see so many more overweight people in WDW than elsewhere. I wonder if there's more obesity in the country than in the large cities? Living here in "redneck Florida" we have a lot of obese young people. Most of my girlfriends are on diets and need to be. Oh I hope none of them read this. :eek:

Speaking of the young "obese" people, look at the food that the school systems provide, it is not fresh or healthy at all in our area. (I do not consider canned peaches in heavy syrup as a fruit to be a healthy choice) It is the everyday choices that cause the problems... IMHO
I stay on a "diet" too, low carb, but at WDW I eat what I want with no weight change and I am at a very healthy weight.
I cook fresh everyday, it isn't that hard, it is not an option for us to out of a box or at a takeout window.


Well-Known Member
I read the OP and first page but not all other pages and my take is this......(sorry is stated already)

This is exactly what is wrong in this country..... everyone wants govt or business to deciede what is right for all.(And then in the future they can blame govt or business) The term for people like that is Sheeple... just follow along and do what the flock does and tells them. Disney does already offer quite a variety of choices for guests. Had to laugh when people stated there was not any healthy choices......and that Disney should enforce healthier choices...... I immediately thought 2 apples slices before allowing you to ride Dumbo and you better polish off a banana and a bag of carrots if you want to go on Splash Mountain. :ROFLOL:For Gods sake people you have a brain.. make the right decision for yourself and live with it and let others live with their decisions.
Now let me go eat my Pringles and M&Ms.


Well-Known Member
...I don't see so many more overweight people in WDW than elsewhere. I wonder if there's more obesity in the country than in the large cities? Living here in "redneck Florida" we have a lot of obese young people. Most of my girlfriends are on diets and need to be. Oh I hope none of them read this. :eek:

I do see more obese people at WDW than elsewhere, and I posted earlier that I was puzzled as to why.

After reading some more posts, I think I've had an epiphany. WDW accepts (let's say) large people, accomodates them, and there is more stuff for them to do than at other resort areas, especially theme and amusement parks.

I have experienced this myself, having not fit in some ride vehicles at other parks, but never at Disney.


I think that the Disney Corporation should stick to what they're in business for--entertainment--and leave what people choose to eat up to the people. There's no excuse for a corporation to push its views of what makes a good meal on anyone. The best they can do is offer a variety of foods to the people who choose to frequent their establishments and let them make the decisions. In other words, a person's weight/health is that person's own individual responsibility and concern.

Well said. I agree.


New Member
It would be nice to have more healthy options in the parks but I understand why they dont ($$$). I think we have all seen steps toward increasing the customers options, but it basically comes down to is money and the fact that if people want to eat all those hamburgers and fries, Disney is going to make it available.


New Member
I'd be terribly unhappy if they got rid of my hot dogs and fries at WDW! :slurp: I'm with the majority of posters who say let each park guest decide instead of limiting the food options for everyone else.

I know quite a few people who love a hamburger/fried food here and there and are not even slightly over-weight (myself among them). The parks are just not the place to try to get people to eat healthy. It just won't happen.


Well-Known Member

A really good article about the increasing size of riders for theme parks.

When i was at WDW 2 weeks ago there were two main things that bothered me: 1) how many truly obese people were visiting and
2) although there were some healthy choices available, most of the food served was pretty unhealthy. ie. burgers, fries, chips, etc.

They're getting rid of smoking in their films but do you think that Disney should stand up and lead the way to serving only healthy food in their parks?

*I'm not talking about getting rid of the candy and dole whips, more like the burger/fries combos served for meals.

Absolutely not. It is not Disney's place to set an example. Better parenting should be in place, however.

People have no concept of what is healthy or not and truly do not understand portion size. The DW and I do weight watchers as we are not overweight but found that it really teaches portion control. We can eat every meal in the parks (even fried chicken and fish and burgers) and find ways to stay at our daily point level. Normal weight people will tell you that you can be satisfied for several hours on a single piece of fruit. There is a key to this for everyone....eat slower. It takes your brain about 20 minutes after you're full to realize it but by then you were so starving you devoured everything in site.
Try this: Next time you are STARVING out of your mind eat 1 apple or other piece of fruit and wait 20 minutes. You'll notice that you feel pretty satisfied and even if you are still hungry you won't be "out of your mind" famished and can make a more sensible choice. it is hard and I've been there where you are thinking "I can't atand it just pull over to McDonalds I can't wait to get home."


God bless the "Ignore" button.
People are just using Disney, or society in general, as a scapegoat. While it's true that they don't set good examples, that's not their jobs! Their job is to make money by offering the people what the people want. Here's a controversial question, though: Does Disney need to upgrade the size of some of it's seats? On one hand, is it Disney's responsibility to make sure their attractions can accomodate guests of all sizes... on the other, is it fair to spend everyone's money on what would only lower ride capacity and benefit those who live an unhealthy lifestyle? Ooo! Controversy!
If you always eat healthy, youll find ways to eat healthy at Disney. If you eat like me, normal everyday foood, then at least you can still be happy at Disney. This is like all the out of shape peolple that decide to use the fitness centers and arobics classes only when thay go on a cruise, or stay in a hotel. A week of healthy food forced on anyone isnt going to change life long habbits. Disney is just trying to make It easier because more people are making those life long changes at home, and may want to continue it on vacation. Last time I looked, theres plenty of normal, fast food type Items everywhere you look.


Well-Known Member
I read the OP and first page but not all other pages and my take is this......(sorry is stated already)

This is exactly what is wrong in this country..... everyone wants govt or business to deciede what is right for all.(And then in the future they can blame govt or business) The term for people like that is Sheeple... just follow along and do what the flock does and tells them. Disney does already offer quite a variety of choices for guests. Had to laugh when people stated there was not any healthy choices......and that Disney should enforce healthier choices...... I immediately thought 2 apples slices before allowing you to ride Dumbo and you better polish off a banana and a bag of carrots if you want to go on Splash Mountain. :ROFLOL:For Gods sake people you have a brain.. make the right decision for yourself and live with it and let others live with their decisions.
Now let me go eat my Pringles and M&Ms.

If it isn't Disney's responsibility to promote healthy eating habits, then how do you explain them eliminating smoking in their films, the Circle of Life show and pretty much all of Animal Kingdom that promotes environmental awareness, the environmentality program that is promoted throughout the resorts, all of the pavillions at Epcot that promote awareness of a number of issues, including the Oceans, the Land, energy usage, waste disposal, etc, etc...

They are trying to positively influence people in all these other ways, so why not with their food selection as well? Ultimately, it still is everyone's responsibiltiy to decide if they want an apple or a hamburger. Disney is offering the option, they aren't deciding for them.


New Member
I went to WDW on the South Beach diet in 2006 and I had no trouble finding healthy options. The junk food prevails, yes, because it tastes good and that's what people want to eat, but there is plenty of healthy and tasty stuff at WDW.
At the ice cream carts, you can get sugarfee strawberry bars or frozen bananas rather than ice cream. Water instead of soda. At most eateries you can get salad. I was impressed with the number of things served on whole grain bread these days. At my food court at POR there was even sugarfree ice cream in the desert area.
People must accept that they alone are responsible for what they eat.
And also the OP needs to understand that not all weight problems are caused by diet.

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